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2 years ago

While I like most of everyone else would love to see the TV version of the franchise continue, I don’t think its as simple as comparing it to Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars to be plain and simple is really 3 movies, That’s it! If you want to get into that franchise you only NEED to dedicate about an hour and 45 minutes. If you want, you can just watch the movies, or just the live-action stuff. Star Trek is closer to Stargate as there are multiple shows and movies but really the 2009 film helped the franchise… Read more »

2 years ago

Bring back the Wraith – please

Johnny V d P
Johnny V d P
1 year ago
Reply to  Suzi

I would not mind brining Todd back as a permanent member of sg1

1 year ago
Reply to  Johnny V d P

Oh I love that idea! But the rest of the team would have to make sure that he watches his mouth. Both of them

2 years ago

Although Roland Emmerich (whom I’ve spoken to) still has every right to make a movie, and Amazon now has every right to totally re-boot the series. Both would probably fail no matter how much money they pour into it. This quest that we fans have been on for over a decade, is mostly because of the work of one man. Brad Wright is that man, and to most of the gate-loving world, he IS Mr. Stargate. If they go with him, and let him do things his way, they’ll be glad they did. The moral of the story is simple.… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  themaingmaster

Completely agree if Amazon don’t do this they are stupid not only would they give us fans what we want but they would make a hell of a lot of money for many years to come

2 years ago

I’m in the uk, loved stargate growing up and miss seeing it on TV. No mention of it anywhere in the uk on streaming sites etc so been looking at the old box sets. Has anyone seen the cost to sg1 full box set… Still big money over here. Defo a good sign for Amazon todo a reboot.

Steve Willis
Steve Willis
2 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I found all 10 seasons of SG-1 on eBay. All in all it cost me around £60. I also bought Stargate: Atlantis complete 5 season box set for £20. Hope this helps if you’re looking to buy it all. Good luck.

Andrew Devlin
Andrew Devlin
2 years ago
Reply to  Scott

It available on Sky TV via Sky Max channel. Currently rewatching SG1

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

Amazon has the box set of all three series together for 110 dollars us i mean yea its alot but when your getting 17 season thats under ten dollars a season its actually pretty cheap considering the amount of content also in the US sg1 is on Netflix again so you can use a VPN and set it for a us server and watch it there

Jonathan Parker
Jonathan Parker
2 years ago

The only way for a Stargate reboot to succeed is to follow the cannon of the original TV show. Stargate Universe was a disaster

2 years ago

Yeah it was. I watched one episode and said “yuck”!

1 year ago

I must admit I really enjoyed Universe. It had a great cast and a (slightly) more hard edged adult feel with some very good writing and more nuanced characterisation. I know that put some people off but I would welcome it being revisited in the context of a new more broadly focussed series. Also I really need to know what happened after that cliffhanger ending.

Sidney Allen Fein
Sidney Allen Fein
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

I found the characters wooden and uninspiring. I felt the writing was depressing and the storylines contrived. Just my opinion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

When the only guy who wants to be on the ship is the bad guy you have a poor concept match for what should be the target audience.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim

Finally, someone that recognizes how great of a series it was. It had an amazing practical cut way too short

1 year ago

I watched it and liked it but I agree it was a left turn too far. stargate origins, on the other hand, was an absolute travesty

2 years ago

Although a fan base is indeed a big deal, series need to also attract new viewers. Star Trek was cancelled after three seasons for lack of viewership, but built a fan base in syndication. Small things made it accessible to new viewers. Kirk’s voiceover in the intro sequence tells not just what the series is about, but also the idealistic motivations of the crew. It’s exposition, but almost transcends that, into a statement of who they are, and the unknown strange new worlds that they’ve thrust themselves into for five years. A similar statement from a Stargate character would have… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Well said

2 years ago

Brad Wright is our Gene Roddenberry. If Amazon/MGM wants to have a financially successful revival of the Stargate franchise he must be involved. He’s the one with the knowledge and vision, the one who knows how to tie it all together by creating something fresh yet including the legacy. Amazon can’t afford to risk angering the existing fandom, and has everything to gain by embracing it. They won’t believe how much free marketing and publicity they will get if they give us what we want. I for once, pledge to become a Prime customer the day they give us what… Read more »

1 year ago

I think they should start with all new characters on another world. Introduce us to new characters discovering their stargate and then gradually meeting earth and the SGC later in the season. That way our base is new but it exists in universe.

