
Dear Amazon: Stargate Is Ready For A Comeback

Stargate is one of the greatest science fiction universes in modern pop culture, and the franchise is ready for a comeback. But capitalizing on fans’ current enthusiasm will take swift action from Amazon, the company that is now in the process of purchasing Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer for $8.45 billion.

MGM’s library includes some 4,000 films and 17,000 hours of television, including the Stargate franchise. Starting with the 1994 feature film from Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, Stargate spans three movies, 354 hours of television, and a movie-length Web series. Through first-run cable, syndication, international distribution, licensing, and home video and streaming, Stargate is a billion-dollar property. When it was in production between 1997 and 2011, Stargate was said to be regarded inside the halls of MGM as the studio’s second biggest franchise (after James Bond).

But with the exception of the 2018 Web series Stargate Origins, the gate has been quiet for more than a decade. Stargate Universe went off the air in 2011, in part a casualty of MGM’s bankruptcy the previous year.

GateWorld has been covering all things Stargate for more than 20 years. Last week when we polled readers about their feelings on Amazon’s acquisition of MGM, they voted overwhelmingly in favor — precisely because Amazon has the ability to break the logjam and get a new Stargate series moving again.

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Despite being benched for the 2010s Stargate is still a relatively big brand for MGM, and after 10 years off the air it is ripe for a return with a new series. It should also appeal to Amazon to move quickly on Stargate, because science fiction is very friendly to the streaming audience — and Amazon is about to have something of a need here. The Expanse is currently in production on its sixth and (for now) final season, so Amazon will want another genre franchise ready on deck behind it.

Stargate also has a live project that has been in development for more than two years — so it’s ready to go, once Amazon has its chance to weigh in on the pitch. And to make the deal even sweeter? The fourth live-action Stargate television series pitch hails not from some untested newcomer, but from Brad Wright himself — co-creator of all three previous series.

As our friend and industry expert Jenny Stiven put it on “Dial the Gate” last week: Stargate is low-hanging fruit. It should be an easy choice for Amazon to act on this franchise quickly.

But will you, Amazon, make the show that legions of existing Stargate fans actually want to see?


The day that the purchase of MGM was announced outgoing Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said: “The acquisition thesis here is really very simple. MGM has a vast, deep catalog of much beloved intellectual property. And with the talent at Amazon and the talent at MGM Studio, we can reimagine and develop that IP for the 21st century. It will be a lot of fun work and people who love stories will be the big beneficiaries.”

That’s encouraging and also a bit unsettling for Stargate’s long-time global fanbase, which seems right now to be growing as new and younger viewers discover the three shows for the very first time on streaming services. Bezos suggests that library IP (like Stargate) is ripe for new development projects … but also that Amazon wants to work with MGM to “reimagine” those franchises.

After MGM picked up the Stargate feature film in 1994 the TV universe was created by Brad Wright, Jonathan Glassner, and Robert C. Cooper over 14 years in production. To long-time Stargate fans who fell in love with that world, “reimagine” sounds uncomfortably close to “reboot” — as in, wipe out more than 350 episodes of continuity and start over. And that is precisely what most fans don’t want.

On the other hand, “reimagining” can certainly be a more benign word. It may simply mean returning to the universe that fans love, only now with fresh eyes and a new idea for storytelling. This we would love to see, so long as it’s an idea that honors Stargate’s long and treasured legacy and avoids rebooting the world.

The dreaded “reboot” might be easier on a new staff of writers, but for fans it is a bulldozer that demolishes something we have known and loved for a significant portion of our lives. Amazon cannot take for granted that a critical mass of those fans will show up for a completely different Stargate universe.

We’re still here, watching and celebrating these shows and welcoming newcomers to this fandom — now more than 10 years since the last show went off the air. Many fandoms slowly wither and die; but Stargate fans are perhaps as vocal and animated today as they were in 2011.

