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3 years ago

Discovery of a Furling base leads a new team into an unknown galaxy full of new tech and infinite possibilities.

3 years ago

We are ready for more Stargate!!! I got ALOT of mates that have been streaming episodes and catching up on the franchise over the years and we are all hoping for more to come!

jesse m allen
jesse m allen
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy007

how true,

Elisabeth Jones
Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago

Have you signed the petition?

Truth to be told, I’d rather have a reboot with new characters and enemies over a non-fixed continuation, but I’d rather have a continuation that fixes Heroes than a reboot.

In order of what I’d watch:
Continuation that fixes Heroes >>>>> Reboot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Non-fixed continuation

(I wouldn’t watch the third option at all)

3 years ago

Elisabeth, you and another poster here, Rebekka, have posted about this. What did Heroes break? Maybe I’m just not remembering something? I would certainly love a continuation of the Stargate story and agree with the author that they should not just do a reboot. For me, the 3 biggest negatives with Stargate (but vastly outweighed by all the incredible positives) were: Endings of races and characters that had survived for millennia all in such a short span of 3 in-show years (Goa’uld, the Asgard, Selmak, Replicators, the Ori, etc.). One or two of these would have been OK, but so… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by GraniteStateColin
Elisabeth Jones
Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago

It killed off my favorite character (Janet) in such badly written episodes and then pretty much forgotten. There was no relevance to it and the whole thing was just poorly executed and downright unfair.

Last edited 3 years ago by Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago

Oh, yes, I was also very sad by her loss. She was a great character. But I don’t think that undermines the show at all. It was a poignant reminder that war is dangerous and life is fragile and temporary.

Elisabeth Jones
Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago

I think that’s a bad excuse, especially when the writing is bad and the aftermath is non-existent. It’s just lazy, cheap and cruel to fans. It was all irrelevant. Who wants to keep watching when a show isn’t enjoyable to them anymore? So it DEFINITELY undermines the show. I only signed the petition in hope for them fixing it, otherwise I wont be watching. After all I’m unable to watch past Death Knell in all my rewatches.

Last edited 3 years ago by Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago

It was decades ago. Get over it. It’s unhealthy to not let go of the past.

Elisabeth Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  lemonsplash

No, I wont get over it. It’s more unhealthy giving up everything you like.

Anna Plummer
Anna Plummer
2 years ago

I stand behind you, even though I am not quite as upset about Janet as you are, I agree with your reasoning. Yes, the way in which they killed Janet was not right. Some people think people like us are upset only because the character is gone, but it’s more about how & why it happened. I feel the same way about Glenn in TWD, as he was my favorite character, it’s the way they handled it. I really love Janet, she was an important character to keep. I remember reading something about how Don S. Davis was upset about… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Anna Plummer
3 years ago

Stargate has always been a very positive view of human nature, despite the flaws and mistakes. The Teams have always done their best to do the right thing. I look forward to a new Stargate that honors the good in humans and isn’t just another dystopian view of the big “mess” that the world has made. If they revive, renew or reimagine SG, I hope that they will assemble teams with that view in mind.

Tristan A.
Tristan A.
3 years ago
Reply to  Mollymouse

Yes! And the sense of wonder when discovering foreign planets, species and technology.

These were the 2 things that made it so special for me. SGU somehow lost the positive view. It felt like they had to compensate the positive view from all previous series. But it got better in the end.

The positive view is a must have for a new series. There are already too many (scifi) shows that do the opposite.

Anna Plummer
Anna Plummer
2 years ago
Reply to  Mollymouse

Yes! A new Stargate is what society really needs right now, more than ever!

Kayla Rigney
Kayla Rigney
3 years ago

I’m ready for a new Stargate series! For starters, I want to know what REALLY became of the Destiny – her crew deserves so much better they they got. I don’t mind re-imagined, as long as it lives in the universe we all know and love dearly. But what I’d really like to see is the Stargate program Now, after all that’s happened in the world. Did covid-19 spread through the gate before we knew better? What about all of our beloved team members? Amazon knows we fans WILL and DO support the franchise– and that means Money. With the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kayla Rigney

They are still there on stasis chambers . 10 years has passed…and they are still there…destiny lost somehow between galaxies :P

2 years ago
Reply to  Ciprian


3 years ago
Reply to  Kayla Rigney

I would love a continuation or a new series in the same cannon, the one thing I am not interested in is what it would be like in the present world with COVID and all else. Enough of that and enough of hyper reality shows where everything is dark and everyone is always suffering and people dying left and right (trend in most shows today). That would really suck for me. Stargate never really took up current events as they happened anymore than Star Trek and I loved that. I don’t watch shows to reflect our crappy reality. I watch… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Lynnn
Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Lynnn

And that’s exactly WHY the Heroes two-parter ruined Stargate in season 7. It ruined people’s escape route, not just mine but a couple of friends and MANY others too.

Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage Kira
3 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

By killing off a side character?

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Yoshikage Kira

She’s not a side character.

Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage Kira
3 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

She didn’t appear on the opening credits, never goes on an adventure, and I can’t even think of an episode that revolves around her. She’s a side character, whether you rec your own comments 400 times or not lmao

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Yoshikage Kira

She’s between main and side, so definitely not a side. And why do you have to be so cruel? I bet your fav is alive, if not you wouldn’t be suck a jerk. What a bully.

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

Look what happened with Discovery. It ignores the established Star Trek universe and has split the fanbase. Amazon would do well to learn from the Paramount + mess and work to please the fans.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Exactly!!!! Please don’t STD my Stargate!

Last edited 3 years ago by Lynnn
3 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

If you think it ignores the established Star Trek universe, then you know very little about Star Trek. Stop being a Simpsons Comic Book Guy type.

Victor Barbieri
Victor Barbieri
3 years ago

As long as Bad Robot – destroyers of Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman (& LOTR?) – isn’t involved I’ll have cautious hope

Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage Kira
3 years ago

Please keep Alex Kurtzman as far from this show as humanly possible.

E Mukes
E Mukes
3 years ago
Reply to  Yoshikage Kira

This is true, in aspects……

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago

Stargate was already destroyed in season 7 with Heroes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

Rebekka, you’ve posted this several times here. Maybe this is a common feeling among my fellow fans, but it’s new to me. I always found the Hereos pair of episodes to be really good, especially because it starts seeming like a cheap re-use episode, only to become much more profound to the series and touching by the end. Was it the death of a character or something else that leads you to think this episode broke the show?

Last edited 3 years ago by GraniteStateColin
Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago

Wouldn’t a show be ruined for you if YOUR favorite character was killed off in terrible written episodes, executed poorly and just to be mostly forgotten? This is nothing more than lazy and unfair writing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

Ah, OK. Yes, I understand that. I really liked Dr. Frasier too and thought she was much more believable as a doctor than the general’s daughter who took over the job. I also thought the same about Hammond vs. Landry and O’Neill vs. Mitchell (though I realize none of those other characters died). I liked all of those characters, including the replacements, but the originals really set our minds eye for who the doctor should be and the general and leader of SG-1. It was virtually impossible for any replacement character to live up to the original, simply because the… Read more »

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago

I didn’t say that it’s a plothole, but all it does is unfairly remove Janet and replace her considering she was mostly forgotten. I’m tired of every TV show killing off my favorite character and this was by far the worst written/executed one, especially with no aftermath or relevance at all. Killing her off was pointless, unfair and cruel to her fans. Especially since they tried that insulting and cheap “oh no, Jack died… don’t worry, it was JUST Janet” trick. That combined with just forgetting her makes it look like she doesn’t even matter. Honestly, I don’t feel like… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Rebekka L.
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

I was terribly upset by the senseless killing off of Janet Frazier! I’ve never heard anything close to a valid reason why they had to kill HER off! It was totally unnecessary! But a new series is absolutely beyond the shadow of any doubt NOT EVER going to resurrect Dr. Frazier… So, you might as well not even think about getting your hopes up. The Stargate franchise betrayed you. They ruined Stargate for you. As awful as that reality is, it absolutely is NOT healthy for you to harbor such vitriol for so long. But if you want to let… Read more »

3 years ago

This thing with making a “reboot” is working ONLY for things that are very old, or bad etc . It is that situation when you start over again , amd try to do it better , take the idea and you develop that idea on current era with fresh new style and CGI etc , but when that thing is already very good , not to old and amazing with a lot of fans is stupid to even think at reboot, in that case you made a continuity with fresh crew and CGI , but in EXACTLY the same main… Read more »

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Ciprian

A Stargate reboot works then, because the show was ruined in season 7.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ciprian

I don’t think it works for even old stuff. While Hollywood is obsessed with remaking everything even if it was just released – think the awesome Train to Busan for one, it nearly never ever works. Even for stuff that’s way old. For instance, when I was young I LOVED Conan the Barbarian and Clash of the Titans. They remade those something like 30 years later and they were such utter steaming piles of failure its hard to even fathom that they attempted to release them. Most remakes totally misunderstand why things in the past were successful. A movie like… Read more »

3 years ago

If Jeff would also be kind to recharge Dark Matter i would definitely subscribe to AP! Stargate & Dark Matter both have big potential for success. So plz pick up Stargate and also Dark Matter before the characters get too old.

