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Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
3 years ago

Not the biggest fan of Amazon. I don’t think many people are. However, MGM was up for sale so someone was going to end up buying it. If this acquisition means that some portion of Amazon’s billions will go towards funding a new Stargate show, or shows… I’ll take it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ian Fleming

At this point, Amazon may have enough money to build an actual Stargate (on this planet only though :( )

3 years ago

I have been coming to this site every day for ten years waiting for the kind of news we have been getting lately, although its mostly speculation and everyone keeping their fingers crossed, hope reigns. Let’s just keep hoping this fourth series happens and someone smart does the right thing by stargate fans.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy007

Same, pretty much my entire adult life coming here waiting to see about a new show. I really hope they realize Brad Wrights vision, because honestly if this is like stargate origins I can’t watch it.

3 years ago

I just hope it gets more than the usual 10 episodes streaming services give their shows.

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
3 years ago
Reply to  jake123

I think that if we ever get more Stargate, it will be the, what now seems to be standard for streaming, 10 to 13 episodes. I just want to see it happen. Stargate has been in hibernation for far too long.

3 years ago

I guess we will see! Fingers crossed. But I’m not sure Stargate has any better of a chance than any other show being pitched.

3 years ago

Much prefer it going to Amazon than Disney. I just can’t trust the mouse with established IPs after what they did with Star Wars.
Here is hoping Amazon does right by the series and the fans.

3 years ago
Reply to  tyrannicpuppy

The sequel trilogy were terrible many agree, but we’re getting a Renaissance of Star Wars shows now under Filoni and Favreau and it’s been pretty amazing. Seeing what Amazon did with The Expanse I do have faith that they will do right by Stargate. I’m SO excited about this news and can’t wait!

3 years ago
Reply to  tyrannicpuppy

After the Heroes two-parter the show was ruined, it can only be fixed or keep sucking like post Heroes.

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
3 years ago
Reply to  Tara

Care to elaborate? How was it “ruined”? Genuinely interested to know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ian Fleming

Don’t really feel like going into that again so I just copy-pasted a comment I made earlier. Thought it’d be hard to find again, but it wasn’t after all.

3 years ago

Im feeling optimistic, but I am also worried that they will want to “reimagine” Stargate for the 21st century and it will end up like Star Trek…all swearing, crappy flawed unlikeable characters, unnecessarily gritty and unrealistic with light flares everywhere. I just hope they consider the failure of SGU when they think about how much they want to reimagine the show. Like Star Trek, I do not watch SG-1 and Atlantis for grittiness and realism – there are plenty of other shows that do that already. Fingers crossed they do a show at all and that they keep it in… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lynnn

Sadly, I think your initial fears may pan out here.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lynnn

Stargate Universe was a damn good show. It was Stargate in setting and they finally moved away from alien enemy series bad guy. There was more exploration of the characters (which people love), the ship (which people wanted more of in Atlantis), and diving more into the lore of the show (which people always love). Stargate does not have to be about a team of exceptionally talented folks cracking jokes and shooting bad guys. If that’s all the Stargate IP is good for, then the IP will not last. Star Trek and Star Wars have grown because they haven’t limited… Read more »

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
3 years ago
Reply to  Mrja84

SGU could’ve been a good show if it hadn’t been trying so hard to ape the Battlestar Galactica reboot.

Ascended Human
3 years ago
Reply to  Lynnn

Stargate Universe was incredible, especially the 2nd Season! That show deserved a solid 5 season run because the set up was incredible. I LOVED BSG, so I was all for Stargate finally putting on the adult pants and going deeper into characters. As much as I love SG-1 and Atlantis, I felt Season 2 of SGU was the best Stargate ever produced.

