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5 years ago

That’s just what we need; another white paste actor for a sci fi show based on an East Asian lead. Hollywood can’t even bring themselves to hand over the reigns to an East Asian male lead because Hollywood is a bunch of racists stereotypical bigots. F— what this show represents and f— Hollywood.

William Chan
William Chan
5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

Inverse racism right there

Taylor Made
Taylor Made
4 years ago
Reply to  William Chan

Nope, just plain old racism.

Sir Falls
Sir Falls
5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

In the books, the racial orientation of the sleeves themselves is rarely if ever discussed. The main characters home planet certainly has those cultural origins and it’s clearly implied the people that live there are of that genetic history but race in that universe seems to be pretty much a moot point as it’s much more concerned with pointing out the class separation between the virtually immortal rich and the slum dwelling poor they manipulate. That being said there’s no mention of who Shanks will be playing. The first two books take place on a multicultural earth and then a… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Sir Falls

Why is it that every time a person’s skin color is up in the air, the go to is always a white cracker? Why is that when the particular person is not white what whites always ask is why race matters? Case in point: Jesus of Nazareth. Stick a desert Jew right next to a desert Muslim and I can’t tell the difference. They both look brown to me. Whites will swear up and down Jesus was either white with red sun burn and peeling skin flakes hanging out in a desert or that age old white excuse of why… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

did you read the article? BLACK actor Anthony Mackie will be taking over the lead role as Takashi Kovacs

Sir Falls
Sir Falls
5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

I’m just shocked after all of StormOverKrynn’s complaints that he poses the question “Why is that when the particular person is not white what whites always ask is why race matters?”

The immediate assumption that someone has to be white to have a broad misunderstanding of racial differences is pretty ridiculous and frankly, needlessly insulting. Don’t get your political bias and western centric view point mixed up with common sense. People of all ethnic backgrounds have equal opportunity to be ignorant.

Sir Falls
Sir Falls
5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

From what I’ve read Anthony Mackie is playing the lead in season 2…

5 years ago
Reply to  Sir Falls

This is the new century. People shouldn’t be saying well isn’t that nice; an East Asian male got some screen time on a sci fi show. According to sci fi Hollywood; East Asian males are extinct in the future. Let me break it down for you like this. When an East Asian is needed for a scene the obvious answer is a sexualized East Asian female that f—s all the white and black actors said every Hollywood producer ever. Never mind that it took a full blooded Asian male to help make that East Asian female in the first place;… Read more »

Sir Falls
Sir Falls
5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

Deleted this as my point was addressed already.

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

What are you on about? The lead for season 2 is a black guy, Shanks is playing a supporting role. Seems like you’ve got some issues with race that you need to sort out, buddy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Daisah

So I’m supposed to be happy that black men get the leading man role while banging the East Asian female? That’s a tired Hollywood trope; one that gets played way too much. Think I’m being too sensitive? Then try an East Asian male lead scoring with the African American female actress on for size: and not just for a comedic situation. Now let’s hear your opinion.

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

If only Will Yun Lee or Byron Mann had been cast as Takeshi and not some other guys in throw away bodies.

You’re ridiculous.

5 years ago
Reply to  SomeTosser

Right because the East Asian man should just be happy he got any screen time at all. If sci fi Hollywood didn’t insist that East Asian men were extinct in the future then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s because the scales of balance are so off center that even with the a sci fi show that has a supporting East Asian male in a relationship with black/ mixed female; it’s not enough. In fact it’s too little too late. In fact the whole show should of just been about an East Asian man and his relationship with a… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

At least try to be knowledgeable on a topic before you go on a racial tirade you troll. It is very clear that you haven’t read the source material at all. Takashi has multiple sleeves through out the series. In the second book, which the second season is loosely based on, he is black. You are a Troll plain and simple.

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

Trolling a bit hard

Taylor Made
Taylor Made
4 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

You want my opinion? If the show doesn’t appeal to you, don’t watch it. And if you haven’t seen it, stop complaining about it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Daisah

You wouldn’t ask a black what his hang up is about slavery. Why do you think it’s ok to ask what my hang up is about what I perceive to be racism on a Hollywood tv show? Unless you’re an East Asian male that has to see what I see that is still happening in Hollywood towards the East Asian male.

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

Did you even read the books at all? The whole central premise behind the character is that he is an envoy and they change sleeves like most people do socks. If you watched season 1 at all you would have realised that Will Yun Lee was the original Kovacs (The birth sleeve) yet in the very 1st episode he wears the body of another person (Byron Mann who is asian by the way) then he wakes up on earth inside the body of Joel Kinnaman a white body a body that was rented by Bancroft so that Kovacs could do… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

If Idris Elba can play Roland deschain of Gilead I don’t see a problem. We got Arab’s in Aladdin with a black genie. We got a black Ariel. This just doesn’t surprise me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

If you dig even deeper in the books you will see that Harlan’s World where Kovacs is from was settled by Japanese and Polish people that heavily intermixed hence his unusual name.

5 years ago
Reply to  StormOverKrynn

The show (so far) is a fairly faithful adaption of the books. In the books the racial makeup of the bodies/sleeves simply isn’t an issue. Shanks will not even be playing the lead. Your point, such as it is, is totally without basis. You should write to the author and demand he rewrite his novels and eradicate all the caucasians so that you then feel better.

5 years ago

I hope michael shanks pushes to reboot good ol sg1#bestshow ever #thisshow be b istruth!!

Don Bricker-Brücker
Don Bricker-Brücker
5 years ago

Love it, enjoyed it, more,