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14 years ago

Oh wow, that was a really bigoted statement about materialists from Christopher. I really hope that was a misquote.

14 years ago

“I’m a true believer that what keeps us from anarchy is the fact that the majority of us believe that our souls have to answer to something once these physical vessels are exhausted. So if you don’t have that burden, what keeps you from doing whatever the f— you want to do?” The knowledge that anarchy would ensue if people did not behave in manners conducive to societal integrity, such as by abiding the governmental laws that we have to answer to if we do whatever illegal thing we want.. That said, I look forward to watching the show, it… Read more »

14 years ago

i’m super glad the sg1 movie is just waiting for mgm to clean up their stupid financial mess… now hurry the heck up, mgm!! :p

14 years ago

, it said that he was joking. Not to mention, getting an entire cast and production team together after hiatus really does take a lot of money so he wouldn’t be far off the mark. Nobody is in it for charity.

14 years ago

: I’m a believer turned materialist – my faith just wasn’t strong enough to handle the ugliness of reality – and I don’t see anything wrong with his comment.

14 years ago

Wasn’t Shanks producing this too? Or was that something else…

14 years ago

: Chris did say that he wanted Michael Shanks to play Lucifer. I think it’ll depend on scheduling/money/Starz willingness…

14 years ago

@SciFiForLife. 1) That isn’t funny. Even as a joke it would be blatantly wrong and should be called out as such. 2) His statement has nothing to do with “getting an entire cast and production team together after hiatus” nor does it have anything to do with not being a charity. It was entirely unnecessary and false. @katikatnik That’s all well and good. I’m not a materialist and I did find something wrong with his statement. I know many materialists and they are some of the most ethical and trust worthy people I’ve met. On the other hand I’ve known… Read more »

14 years ago

“I’m a true believer that what keeps us from anarchy is the fact that the majority of us believe that our souls have to answer to something once these physical vessels are exhausted. So if you don’t have that burden, what keeps you from doing whatever the f— you want to do? Nothing.”

What keeps me from doing w/e I want ? Moral values ! How could you say something like that…I know the USA is full of in-fairy-tales-believing ppl, but why you ? :(

14 years ago

@Gaeth Maybe you can explain to be how his statements were naive and absolutely false. I thought at best he is being presumptuous and taking liberties with the hypothetical, but I completely missed the part where he says that materialists are somehow amoral. I took his comments to relate to people of faith acting the way they do because of their beliefs, or need for a higher power in their lives. I read that and then was completely surprised that he somehow offended the opposite group of people. Maybe this conversation is all in good fun, but it seems like… Read more »

14 years ago

Why dont we all just stop procrastinating about a show we know very little about. If it gets made, Great, but in the fickle TV industry, a Pilot means diddly squat, unless its a good pilot.

14 years ago

@RemyMichael I already have explained it, but I shall go into further detail: “I’m a true believer that what keeps us from anarchy is the fact that the majority of us believe that our souls have to answer to something once these physical vessels are exhausted.” Here he says, in other words, that if it were not for the belief of an afterlife where our consciousness /souls are held accountable -i.e. punished, rewarded etc- that we would have “anarchy”. Anarchy literally means ‘no government’ but it also means no social order and lawlessness. You might be able to say that… Read more »

14 years ago

@Gaeth: They’ve all moved on to other things and have other opportunities to choose between. The network let them go because of money, why would they make their decision of whether to come back for any other reason? They all seemed to have enjoyed the experience enough to where they’re interested in considering it if the opportunity arises, but why would they turn down something that’s offering more for it if they’ll just be cast aside again once it’s over? Christopher Judge’s career has come a long way and he’s just acknowledging it. @Hazor & CZEKing: I think you’re missing… Read more »

Elder Dragon
Elder Dragon
14 years ago

this show sounds awesome really

14 years ago

Damn Michael Shanks need to be in it too :)
Join for facebook fangroup Rage of Angels;

14 years ago

: That has absolutely nothing to do with anything I said.

As to your replies to the others, I’m not going to bother getting bogged down about arguing over whether morals are relativistic, situational, absolute, objective, or whatever. I will say this though, the fact that people have different perceptions on a thing/idea/whatever does not mean that thing is subjective.