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John Moe
John Moe
2 years ago

Great news, but man.. still waiting on a new series announcement. I know there’s a lot of processes it needs to go through, but its been two years since Brad Wright’s announcement about writing a new SG show. Waiting sucks and it just feels like it’s never going to happen.

(Yes, I know “Be patient”)

2 years ago
Reply to  John Moe

Writing a new show and getting a green light to shoot a new show in a franchise that hasn’t been profitable in going on close to a decade and a half now are two different things.

Jeffrey McCulley
Jeffrey McCulley
2 years ago

Just noticed the notice went away and was wondering why. Thanks for the update!

2 years ago

I’ve been a fan since the very first episode. Hulu is not available for my country… I’ve been waiting for this for so long…

2 years ago

Not on Comet anymore. Looks like last episode was yesterday

shelly v
shelly v
2 years ago
Reply to  fladowntown

Yup, like I said in the earlier Hulu post’s comment section, Comet has removed SG-1 from its schedule rotation but apparently they do this sporadically, cycle shows on and off the schedule. It will probably be back at some point or at least we can hope it will. Watching on Comet is a major pain in the rear anyway though it’s better than nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  fladowntown

On Comet in the past, if SG-1 ends, Atlantis starts playing. This could be the first time since its inception, no Stargate series on the lineup.

2 years ago

I doubt whether we’ll see a new stargate show sooner that 2-3 years from now. That said I’m of the mind that most of us might not even like the result when it arrives. If Amazon wholly owns the franchise I expect something more like their recent take on Cinderella rather than the Expanse.
I wish I could be more optimistic…but hopefully I’m wrong.

2 years ago

I am big fan of stargate as well.