Why the enthusiasm? Why such a deep-seated commitment to this fictional world? It’s because we love these characters and the world they inhabit. We welcomed Sam and Daniel, John and Teyla, Everett and Camille and Eli into our homes every week. Stargate was “appointment television.” And through reruns and streaming, boxed sets, novels, and conversation with our fellow fans those characters have continued to live in our minds for a quarter of a century.

Stargate is special. Stargate matters to our lives. These characters and stories have shaped us in innumerable ways. If Amazon wishes to sustain and nurture that passion, the last thing the franchise’s new owners should do is take the canon behind the woodshed so they can cast a new Jack O’Neill, in the hopes of lowering the bar of access for new viewers.

New viewers are still jumping onto the Stargate bandwagon right now, each and every day — with 354 episodes and counting! These viewers are smart enough to catch up with backstory and in-universe rules. It’s simply a task for the new show’s writers to help new viewers come along, just like Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper did when they launched Stargate Atlantis to millions of cable viewers in 2004, and Stargate Universe in 2009. Both shows expanded Stargate’s mythology, but were also eminently accessible.

The show that we’d like to see is a fourth series in the existing canon. And I think this is true of the vast majority of the still-active fanbase. It shouldn’t just reunite the former shows’ cast members (though we’d certainly like to see them turn up every now and then!) but build a new team, pushing Stargate forward with a new setting and a new idea driving the narrative each week.

“Reimagine” Stargate for a new generation, but within the existing canon. Otherwise you risk burning a very active fandom, and having to start from scratch rather than adding new viewers to our number.


Just as that shimmering puddle evokes, Stargate is a deep well of possibilities for new adventures. That gate is the ultimate science fiction story generator, and in each of its iterations the franchise has excelled at exploring the human condition.

Today Stargate may not have the viewership or the cultural recognition of Star Trek. It may not sell as many subscriptions as the MCU. But one of the reasons why Stargate is every bit as grand in its potential is the nature of the Stargate device, and the way that the writers have built out this universe of humans and aliens, their conflicts, and their alliances. If Star Trek is a utopian vision of who we might one day become, Stargate has always been about who we are now: We’re out there, stumbling about the galaxy, trying to make it a better place.

With a fourth show and an ever-growing franchise that world will no doubt continue to expand into new corners, with new teams discovering new worlds and new threats — both within and without.

Amazon, this is such an easy choice. You’re buying MGM in order to make the most of its well of stories — and there is perhaps no well as deep as the Stargate. It’s a plumb franchise with an eager and global fanbase. It has already laid fallow for ten years. And one of the creators of that universe is at your door with a script.

Say yes.

Although the acquisition of MGM won’t be complete until late this year (at the earliest, and pending regulatory approval), it’s not too soon to start making plans. Stargate fans are ready to be won over — but not just any spinny gate story will do.


A fan

How do you think Amazon should move Stargate forward? Let’s hear it in the comments below! But remember to keep it nice and positive: Bezos has already saved one beloved sci-fi franchise, and he might be watching …


Darren created GateWorld in 1999 and is the site's managing editor. He lives in the Seattle area with his wife and three spin-off Stargate fans.

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  • Discovery of a Furling base leads a new team into an unknown galaxy full of new tech and infinite possibilities.

  • We are ready for more Stargate!!! I got ALOT of mates that have been streaming episodes and catching up on the franchise over the years and we are all hoping for more to come!

  • Have you signed the petition?

    Truth to be told, I'd rather have a reboot with new characters and enemies over a non-fixed continuation, but I'd rather have a continuation that fixes Heroes than a reboot.

    In order of what I'd watch:
    Continuation that fixes Heroes >>>>> Reboot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Non-fixed continuation

    (I wouldn't watch the third option at all)

    • Elisabeth, you and another poster here, Rebekka, have posted about this. What did Heroes break? Maybe I'm just not remembering something?

      I would certainly love a continuation of the Stargate story and agree with the author that they should not just do a reboot.

