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10 years ago

YEha first comment. BUt hey whta are they thinking about a whole new reboot… that’s just flawed and full of mistakes i can see from here. So they can’t continue fully from the first movie but thanks to the alternate n parellel universes they can still continue of the first movie. While i’m waiting for these movies i still think that a new reboot back to tell the original story is a bad idea. Telling the story of finding the gate sounds good but wouldn’t it be better to tell the story of the rebellion that sealed the gate in… Read more »

10 years ago

Hopefully it will be a new story. It would be pretty boring to just remake the first movie.

10 years ago

How about no? You let the show go, and someone else ran with it. As a fan of the franchise, to me the original movie is a very small portion of the story. Everything I like about Stargate came form the tv shows and related media. I have no interest in a reboot, or whatever he plans, because he’s made it very clear that his Stargate is nothing like the TV show.

10 years ago

Noooooooooooooooooo! I had desperately hoped they would at least only do new movies, and not try to redo the series in the spirit of the first movie. This, for a Tok’ra lover, is really a worst case scenario for Stargate’s future :(

10 years ago

Sorry but I won’t pay to watch these movies as a complete reboot. It was bad enough when I thought he was going to pick up where the first movie left off. But now he wants to rediscover the gates? The train has already gone off the cliff and he’s the only one that thinks he still on the tracks. I’ll watch the movie (there won’t be more than one because the others will be canceled after the epic fail of the first) on Netflix out of curiosity but I am sure it will be painful.

Thunderbird 2
Thunderbird 2
10 years ago

None of this is a surprise to me. Bad Robot Productions has made a fortune for Paramount / Viacom with the Abrams Star Trek. Its trite, lacks depth, but works as cheap popcorn action Sci Fi. – Made a ton at the box office. Seeing this example, MGM clearly feel that the only real option with Stargate is to do something similar. As a result Emmerich and Devlin are doing the film franchise they wanted to. It probably will make a ludicrous amount of money, but tell its own story and be po faced and lack any sense of depth… Read more »

10 years ago

I have very little interest in this too. I agree with Thunderbird above, Star Trek is my life, I grew up with it, loved all the movies and series, all that is except for the JJ movies. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have something new Star Trek to see, but there are so many problems with the JJ movies and the fact that 40 years of the original Star Trek universe is ignored just doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve said this before here and I’ll say it again, I think Stargate fans are going to get to… Read more »

Joe Friday
Joe Friday
10 years ago

At least the Star Trek reboot used a clever plot device to leave intact the original series and movies as part of an “alternate time line”. Even the new X-Men found a way to incorporate the original X-Men into their rebooted universe. I would hope that any new Stargate project wouldn’t invalidate the shows that preceded it, but I’m highly doubtful.

10 years ago

so this starting over from the beginning feels like we’re going to be watching an episode of sg1 or atlantis, about a people that discover they have a gate and everything that happens because of it. i just can’t see how any of this will be *really* different than what we’d get from an episode of sg1 or atlantis… well, other than no beloved sg1 and atlantis characters that we fell in love with… 17 seasons of tv stargate and two movies, and there were a LOT of stories told. there’s still a lot TO be told, but i have… Read more »

10 years ago

Man that sucks. Remake. Thats annoying. Continue the series or the story after the series not new movies with the same story. I dont understand remakes now a days.

10 years ago

Great News

10 years ago

@ Paul_Boland
“I think Stargate fans are going to get to see what us Star Trek fans feel like in regards to the new movies…”

As a big fan of the new Star Trek movies I would be happy with that. However I doubt that the Stargate movies will be as good.

10 years ago

I’ll probably watch these new Stargate movies but I’m not expecting much and therefore won’t be disappointed. You know, when in doubt, lower your expectations. Here’s a thought: What if this new feature tanks? They won’t do a third just to lose money. Then perhaps the TV series can be resurrected without the Devlin/Emmerich sword dangling over our heads. In some alternate timeline, this will all happen. I just hope we all get to live in that timeline.

10 years ago

I think a TV Series would be a better way to go, 3 movies give a few hours of enjoyment but a TV series goes on for years. Obviously as a Stargate fan there’s no doubt in my mind that I WILL watch these movies when they come out (probably downloaded though) and as its going to be a complete reboot I’m happy to watch them with the thinking that I’m watching an episode of SG-1 from an alternate timeline perspective -or parallel universe even. Perhaps he will cast some of the incredibly talented actors form the TV series to… Read more »

10 years ago

As a true fan of Stargate, I’m VERY worried with this anti-reboot-movie movement by so-called fans. They r the same fans who caused death to Stargate franchise when they opposed SGU. Come on! Be grateful that we’ll see another Stargate movies. Consider the movies as ALTERNATE REALITY of Stargate!

10 years ago

So are you telling me I have to forget about Jack O’neil? Are they renaming people? I don’t understand this. Why break it?

10 years ago

I was really afraid of this… but I had to wait until I actually heard it from the mouth(s) of MGM’s new/old SG saviors to really conclude that my original fear about those two were right on the money: They have no intention of- nor had any intention to- bring along with their ‘reboot’ some measure of the 17-year legacy of the *original* Stargate franchise (which included their very own movie!), the fan-base, or the characters cherished by that same fan-base. BSG was/is a franchise; but, even with a reboot by RDM, it kept a lot of the references and… Read more »

10 years ago

I say we should build a quantum mirror and find a universe where they continued the shows and buy the dvds there and watch them in this universe. Yeah I will watch the reboot but just won’t be the same. While the movie was good, it’s the tv series and its spinoff that is the heart of the series.