Carlos j. Perez
Carlos j. Perez
3 years ago

I’ve watched every Stargate series till the end, though Stargate Atlantis was full of action pact scenes, The Original Stagate series was full off adventure and a lot of funny Screen,s that made the it more fun to watch. Stargate Universe was great and it’s ending left everyone with that Turst of wanting to Continue On, even if it was in the future. All 3 Stargate series were great and I’m Sure everyone is Going to miss the Old crew, but I’m sure with the right directors Producers, People will watch it and love it like I did. Signed a… Read more »

3 years ago

Well written. So true.

3 years ago

“But will you, Amazon, make the show that legions of existing Stargate fans actually want to see?”

This is the question that has been foremost on my mind since the announcement.

There’s a saying going around in some fan circles that I think is apt here:
“Without respect, we reject”

In this case I think respect means to respect the existing canon and tell new stories in a universe that has infinite possibilities to explore. Reboots may be easy but how many have really succeeded? Think it over Amazon!

Gethin Coles
Gethin Coles
3 years ago

I watched universe after watching only a handful of SG episodes and the film. I thought they were really hitting their stride when it was cancelled. I’d love to see it make a return, but please God get them to use decent writers and people that are invested in it. I’ve so so much crap SciFi on the streaming platforms. All hut hut mindless violence or utterly stupid premises.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gethin Coles

Maybe you were able to like Universe since you only watched a handful of SG eps. Universe was so drastically different and unlikeable for me. Other than that there was an actual stargate onboard, the show was completely out of place in the SG universe for me. I tried so hard to watch it, but I just hated it so much. I strongly hated all characters. While all SG and Atlantis characters were memorable and you wanted to see more because you liked them, they were funny and good but flawed characters. Meanwhile the Universe characters, I just hoped would… Read more »

3 years ago

“Alexa, dial P3G-552.”
I’m seriously here for it! I’d love to see a continuation tht continues to focus on gate travel over battleship-heavy stories, but either way Amazon would be foolish to let this ‘low hanging fruit’ rot on the vine.

3 years ago

Furlings, who, what why, where???
Atlantis needs to go back,
And universe ended in such a way it is very possible to start where it ended, maybe just with a failure that aged them a bit after a engine might have blown a they had to drift a bit??
I still binge watch all episodes and movies, on dvd and streaming.
So yeah, please bring it back…

E Mukes
E Mukes
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I agree, there was no real story about the Fur-lings. Only a brief mentioning of them. We need more, how and why.

Anthony Pero
Anthony Pero
3 years ago

In my opinion, rebooting Stargate would be a strange choice for Amazon to make–they just purchased 370 hours of content for Prime’s streaming service. Creating a new show, easy on new comers, in the existing continuity, INCREASES the value of those 370 hours of content. Rebooting the franchise DECREASES it’s value to the streaming service, because it disincentivizes new viewers from consuming the older shows.

This does not seem like a good business strategy for Amazon. And I believe they’ll do what’s best for the platform, not for whatever creatives they hire to make a new show.

3 years ago

Actually, I think they should reboot stargate. the old continuity has become a mess, and ended a decade ago. And they’ve already done everything they could think off anyway. Might be complicated for new viewers with all that backstory. A fourth series in the old universe might end up like the third. SG1 was the best and most beloved stargate. It was a contempory series about explorers going through the stargate and visiting alien planets, many of them resembling earth past. With aliens pretending to be old gods. We should get back to that. but a reboot should not be… Read more »

Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage Kira
3 years ago

If we get a new Stargate, hopefully it would be what Brad Wright envisioned and not a dark, gritty attempt at a new show. Star Trek has gone that way and it has generally been poorly received, both by Discovery and even more so with Picard by their fan base. Amazon already has a fantastic dark sci-fi series in The Expanse. The best route would to keep the same fun, lighthearted adventure theme that SG1 and Atlantis had throughout their runs. It’s a different feel from typical scifi shows and that’s what makes it so appealing. After all, it’s the… Read more »

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Yoshikage Kira

Stargate was ruined in season 7 with Heroes, so it definitely WASN’T fun throughout its run. If Stargate returns they NEED to fix it.

Yoshikage Kira
Yoshikage Kira
3 years ago
Reply to  Rebekka L.

Yeah, definitely disagree there. Ba’al became a central villain after season 7, and is generally regarded as the best villain across the 3 series. Also Lost City, Moebius, etc. The doc was great of course, but it definitely didn’t ruin the show.

