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13 years ago

Would it be possible for you to list who does the commentaries for which episode please?

13 years ago

I loved this show and I loved the direction that the writers and producers took. I certainly do not buy into the idea that SGU was a mistake or that the franchise neglected their fan base. It’s a shame the series was ended prematurely.

I have a quick question. Do DVD and BluRay sales primarily benefit the producers or does SyFy/Sci-Fi channel get any of the income? I have a tough time these days supporting SyFy and would rather try supporting the franchise some other way. Is Netflix or iTunes a better option for me?

Ugly Pig
Ugly Pig
13 years ago

There better be a Blu-Ray release at some point, or this will be the first Stargate season I will not own. And believe me, it pains me to say it…

13 years ago

im for sure gonna pick this up to complete my sg collection sadly it wont be complete when there is no real end to sgu

13 years ago

I’m sorry, but I won’t double dip anymore. I don’t have a job at the moment so I have to pick and choose my purchases, and I’ll be picking up Lord of the Rings Extended Edition on blu ray next week…which will be triple dipping – I own the EE on DVD but want the blu ray, and I bought the theatrical on blu ray knowing that they were going to release the EE at a later date, but I wanted both for my collection. I’m sorry, but the fact that they are not releasing DVD and Blu Ray at… Read more »

TV Junkie
TV Junkie
13 years ago

I don’t understand why they only release it on DVD. If they aren’t releasing it in both formats, it should be released only on Blu-Ray…in certain circles that format is what’s known as the “current generation.” Commit, for frak’s sake!

As much as I hate to not be supporting the show by buying it, I’m not going to buy the first season on DVD when it is available on Blu-Ray, and I’m not going to buy the first season on Blu-Ray when the second season is only available on DVD! Bad business decisions, as far as I’m concerned…


[…] Review: SGU Season Two on DVD: “Louis Ferreira vs. Colonel Young” had me laughing my guts out. The character of Young completely disarms you for the partying fiesta that is the actor behind the role. He tapes a mustache to his face and he’s someone completely different. It’s quite a treat that several of these moments were captured on film. Meanwhile they are inter-cut with the stoic and serious Colonel Young. It’s hard to believe these two are the same man. […]

13 years ago

@TV Junkie MGM is kind of notorious for bad business decisions, it sort of got them where they are now lol.

13 years ago

Will never buy it on DVD.

I have season 1 on blu-ray, and given the fact the the UK season 2 blu-ray has been cancelled, looks like I am stuck with just season 1.

Give me season 2 on blu-ray, or give me death!

13 years ago

SyFy is “alot of work” as Colonel Younge puts it.

13 years ago

@MadrickBay DVD BlueRay profits go to the producers and MGM. SYFY only gets money from advertiser spots in the show. When it airs on the network. That is why they kept telling people to watch it live. So when your show gets canceled it’s, because not enough people are watching it live. Or the producers don’t want to do it anymore. Networks are never tired of airing a show they will air it even if there is no more story to tell, and the show should have ended long ago as long as it has great rating. So SGU’s cancelation… Read more »

13 years ago

In my opinion the only thing in home entertainment more overrated than blu-ray is 3D.

13 years ago

As I’m reading the comments, I see a lot of “Blu-ray vs DVD” arguments. Jesus, this is like the VHS vs DVD thing all over again. Except this time, Blu-ray costs too fucking much and DVD prices don’t stab the average man’s wallet in the jugular. Quit bitching over the lack of a blu-ray release. I find it VERY hard to believe you don’t still have a DVD player. It’s not like you’re migrating from a machine that reads TAPE to a machine that reads DIGITAL FORMAT or anything. And I use the word “you” in general and not to… Read more »

Ugly Pig
Ugly Pig
13 years ago

No, I will not quit “bitching” about the lack of a blu-ray release. Maybe you’re not so quality conscious that you have any need for HD, that’s fine, I’m not going to berate you for it. So please show those of us who do care about such things the same level of respect.

13 years ago

If YOU knew how superior blu ray is to dvd YOU would be “bitching” too. I’m sick & tired of showing SyFy that I “care” The way we watch television in the 21st century has changed, media formats have changed. SyFy needs to move into the 21st century or be left behind like the music industry was. oh and YOU need to move into the 21st century too.

13 years ago

I stuck out the slow start and got sucked into an awesome season 2, only to be left with an unfinished story, then to just add insult they release season 2 on DVD rather than Blue Ray (HD)…I feel like; I went in and spent hours negotiating with a high class hooker (season 1), finally got to the action (season 2), only to be be shoved out the door before finishing (syfy channel), then kicked in the balls by the pimp (MGM)…

13 years ago

@ Ugly Pig & Joeclubkid: I HAVE experienced Blu-Ray and I can honestly say that I see (and hear) NO DIFFERENCE in quality between a Blu-Ray disc and a DVD disk when watched on an HDTV. Not only that, but Blu-Ray is almost twice the cost of DVD–and the DVD is selling for $30. Use your maths. So it’s not like I’m “disrespecting” or “left behind,” I’m merely pointing out that A LOT of people have been sucked into the illusion that 120 frames per second is better than 60 frames per second–And it’s not. They’re the same quality. Blu-Ray… Read more »

Ugly Pig
Ugly Pig
13 years ago

Greenfire32 – I get it already… You think we’re just sheep following a trend, and the only reason we’re buying Blu-Ray is because we’re being fooled into believing it’s better than DVD when it’s actually not. Gimme a break. For your own sake, stop discussing this. You’re embarassing yourself, seriously. You just proved that you have NO idea what you’re talking about, whatsoever. What’s this talk about 120 vs 60 frames per second? That has nothing to do with DVD vs Blu-Ray. Nothing at all. What Blu-Ray brings to the table is, first and foremost; HD video. The DVD format… Read more »

TV Junkie
TV Junkie
13 years ago

– I’m sorry to hear you have glaucoma.

13 years ago

– you have experienced blu-ray, and compared it to a standard DVD and have seen no difference, on an HDTV set? please confirm, because i just cannot believe you have done this.

13 years ago

True HD is RAZOR sharp. There is one thing that I have noticed; my sister, my friends wife & my cousin (girl) are not capable of telling the difference between HD & SD. To them it looks exactly the same. Could it be more than a coincidence… ??? Could HD just be a guy thing…??? Women on here, please don’t hate me, I’m just making a statement that has happened in my household with the women in my life.

13 years ago

No Blu-ray for SGU? I love HD; DVDs are OK if there is no 1080p version on offer, I suppose. Oh well, back to my 1080i recordings, I guess.

13 years ago

“I stuck out the slow start and got sucked into an awesome season 2, only to be left with an unfinished story”

Season 2 was bellow average at its best. It only looks good if you compare it with the awfulness that was season 1.

13 years ago

It takes (much) too much time when those DVD`s and bluray`s arrive here in Finland. Whole process is too slow. I would buy dvd when it`s (with subtitles) here and upgrade it to bluray when that is available. But before even localized dvd is here everyone is probably travelling with spaceship or something.

13 years ago

What the frell is wrong with these people?? First they murder the entire Stargate franchise by canning SGU, and now they’re even going the extra mile to bury it deeply by not releasing it on Bluray??? WHAT THE FRELL!! They shot the whole frelling thing in HD so you’d think it wouldn’t be hard to slap it on some bluray discs. I had been long-time anticpating this bluray release. I’m even signed up on to notify me when it becomes available (that’s probably screwed anyways). I don’t care if it was cancelled, I still want this show on frelling… Read more »