      For me, the 3 biggest negatives with Stargate (but vastly outweighed by all the incredible positives) were:

      1. Endings of races and characters that had survived for millennia all in such a short span of 3 in-show years (Goa'uld, the Asgard, Selmak, Replicators, the Ori, etc.). One or two of these would have been OK, but so many together just felt contrived to me and hurt my immersion into the universe. They didn't even "hang a lantern on it" as they joked about doing as a way to address other issues.
      2. The way they changed characters to justify the ending of the Stargate Atlantis show in an unnecessary way.
      3. Maybe (depending on how this changed in future seasons we never saw) the much darker tone of Stargate Universe, not as a setting (that part was fine), but that many of the main characters were just not very good people -- they regularly lied and hurt their crewmates for selfish reasons. It was my hope that this may have been to allow their growth into good people over a several-year story arc, where maybe Young and Rush eventually become great allies, in which case this would have been a brilliant story and character progression, but we never got to find out.
      • It killed off my favorite character (Janet) in such badly written episodes and then pretty much forgotten. There was no relevance to it and the whole thing was just poorly executed and downright unfair.

        • Oh, yes, I was also very sad by her loss. She was a great character. But I don't think that undermines the show at all. It was a poignant reminder that war is dangerous and life is fragile and temporary.

          • I think that's a bad excuse, especially when the writing is bad and the aftermath is non-existent. It's just lazy, cheap and cruel to fans. It was all irrelevant. Who wants to keep watching when a show isn't enjoyable to them anymore? So it DEFINITELY undermines the show. I only signed the petition in hope for them fixing it, otherwise I wont be watching. After all I'm unable to watch past Death Knell in all my rewatches.

          • I stand behind you, even though I am not quite as upset about Janet as you are, I agree with your reasoning. Yes, the way in which they killed Janet was not right. Some people think people like us are upset only because the character is gone, but it's more about how & why it happened. I feel the same way about Glenn in TWD, as he was my favorite character, it's the way they handled it.

            I really love Janet, she was an important character to keep. I remember reading something about how Don S. Davis was upset about it too, and not just because they were good friends.

  • Stargate has always been a very positive view of human nature, despite the flaws and mistakes. The Teams have always done their best to do the right thing. I look forward to a new Stargate that honors the good in humans and isn't just another dystopian view of the big "mess" that the world has made. If they revive, renew or reimagine SG, I hope that they will assemble teams with that view in mind.

    • Yes! And the sense of wonder when discovering foreign planets, species and technology.

      These were the 2 things that made it so special for me. SGU somehow lost the positive view. It felt like they had to compensate the positive view from all previous series. But it got better in the end.

      The positive view is a must have for a new series. There are already too many (scifi) shows that do the opposite.

  • I'm ready for a new Stargate series! For starters, I want to know what REALLY became of the Destiny - her crew deserves so much better they they got. I don't mind re-imagined, as long as it lives in the universe we all know and love dearly. But what I'd really like to see is the Stargate program Now, after all that's happened in the world. Did covid-19 spread through the gate before we knew better? What about all of our beloved team members? Amazon knows we fans WILL and DO support the franchise– and that means Money. With the acquisition of MGM, Amazon will also own the New Outer Limits. It seems to me that the future of Science Fiction television has never been brighter.

    • They are still there on stasis chambers . 10 years has passed...and they are still there...destiny lost somehow between galaxies :P

    • I would love a continuation or a new series in the same cannon, the one thing I am not interested in is what it would be like in the present world with COVID and all else. Enough of that and enough of hyper reality shows where everything is dark and everyone is always suffering and people dying left and right (trend in most shows today). That would really suck for me. Stargate never really took up current events as they happened anymore than Star Trek and I loved that. I don't watch shows to reflect our crappy reality. I watch it to escape crappy reality and be transported to better time and a far more positive reimagining of what we might be mixed with awesome sci-fi fun and action. Besides, if they did then it would just become some dark dystopian view of the hell that people believe is our present and everyone would end up being deeply flawed and totally unlikable or redeemable in any way that I care, aka the crap show that is STD (star trek discovery).