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago
Reply to  Yoshikage Kira

Who’s you’re favorite character? Because everyone who never understood has their favorite character still alive. My favorite was killed off in badly written episodes in an unfair way, poorly executed and for her to just be forgotten for the most part. So it definitely ruined the show. Would YOU enjoy a show where your favorite is absent? In all my favorite shows my favorite character was killed off and in Janet’s case it was the worst executed way of them all. Either you would understand me or you haven’t experienced this, if it’s the latter then lucky you. Now put… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Rebekka L.
3 years ago

On my wishlist would be the SG1 series remastered. The most magical moments of discovery and imagination happened in SD.
I would like to see a series like SG1 that just go on missions to other planets to discover new races, technology, and put the team in situations. That’s what I loved about it.
Perhaps even another movie with SG1 that covers a complex enemy that doesn’t take a whole season to discover and battle and rebattle in the next season. They start and resolve during the span of the movie.
The possibilities are endless.

Jeremy Teichreb
Jeremy Teichreb
3 years ago

With the way sg1 ended with the ori storyline still hanging in the balance there was no justice in how the series was left off. Hopefully they will do it justice and do it right.

3 years ago

SG1 got a good finish with both the TV movies to wrap it up. Atlantis and Destiny did not.

3 years ago

What are you talking about? They wrapped up the Ori storyline.

3 years ago

I would love it a story was told of the ancients. The beginning. There travels. There evolution. Then their reversal of policy with interfering with the lower planes and a return to the milky way. A fo that noth ancients and humans must stand against that was woken by the Stargate Universe
crew. Tie everything together.

Fred L Dawes
3 years ago

great news thank God!

3 years ago

As long as Brad Wright and Co will make future shows Im 100% calm. Since he showed that he can make different shows depending on what ideas he have (SGU as a bright example – truly masterpiece spin-off that was like a fresh air for the franchise). Im okay if the next show will be build on SG-1\SGA formula because the show that directly involves SGC teams must be like SG-1. And, of course, Amazon must understand once and for all – NO REBOOT for Stargate. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Have respect for that universe and try your best as much… Read more »

3 years ago

Come on, folks. Stargate is a lot of fun… but it’s a TV show. That’s all. It’s not something that is important, and if it matters to your life, then you might want to rethink your priorities. This kind of melodrama disturbs me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Darren: Exactly!!! I can understand that everybody has their own way to face the past but hey Stargate literally changed my life. Back in 2009, when I found SGU was never gonna get released in Japan, as a 11 year old kid, I lost hopes for weekly habit so I studied English just to be able to what’s going on to the crew of Destiny. I have learnt to speak a different language from SGU watching it with gate world transcript haha. And 10 years later that kid became an assistant director in a TV company that seeks to become… Read more »

James de cozar
3 years ago


3 years ago

I really think that Amazon making a new Stargate series is a no brainer. There’s a built in fan base, and there’s hundreds of hours of prior content that newcomers to the franchise could watch. A reboot would be a mistake because not only would it frustrate fans but it wouldn’t give new viewers a reason to go back and watch the older series. While it would be easier for the writers to start over, I really don’t think the prior series have hamstrung a continuation in any significant way. Seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 proved that writers could… Read more »

3 years ago

Since no one has brought it up yet, I’ll ask if Charlie Cohen is still with MGM and can continue to cheerlead for a new show eventually?

3 years ago

I think they should continue it 10 years out from where it ended. I think it would be nice to run it with a group of people who stumbled upon it in someway during the downtime and don’t have any major ties to the original 3 series themselves, other than getting all wrapped up in it because of what the found. They get read in on it because they have unique skills and viewpoints but don’t actually merge with the existing sg infrastructure. However it’s important to explain where our beloved characters ended up after the series went off the… Read more »

3 years ago

Ugh .. just saw this:

Not that an FTC investigation wasn’t expected, but with Lina Khan as the new head of the FTC I would think she will do everything in her power to delay and block the sale or aspects of. Things may end up being be more than just delayed if she has any say about it. Wish the head of the FTC wasn’t a 12 year old girl who hates Amazon and frankly, I don’t care about Amazon’s monopoly if it means I get SG back. Sorry, not sorry.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lynnn
3 years ago

It’s a tough one, I only just finished watching SGU. I hadn’t realised that I had not watched all of season two and was really disappointed that it had no real conclusion. Picking up this series would be easy if they can get the actors back on board(pun not intended). It took Eli longer than 2 weeks to fix the last pod, life support drained too many systems and the FTL dropped slightly short of the next galaxy meaning they have been drifting for 7 or so years longer than expected. For me SG1 broke when the system lords were… Read more »

Miroslav Beneš
3 years ago

Yeah, Furling is big point, but i think we sholud continue with story of Stargate Universe, they stop it just when start to be most exciting, so i wish to continue story of Stargate Universe and Atlantis too, or make good film which finish them or prepare it for new cotinue of story. And in Universe i wish to know what is the signal which they are looking for, what they are found.

Kaiser Dragon
Kaiser Dragon
2 years ago

Pick up from SGU !!!!!