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14 years ago

Thank you, Chad, for such a interesting and insightful interview. Brian is a fine young actor with, in my opinion, a long and successful career ahead of him. In re-watching season 1.0 on the current DVDs, I am now seeing the nuances of many of the wonderful performances by much of the cast. Brian, in particular, has made many really good choices on things past the print on the script page. I believe that he will be more than capable of “holding his own” with exceptional actors such as Robert Carlyle and Louis Ferreira. Brian definitely has a screen presence… Read more »

Eternal Density
Eternal Density
14 years ago

The link to this page on twitter actually points to which is of course a dead link.

14 years ago

Hey Chad, great interview, Brian seems like a very down to earth guy :). Just wanted to point out, your caption on the first picture on Page 2 says he gives “Young” warning, when I’m pretty sure it should be “Rush”. Thanks again for the great interview, and I hope to see him at future cons!

14 years ago

I must respectfully disagree with the title and premise of the interview. Lt. Scott is not a good leader at all and he has certainly failed leadership training. He has slept with a direct subordinate and then dumped her without even facing her. He has directly disobeyed or questioned Young’s orders constantly (Space, Faith, and Subversion/Incursion Pt. 1 for example). He cannot lead if he cannot effectively serve.

14 years ago

Sorry BS, wrong again. I’d repeat anything I’ve written on the net about the show to your face at a convention and stand behind it.

14 years ago

Love this show, keep up the good work! Can’t wait to see season 2.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

Ditto, Mentat. It must be some sort of defense mechanism to label all online critics as basement dwelling insincere cowards. Smith has some gall to speak out against personal attacks on the internet when both he and his mother have been smearing everyone from fans to the owners of gateworld.

14 years ago

“You more than anyone know that there is a very vocal, partial section of fans of Stargate who are critical of SGU. If they haven’t already made up their minds, the ones that are on the fence that are actually going to keep watching, what would you say to keep them watching? Or come back and sample it again — the ones that aren’t aware of the good things that are going to come?”

This question was not answered in a satisfactory manner, I have to say.

14 years ago

Leader in training? Sure, you are following on the footsteps of your leader. Col Young. He cheated on his wife and was sleaping around, and made a direct subordinate pregnant. You are sleaping around, and now only have to make Lt. James Pregnant. leader in the making, my backside!

14 years ago

Scott is not a leader, nor is he a character I can admire or like. Memo to BJS: not everyone is going to like you, your work, or the characters you play. Not everyone who dislikes you, your work, or the characters you play are basement dwelling trolls. Some of us just don’t like you, your work, or the characters you play. Accept that fact.


[…] installment concerns fandom comments that one of its stars (Brian J. Smitn – Lt. Scott) made ( during a recent […]

14 years ago

I understand that at a recent con BJS wasn’t too happy about having someone face him with complaints about his show/acting… a little over-sensitive maybe?

14 years ago

Brian I’m sure your a great guy but the best way to handle people who hate the show is just to say “Sorry you don’t like the show.” And than just move on.

14 years ago

Brian, Brian, Brian, sorry pal, but many of us who are critical of the show here on the internet would be more than happy to tell you to your face that we think the show is bad. I am not in my “basement” and I am not a hateful person. I have legitimate complaints and concerns about what has been done to the Stargate franchise. I dislike your character and the way he is portrayed as a poor military leader who lacks judgment and common sense. I’m more than qualified to comment on this matter having led troops at an… Read more »

14 years ago

I always liked the premise of SG, but could never bring myself to watch it regularly until SGU came along. Despite it’s flaws, season 1 had some great moments! I think a lot of the cast (including Brian) does a great job! My only complaint is that the writers and directors need to understand their characters, and make them more consistent. Yes they are “all the wrong people”, but lets see some learn from their mistakes, grow, and emerge as leaders. Lets see some consistency in how they act and react. Lets not make them over-react at every turn just… Read more »