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14 years ago

I never saw the Scott/Young relationship as a father/son (militerized it may be) one but more commander and subordant. Was/is Scott even the XO? Where are they coming up with this idea that Scott is starting to fracture as well? If they mean questioning Youngs actions and being indecisive with things such as if they should stay on the planet or go gate hopping I would say that is normal. Personally I think Young at least has the right idea in regards to their situation. They are billions of lightyears from earth, all on their own, have to gather everything… Read more »

14 years ago

“I know there was a little bit of negativity surrounding that and that [some people thought] it was too character-driven. But I feel like the consequences are greater. Now it’s a story about these characters that we know and the circumstances they’re in, as opposed to it just being about the circumstance.” I have to say I complete disagree with her statement. I had more invested emotionally in both SG1 and SGA’s characters in the first year than I have with any of these guys. In fact, I find most of these characters still to be quite detestable and I… Read more »

14 years ago

I really like SGU, but I have to agree with you in part re the above point regarding characters. I do like all the younger players in the series or, more specifically, their characters. But, as for Col.Young and Rush, I could easily do without either one of them. In fact, I really thing SGU would be even more interesting and appeal to a larger audience if it happened that both Rush and Young were killed early on Season 2 and Scott and all the rest were therefore forced to take up the burden or chore or opportunity (however one… Read more »

14 years ago

jjs: i completely agree with what you are saying. With the exception of eli, i have a hard time actually liking the characters. Which is something that i really liked about SG1 and SGA. The characters drew me into the show and were fun to watch. don’t get me wrong, i watch and enjoy SGU. it has its ups and downs but i still like it. I find their situation believable, the drama and action realistic but the characters are OK. I am hoping that everything that has happened so far will ultimately help define the characters and make them… Read more »

14 years ago

Long live SGU! Can’t wait for October :)

14 years ago

first id just like to say i mean no disrespect for the comments already posted but some of u really need to pay attention to wots happening in this show, kellx u got it spot on about young been a flawed person but thats a good thing it makes it more realistic more believable, every character is flawed in some way or another, youngs relationship with tj makes a lot of sense to me and as much as i love the o’neill/carter moments it got boring after the first couple of seasons and something i personally would not have had… Read more »

14 years ago

I think the show has greatly improved in the second half of the season. Unfortunately, the 1st has was so slow it may have turned off a lot of viewers as evidenced by the poor ratings. I hope that they’re able to bring in some new viewers in season 2.

14 years ago

@jjs I have to say I completely disagree with your statement. You had way more time with Sg-1 and SGA characters than SGU since it’s only been on one season. These characters aren’t detestable (not all of them), they just aren’t pristine paragons. The pace of the show isn’t slow. It’s arc driven. We don’t get the same cookie cutter formula ‘action’ show where everything is saved in 45 minutes. Where almost everyone is one dimensional and change little. I will tune in next season because I actually care what happens and this is the most interesting and exciting version… Read more »

14 years ago

I like the characters of SG1 and SGA since the first episode of those series. And I have seen enough of SGU to be sure, that I will never like any of the SGU characters. I think they are unlikeable and/or boring.

14 years ago

It is indeed true that SGU had to set up many characters compared to SG1/SGA. But its how you get to know them I guess. In SG1/A We slowly learn about them, little tidbits at a time. In SGU, it seems they just dedicate one episode to a character, one week, its Eli, next its Chloe, then Rush, then Greer and so on. Whether or not you like that is your choice, but to me, it seemed like they rushed those characters down your throat and forced them into place.

14 years ago

Well, I for one am glad now that I stuck with it. It really was moving too slowly at first, and I told myself that if they didn’t introduce the bad guys, I would throw in the towel. The next episode had the aliens. After that, I just keep watching to see how the story progressed; and even though there were no more alien encounters, the last two episodes really kept my attention and will see me come back to watch the second season. Job well done.

14 years ago

I have read most of your comments. I agree with parts of some and parts of others on both sides of the spectrum. I’ll say this in regards to the character development: 1. Have you ever in a two hour movie been attached to characters? For instance LOTR, I’ll venture to guess the majority of us here have seen them. Did you not fall in love with the characters in the first or by the last part? Did we need them to go back to their normal lives for a drawn out storyline? No, we learn about the characters and… Read more »

14 years ago

The second half of the season was way better than the first one, but I’m afraid it will never be quite as SG1 or SGA. I was sooo happy seing Sam, Jack and Daniel in the finale and again, I wish for some miracle to happen with the movies…

I’ll watch SGU of course, but more out of habit and some “obligation” because it is the continuing of the two of my all time favourite series than any real affection for the show.

14 years ago

I love SGU, ever since SG1 and SGA finished, im glad SGU was there to fill my love for Stargate as a whole. I love the stories I have always wanted to know how the Stargates are seeded this may be my chance. The charactes are amazing I have never seen an episode where im shouting at the TV because Rush started a coup de gra. I love how Rush at first was just a guy wanting to unlock the 9th chevron evolved into a sneaky ‘I don’t care if im in your way im still doing it’ guy. Chloe… Read more »

14 years ago

My personal problem with the “character development” we see on Universe is not that it’s done, or how it’s done technically. If they want to do a series of episodes focusing on individual characters, fine with me. It’s just that the more backstory of these characters I get, the less sense many of them make. I mean, this (to me) transcends multifaceted (which would be commendable and interesting) and plunges down to where I just plain fail to make out any motivation for character actions that seems even half way logical to me. Scott is a prime example of this.… Read more »

14 years ago

to quote spock “a horse must first be broken before it can reach his full potential.” if they develop the characters to be a bit more like able, and all around better, either that or get rid of a few and replace them with better characters, like ford and ronon. If they improve this, i think SGU could easily become the best series so far. – Kellx

If you’re going to use a Spock quote, use a real one like “The Universe will unfold as it should.” I think that one seems much more fitting at the moment.