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3 years ago

F Yeah!

3 years ago

Looking forward to more definite or detailed news on this project :)

Thierry C.
Thierry C.
3 years ago

comme disait Jack, c’est là-haut que tout se passe ! Je suis français, et je veux voir cette nouvelle série canon, qui explorera de nouveau les étoiles !

d b
d b
3 years ago

lets just hope MGM doesn’t go bust from not getting money from the new bond movie, or they sell it too someone who will do right by the franchise

3 years ago

WOOHOO!! It’ll be interesting to see how far they’ve advanced. Maybe a quick answer to Destiny?

Yippy Whoo Hoo
Yippy Whoo Hoo
3 years ago

Of course, another great show to ruin with a bunch of leftist garbage, turning yet another of the greats into something silly and unwatchable.

Lorna Dune
Lorna Dune
3 years ago
Reply to  Yippy Whoo Hoo

You are clearly not intellectually or emotionally equipped to understand science fiction.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lorna Dune

I imagine he’s under the impression the System Lords, Wraith, Ori etc were the good guys…

3 years ago
Reply to  Lorna Dune

Do you think science-fiction is reserved SOLELY for left-wingers and liberals? If so, buddy, I disagree, a liberal. Because that’s the greater tragedy here. The big corporations are SMOTHERING art to the delighted adulations of gullible *** idiots who can’t see their own double standards. For one, you can’t FIND good science-fiction, they write it like it’s ******* fantasy now, that’s what sells the most, and science-fiction should be about humanity, right? The two divisions ARE the problem, but it’s highlighted exactly WHY that is when one side is pontificating and lecturing down to another blaming them as the sole… Read more »

Richard Strong
Richard Strong
3 years ago
Reply to  Yippy Whoo Hoo

Take your culture war nonsense elsewhere.

Last edited 3 years ago by Richard Strong
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Strong

You can’t ESCAPE the culture war when too many big Hollywood corporations smothering art, ironically to cheering adulation from stupid *** idiots, wind up treating story and character and continuity as an afterthought to all the checkmarks they can hit. I say that as somebody who’d like a more egalitarian world, but it goes both ways, you know! They wanna write fantasy or superhero, that’s where they should stay, it’s what they want, given the poor writing in most visual science-fiction franchises today. Until we have a major paradigm that reshifts the industry, I want them to stay way from… Read more »

3 years ago

Do a minseries, tie up loose ends while making something new.
We’ve waited almost ten years, I mean c’mon!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy007

I would love to see the original SG 1 team back or at least a lot of guest appearances. It would be fun to see what would happen if the gate became public knowledge.

Lorna Dune
Lorna Dune
3 years ago

Very good news. As long as it’s nothing like Origins.

3 years ago

Thank Apophis, it’s happening.

3 years ago

Maybe they will continue Stargate Infinity? ;]

Anna Plummer
Anna Plummer
3 years ago

One element that I hope they heavily incorporate into the new series is history and searching for artifacts, the Daniel Jackson type of stuff. If someone asked me what could possibly be an improvement to SG1, SGA, & SGU, my answer would be to include more episodes about finding artifacts and history of the Ancients, Earth, the Universe in general, Ancient Egypt, the bad guys, good guys, or whatever. That is the only “improvement” that I can think of when it comes to Stargate, and is something that is extremely interesting. Also, I hope the new series takes the visual… Read more »

3 years ago

Please make it possible for Europeans to watch it live, next day or so, not weeks or months after.

3 years ago

I get the impression that they need to sell the franchise to someone or let someone that does shows cheaper to do it. Amazon netflix etc. Having a team so old must be holding back the fx and pushing up the wages .

William Bricki
William Bricki
3 years ago

If they are reviving firefly of all things, Stargate is a no-brainer. It’s going to happen folks. It’s just a matter of when. I hope it’s a full season and not a truncated 8-12 episode season. But anything is better than nothing at this point.

3 years ago
Reply to  William Bricki

I hope so too, but “truncated” is the norm now. It’s the only thing worse about tv shows these days, other than having a series you love cancelled before they finish the story the right way. And that’s my fear about a new Stargate…they may do both. Truncated and cut off at a bad spot. Let’s hope for better though.

3 years ago

Where’s the link to the Q&A video?

3 years ago

I want more Stargate. But, I don’t want “Wokegate” and that’s what we’ll get if it’s rebooted any time soon. Look what they did to Star Trek. Discovery and Picard suck.

3 years ago
Reply to  B-RaD_76

Yeah, and it’s not like there’s anything wrong with making it topical, but they sacrifice the writing at the altar of woke and just want to beat you over the head with everything that’s wrong today.

Last edited 3 years ago by Elliot
Joseph Biuso
Joseph Biuso
3 years ago
Reply to  Elliot

FFS… please dont make a ‘woke’ version… PLEASE!!!!