3 years ago

Great news! Amazon is more “patient” with shows than Netflix. As for the new series, I’m torn between head and heart. Heart wants to see the all-time characters in a new show, picking up where the previous ones left. Head tells me this would be very complicated, and not engaging enough for the show to survive, if you know what I mean. Imagine having to tie three different universes (SG1, Atlantis and Universe), that have little to do one another, in one show. Who would be able to understand/follow that? Only the hard-core fans that have been following all three… Read more »

Gadi Cohen
Gadi Cohen
3 years ago

Between the mass of petitions, tweets, Facebook goups, etc, over the years – where is the best place to visibly demonstrate support for the series where Amazon will take notice?

shelly v
shelly v
3 years ago
Reply to  Gadi Cohen

The official Twitter handle for Amazon’s shows is @AmazonStudios. But I don’t know how much good these sorts of tweetstorms and such do unless they’re in the millions. Just my thoughts though.

3 years ago

News I’m hearing is bad. Very bad. Makes it seem that Brad might’ve been strung along to prop up MGM as having currently active properties and fanbases to boost the closing price on MGM from Amazon.

Supposedly, not only will none of it happen, there’s a rumor that the property will get a Kurtzman-like complete reboot; not a continuation at all.

I hope it isn’t true, but it’s what’s be said the last couple days by some folks claiming to have an ear to the ground.

shelly v
shelly v
3 years ago
Reply to  Radioguy

Where are you hearing all of this? MGM has no reason to string Brad along, it has successful and active properties with which to bait potential buyers like their roster of unscripted tv so it has no reason to put up any kind of charade regarding Brad or Stargate. All they had to do was bait Bond and shows like Shark Tank and The Handmaid’s Tale which are current properties with existing fanbases and very successful. I’m pretty sure the people speculating on the reboot is the people who read the word “reboot” in the press releases and are taking… Read more »

3 years ago

I’m torn. Amazon is looking for IPs, but are they looking for long-lasting IPs? Are they going to take IPs like James Bond and Stargate and keep them alive, not just in movies/tv on Prime, but via video games, novels, and theaters? Given that MGM does not own 100% of James Bond, there’s no way James Bond will be stuck on Prime. The other property owners have power to say it has to keep going to theaters. But with Stargate, Amazon could do one show/movies to test the waters and whenever that ends decide “that’s it” until they revamp it… Read more »

3 years ago

For me it means I have to cancel Prime if Janet isn’t brought back.

3 years ago

I just hope if they bring it back the script is not Political or Social propaganda.

Daniel McLean
Daniel McLean
3 years ago

Could we please get a source for that Mike Hopkins press release statement, this bit here:
“It’s very exciting and provides so many opportunities for high-quality storytelling.” He identified Stargate specifically in his list of MGM’s IP”

Can’t find it anywhere and none of the articles I’ve read actually cite the source of this statement.

Mike Y
Mike Y
3 years ago

I of course would love to see a continuation of any series, but another option that I think would be cool is perhaps a period piece set in the 90s, maybe following like an SG-5 team or something. I already equate Stargate with late 90s/early 2000s, so set a show there, with the CRT monitors and everything :D

Ghost Zebra
Ghost Zebra
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike Y

I thought a cool idea would be to build a show around another planet discovering the stargates and start exploring and Earth sort of taking the role of the Asgard. That would give the opportunity to take a look at how another culture would approach exploration. You could even place the new world in a far less developed society, maybe something similar to 18th century earth.

jake timbers
jake timbers
3 years ago

Problem is now when it’s streamed on amazon it’ll be edited and anything deemed offensive will be removed. So if you want to watch it how it was meant to be you better buy the dvd/bluray’s now. :( MGM would at least let the creators enough room to make their stories with out garbage un-like the new Star trek ended up. Any chance of a uncut new version and continuation of SG1 with out being injected with woke garage isn’t happening.

2 years ago

Three things that I will insist upon (in my mind, of course) 1.An episode re-introducing the adventures of Felger &Coombs (Patrick Mckenna & John Billingsley). 2. Vala goes back and talks to Sal, the owner of the diner who rescued her when she had amnesia. 3. Bring back Harry Maybourne!