      The only show that has realism that is successful and I do like is the Expanse, but I still don't really see that translating to SG. What draws a lot of people to SG are the likeable, fun, and funny, not to mention very clearly positive characters with positive moral standings. Within that realm they were still able to tell highly compelling stories showing growth for all characters (Rodney just to name 1) as well as highlight morality and some current themes before they were themes in a positive way instead of a - the world is going to hell and all people are total and utter crap kind of way - I loved the Hathor ep for example, which was amusing, lighthearted but had a message without shoving it down my throat, killing half the cast and making me regret the message ever existed, even if it was supposed to be for my benefit. I don't need Hollywood's idea of morality and lesson teaching shoved down my throat on a daily basis. Its already covered with nearly all new shows these days. A refreshing change would be if they attempted to make show that would actually entertain viewers know since its supposed to be entertainment and not the news...and try hard to not kill off a legacy and a franchise like HBO did with GoT for instance.

      Stick to the old formula please. I cannot stomach yet another in a looooooooong line of modern realism shows or hear anymore about the hardships of COVID and NO POLITICS from any side. Nearly all are gritty and dark and full of drama. If I want that, Ill watch it in better format like Alien or Event Horizon. I do not want it in SG and I do not want to hear anything at all about any events that took place in the last year. Had my fill, thanks. Virus themes in sci-fi are always good, but I want no parallels to covid or any other modern issues, themes, or current politics or culture. I watch news for that, don't need it in my escapist sci-fi show which I watch to see the better in us (and what we were lol in the simpler and far better 90s), not what we are or some sci-fi hating Hollywood exec's idea of what we will become. I don't care one single bit about that. I watch SG explicitly to forget and hope that we may still be better than that someday.

      • And that's exactly WHY the Heroes two-parter ruined Stargate in season 7. It ruined people's escape route, not just mine but a couple of friends and MANY others too.

          • She didn't appear on the opening credits, never goes on an adventure, and I can't even think of an episode that revolves around her. She's a side character, whether you rec your own comments 400 times or not lmao

          • She's between main and side, so definitely not a side. And why do you have to be so cruel? I bet your fav is alive, if not you wouldn't be suck a jerk. What a bully.

  • Look what happened with Discovery. It ignores the established Star Trek universe and has split the fanbase. Amazon would do well to learn from the Paramount + mess and work to please the fans.

    • If you think it ignores the established Star Trek universe, then you know very little about Star Trek. Stop being a Simpsons Comic Book Guy type.

  • As long as Bad Robot - destroyers of Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman (& LOTR?) - isn't involved I'll have cautious hope

      • Rebekka, you've posted this several times here. Maybe this is a common feeling among my fellow fans, but it's new to me. I always found the Hereos pair of episodes to be really good, especially because it starts seeming like a cheap re-use episode, only to become much more profound to the series and touching by the end. Was it the death of a character or something else that leads you to think this episode broke the show?

        • Wouldn't a show be ruined for you if YOUR favorite character was killed off in terrible written episodes, executed poorly and just to be mostly forgotten? This is nothing more than lazy and unfair writing.

          • Ah, OK. Yes, I understand that. I really liked Dr. Frasier too and thought she was much more believable as a doctor than the general's daughter who took over the job. I also thought the same about Hammond vs. Landry and O'Neill vs. Mitchell (though I realize none of those other characters died). I liked all of those characters, including the replacements, but the originals really set our minds eye for who the doctor should be and the general and leader of SG-1. It was virtually impossible for any replacement character to live up to the original, simply because the original defined the role for us as the audience.

            So while I'm with you that I would have preferred that she didn't die or leave the show, I don't think it's a plot hole or a failure of continuity by any means. And I can't fault a show or actor for wanting a change after a 7-year run. That's long enough that everyone gets credit for respecting the team and the project.

          • I didn't say that it's a plothole, but all it does is unfairly remove Janet and replace her considering she was mostly forgotten. I'm tired of every TV show killing off my favorite character and this was by far the worst written/executed one, especially with no aftermath or relevance at all. Killing her off was pointless, unfair and cruel to her fans. Especially since they tried that insulting and cheap "oh no, Jack died... don't worry, it was JUST Janet" trick. That combined with just forgetting her makes it look like she doesn't even matter. Honestly, I don't feel like I matter as a fan so why watch further? The farthest I managed was painful enough, I don't even understand why I bothered.