10 years ago

DEAN LEAVE THE FRANCHISE ALONE bring the real stargate guys in on this don’t just go reboot we must re-use and make moneys because that **** wont fly here these are intelligent individuals not call of duty fans just continue the franchise we are not saying make a SGU movie all we want in closure for SGU then continue however you want in all fairness i think the SGC is intellegent enough with carter and mackay to find some peice of asgard super drive inside the computer core they received and build it into a 304 class cruiser and run… Read more »

10 years ago

“Wormhole X-Treme!”, anyone?

10 years ago

Alas, my friends! I think we’ll find the only realistic way Stargate is going to continue is a reboot. As much as I adore SG-1, I think that era of the Stargate Universe is over. But it’s the Stargate Universe! We know very well there are parallel universes, alternate dimensions and what have you. I think it’s exciting to explore one of these with the Stargate movie reboot. As well as bringing Staragte to a new generation, it could pave the way for other spin-offs within the Universe. Who’s to say a new TV show can’t be spawned from this… Read more »

10 years ago

And with that report… I’ve decided not to bother watching this film. Devlin and Emerich are untalented hacks on the best of days. Hearing that they planned to revisit the theatrical film–the weakest aspect of the entire franchise, other than the cartoon series–was bad enough. Now they’re just going to re-tell the same story? No, thank you. These guys have less talent between the two of them than my cat does at playing fetch.

10 years ago

There goes half the problem right there why we lost stargate in the first place
People like MAXRPG only downloading, go out and buy them if you want to watch them don’t destroy it for the rest of us

I’m open minded about it, something is better than nothing at all

10 years ago

I adored the original movie and truth be told, didn’t give the TV series any credence for a while. Finally I decided to watch the first season of SG-1 and never looked back. I’m sure I’ll watch the “reboot” but the whole idea just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s like this… Someone builds a house you really like. After a year they sell it to you and you make it your own for the next 20 years, never hearing a peep from the original owner. All of a sudden, after 20 years the original owner returns, bags… Read more »

10 years ago

Hasn’t his story changed? I swear I remember a few years back he was saying “Our second movie would’ve picked up years later, so it’s perfect that we’d be making it 16 years later!”

10 years ago

What I’m curious is why they would do this. A lot of it doesn’t add up. Stargate is famous because of the show, not the movie. Indeed the movie was what lead to creating the movie, but it itself was just average. I think these guys need to go take a good look at episode 200 and take some notes. Also, how do they possibly believe this “reboot” has a chance in hell of being successful if they throw away all the concepts that took 17 seasons to make? I can’t really see them being *that* foolish. However I could… Read more »

10 years ago

I’d be interested to see how they approach this, I’m open to a reboot if they use it to advance the franchise. It seemed to me they lost their way over the years and need to examine their reason for wanting to continue. Perhaps this will be their chance to redeem this concept and make it something we can get excited about again.

10 years ago

One thing that most seem not to remember, that to the best of my knowledge, Devlin and Emmerich do not have any claim on the Stargate TV franchise. Therefore, I believe that Brad Wright, etc., would have to give permission to use any characters that they created. (Carter, Teal’c etc.) I really don’t see any of them coming back in subsequent films after their “reboot” of the original movie.

10 years ago

This is great

10 years ago

They should leave the re-boot and concentrate on pre stargate.

Show how the goauld came about, the wars between the System lords etc. That would be cool.

10 years ago

I believe JoshuasJSlone has nailed it. They are simply jealous of the actual, deserved success of the TV franchise (“Wish it was meee-ee!”). This just doesn’t smell right. I have spent many happy hours chewing on the details of the series’, to where I wrote a paper on the origin of the Gate technology. Sigh. Why doesn’t he do a trilogy of “Starrigger”, and leave the SG franchise to the people who actually raised it and nurtured it?

10 years ago

This is awesome news. For the people hating on this idea and refusing to support the movie, remember, if it does really well, it could spark interest in restarting a new StarGate TV series.

It sucks all canon from the shows is ignored but at this point, I just want some StarGate. And I did like the original movie. Can’t wait to see where they wanted to take this.

10 years ago

Some of you guys just don’t get it. Devlin could care less about SG1/Atlantis, their characters, or their fans. This man has spent about 20 years feeling his creation was stolen from him, and bastardized by some television producers/writers. And to add salt to the wound, the tv series and spinoff are more beloved than even his original movie itself. Devlin has been dying for years to get the chance to correct, what he feels, was a major wrong. If any of you have the 15th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray of the original Stargate movie, check out the extras. In one… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m interested in this, but would more like to see it as Manga or Graphic Novel first.. kind of like Hell Boy.. before investing in a full fleged, this is the reboot I will accept. Abrams kind of used those media to “test the waters” and course correct before his movie releases.. which was brilliant.

9 years ago

Let’s be honest here, MGM is screwing over SG-1/SG-1/SG-U fans. Yes it was a hit in 1994. Three years later Jonathan Glassner & Brad Wright had the vision to take it to series. Fans jumped on board and made the show a smash hit. MGM happily paid for 3 series (maybe not so happy with SG-U) and 2 movies. They went into bankruptcy protection and shelved all 3 series leaving the fans with nothing. Now MGM is doing better and they want to go back to the well. They’ve chosen the wrong well. Devlin & Emmerich don’t like the series… Read more »

9 years ago

Im a fan Richard Dean Anderson and to omit what he did for years is wrong. To me he carried this franchise and to me it want be a Stargate without remembering him.

9 years ago

Sorry, but anyone thinking that Devin is either out to continue the universe of the TV characters or feels that due to fan expectations he has no choice but to continue to write stories set in the TV-universe is just fooling themselves. He has made his aims clear from day one — he wants to do “his” version of Stargate, more or less the supposed same one he had planned when he did the original movie. The LAST thing you’ll see him do is “SG-1: The Blockbuster Movie” or “SG-1/Atlantis: The Team-Up Stargate Geeks Always Wanted!” While I can’t say… Read more »