3 years ago

super yeahh

John Lennon
John Lennon
3 years ago

[email protected] What made the first franchise amazing was that sense of wonder. I feel like there wasn’t enough of that in Atlantis and Universe. The first few seasons of SG1 were cheesy but you felt like you were an explorer when you watched. I mean for real , how did they construct the pyramids. We could have had help from aliens. What the one gentleman is calling liberal garbage was the moral of the story. We could use more people who cared about such things in this world where we are divided and have ignorant people who want strife. I… Read more »

3 years ago

Startgate :D

Dred Scot
Dred Scot
3 years ago

Alita: Battle Angel needs a sequel as well

3 years ago

Jeez!!..why are they not getting this done now?..they already have the idea of Stargate! An idea that works?…Story lines can’t be hard and cast is easy!!!..Remember, O’neill had a clone and the lad who does Macgyver ”reboot” might be good?…Tealc is over 100 so could come back?…They rescued others from planets who could be in the team?..
And although SG Universe was to serious, it could come in handy for more exploration, also Atlantis.
My work is done!!…ha

Ron Swails
Ron Swails
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Time for more SGU plenty to expand on.

Joseph Biuso
Joseph Biuso
3 years ago
Reply to  Ron Swails

I very much agree.

3 years ago

IMO the two most important requirements for a successful return of Stargate are…

1, We the fans give it a chance. It won’t be what we hope it will be and if we hate too hard too soon it won’t survive and we’ll find ourselves regretting it a few years later. I personally was not a fan of SGU until it was gone.

2, If you have to….Don’t ram “social issues” down our throats. Be subtle like SG1, Star Trek TOS or Next Gen. It worked.

3 years ago
Reply to  Adam

As someone who’s been devastated by what they’ve done to Star Trek and Star Wars, I’m not too keen to just “settle.” If the alternative is the story dies, fine then, so be it. I get trying to regulate the passion so it doesn’t become toxic, but the inverse is you can become too blinded and rationalize the flaws the final product has. With how horrible the world is today, I don’t see how they can’t go woke, and not in a smart, well-written way either, in a hamfisted “we’re going to beat you over the head with this” sorta… Read more »

3 years ago

I’m probably gonna get hate for saying this but I hope the new series will be more adult than the others and will have a bit more nudity, explicit content, sex. I’m not asking for porn or game of thrones, even. Just bring it up a notch. Surely some fans will agree with me on this, but I know the producers would never go for it.

3 years ago

Kind of vague about the specifics. There’s sleazy and there’s serious, you don’t need sexualized elements to keep interest– at least not the kind of interest this series needs to cultivate lol. Nudity did happen occasionally, a lot of alien stuff was pretty sensual and sex was heavily implied between folks in just SG1 alone. I’m kind of confused why there’s even a need to put any amount of emphasis given you already have what you want. Pretty sure there’s certain search engines or sites that could satisfy what you want infinitely more than a SG setting.

Elizabeth Rogers
Elizabeth Rogers
3 years ago

So looking forward to some more Stargate 1! We watch them from the beginning over and over and each time see something or gather info which we missed. So happy!

3 years ago

I’m actually very nervous about this. I’m serious, I have major anxiety. With all the destruction to lore and continuity for Star Trek and Star Wars I’ve had to endure in recent years, and how it’s left me feeling very unhappy that for all my investment, they’ve moved on without me, Stargate has been my boon, and yet it’s all too easy to see it falling prey to the same hubris that destroyed those verses and stripped them down for mass profitably mainstream appeal at the expense of the lore, the art, the detail, the intelligence, the fun, and the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Elliot
3 years ago

He should stick to wrapping up Universe and Atlantis with movies with computerised visual re-aging, and allow the original Stargate movies to be completed, as an alternative SG universe somewhere. They are the SG creator’s vision. Which allows the SG movie universe characters to do special cross over episodes into a new series of Brad’s, even in their current ages without re-aging, as sometime in the future of the movies. Gives him the ability to write about saving reality from collapsing of parallel universes into one crunch or something, maybe from a terrorist who believes that because there are multiple… Read more »

3 years ago

They just need to go forward in time to after earth’s apocalypse, and then rediscover Atlantis, and the Stargates, and all of the technology out there. This discovery is what I love seeing.

3 years ago

I don’t understand how the episode One False Step could be so challenging. Not much happened. Pretty straightforward.

kelly wright
kelly wright
2 years ago

yes vi love the stargate shows cant wait to see more of them i have every one of the stargate shows

2 years ago

any news on this?

Johnny G
Johnny G
2 years ago


1 year ago

no reboots continue the Atlantis and Universe continuity and the actors….
I prefer continuity and canon that is already done. to continue…pick up where it left off….

find a way
or don’t do it and ruin it like the other reboots across the board….