            I felt betrayed as a fan. I wanted her to become main. Three other guest/recurring characters was allowed to become mains in the franchise, so why not her? Janet was there first and for longer.

            Why do you think I don't trust TV shows for the most part anymore? Once I get a favorite character (and-or pairing) I stop because I know what will happen so I quit before getting too invested. And so far I haven't been wrong from what I hear other people say. But speaking of plotholes? There are plenty of those to me in Stargate since I always quit at a specific point.

            Change is only good when done right, and that was definitely NOT done right- At all. Again, how would you feel if it was your favorite character? How would you feel when all the shows you like kills off your favorite? Again, Janet's case is the worst because she was forgotten and made irrelevant. Even the poor excuses to kill her off are unfair.

            FYI the actress didn't want to leave.

          • I was terribly upset by the senseless killing off of Janet Frazier! I've never heard anything close to a valid reason why they had to kill HER off! It was totally unnecessary!

            But a new series is absolutely beyond the shadow of any doubt NOT EVER going to resurrect Dr. Frazier… So, you might as well not even think about getting your hopes up.

            The Stargate franchise betrayed you. They ruined Stargate for you. As awful as that reality is, it absolutely is NOT healthy for you to harbor such vitriol for so long. But if you want to let a TV franchise turn your emotions into a sewer that's on you.

            I'm glad that I've been able to enjoy another 11 seasons of Stargate after Janet died, and I look forward to enjoying more!

  • This thing with making a "reboot" is working ONLY for things that are very old, or bad etc . It is that situation when you start over again , amd try to do it better , take the idea and you develop that idea on current era with fresh new style and CGI etc , but when that thing is already very good , not to old and amazing with a lot of fans is stupid to even think at reboot, in that case you made a continuity with fresh crew and CGI , but in EXACTLY the same main line & Brand that was developed in many many years. For me Stargate / Star Trek and Star Wars are The Holy Trinity.

    • I don't think it works for even old stuff. While Hollywood is obsessed with remaking everything even if it was just released - think the awesome Train to Busan for one, it nearly never ever works. Even for stuff that's way old. For instance, when I was young I LOVED Conan the Barbarian and Clash of the Titans. They remade those something like 30 years later and they were such utter steaming piles of failure its hard to even fathom that they attempted to release them. Most remakes totally misunderstand why things in the past were successful. A movie like Conan is not typically a winning formula anyway at so you cant just find a new muscular guy and slap on a bunch of cgi and some heartless tale and think it will work. Hope to god they rethink the remake of the Goonies and Big Trouble in Little China.

      STD is such a bright beacon of what not to do when you reboot a show. It is so far from ST that it should not at all be called that. Its a brand new show that doesn't even pay homage let alone resemble any of the previous series, all of which I loved. It takes special talent to so royally screw up a beloved franchise that had lasted nearly/over 50 years.

      SW is somewhat better "reimagining" (imo) than STD (such a freaking fitting name, that is exactly what it is on the ST universe), but only in that I can watch it without a vomit bag, but they still totally destroyed everything that was good about it. To think, that when I had seen the prequels, those would be the best new SW movies coming out I never would have believed it!

  • If Jeff would also be kind to recharge Dark Matter i would definitely subscribe to AP! Stargate & Dark Matter both have big potential for success. So plz pick up Stargate and also Dark Matter before the characters get too old.

  • I've watched every Stargate series till the end, though Stargate Atlantis was full of action pact scenes, The Original Stagate series was full off adventure and a lot of funny Screen,s that made the it more fun to watch. Stargate Universe was great and it's ending left everyone with that Turst of wanting to Continue On, even if it was in the future. All 3 Stargate series were great and I'm Sure everyone is Going to miss the Old crew, but I'm sure with the right directors Producers, People will watch it and love it like I did. Signed a a sincere Stargate fan, who's looking forward to watching What will become of this Franchise.

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