1 year ago

Loved the whole franchise! SGU was just starting to grow a beard. New show could be about rescuing the crew from Destiny, using it on missions between Earth and Pegasus.

1 year ago

I just don’t want them to completely change the look and feel of everything, keep saying it is somehow the same canon and tell long time fans they are now just bigots because the stargate looks nothing like it used to. Also I really liked SGU. My only “nope” with it was when destiny crew were using someone else’s body (by the communication stones) to bang their significant other!

1 year ago
Reply to  Johnny

I bet that’s exactly what they do. I have no interest in seeing yet another property flush down the woke toilet.

1 year ago
Reply to  Johnny

So the whole communication stones thing was an interesting take on the reality of the technology. I felt that while SGU was a mature lens into the franchise, it was a great take on the lengths people could go to get what they want.

1 year ago

I was very disappointed at the end of “Stargate Universe”, and I’m still waiting for some kind of continue. The other two SG1 and Atlantis ended in a mostly natural way, but the way SGU ended was catastrophic.

1 year ago

While I want them to continue the TV continuity, and bring back legacy characters, I still say the Stargate should not be disclosed. Part of the fun of SG1, and even some episodes of SGA, was trying to handle leaks to keep the public from finding out about the Stargate. Take that away entirely, and you’ll lose a big part of what separates Stargate from its rivals, Star Wars and Star Trek. They can still have a “Stargate Academy”, just keep it secret, like what we saw in “Proving Ground” and “Prodigy”. Just have it be a secret academy that… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Hawkcam

to do the same with THE EXPANSE?

1 year ago

Netflix will botch it and make it into a woke mess. Hard pass.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark

MGM was bought by Amazon, there’s no Netflix here to wokeify it.

1 year ago

The original and Atlantis are the best. I watch them over and over again when runs play. Universe was just lost in the vastness of the real universe. It had potential but no real good moral characters to anchor to and seemingly no direction it seemed for the show overall. I still watched it out of dedication to Stargate but was not really bothered by the cliffhanger ending because the show never really grabbed me in the first place.

Sidney Allen Fein
Sidney Allen Fein
1 year ago

For the love of canon please do not let Jeff Bezos get his hands on any more of my childhood.

1 year ago

stargate origins was total crap. how do we get beyond THAT?

Randall Merritt
Randall Merritt
1 year ago

Yes SGU should continue where it was cancelled so as to finish the story or some years after going into main space to avoid the robot armada

my biz
my biz
1 year ago

A hard reboot would not alienate fans if it was done well. Lets be honest plenty of things made no sense in the original series. Like the looks differently in the movie vs the tv show, 3 shots from a zat disintegrates, the weird ascended being ancient nonsense that the show started pushing out. It was very much a show from the late 90s that was surviving year by year and the writing reflects this lack of structure.

1 year ago
Reply to  my biz

How would you know if you aren’t a fan?

You don’t even seem to know about TV or science fiction given your surprise with the year to year nature of tv shows.

Mike Fish
Mike Fish
1 year ago
Reply to  my biz

Of course a hard reboot would alienate the fans because you are throwing 17 seasons of TV that the fans were fans of in the toilet. I assume you must work in Hollywood to have the deep understanding of fandom you’ve just shown.
Bradley McAfee
1 year ago

What ever happened to young clone O’neill? He would be a great character to revive. He already has all knowledge up through Season 7. Michael Alan Welch (born July 25, 1987) is an American actor. Episode: Fragile Balance

Last edited 1 year ago by [email protected]
1 year ago

Sure hope they film another season of stargate universe. We never found out what destiny finds …

1 year ago

Don’t let Amazon touch this! Didn’t you see what they did to Wheel of Time? Well likely get another STD :(

1 year ago

As much as I would love to find out what happened after all of the shows ended, I disagree that there is and abundance of room for good, long term storytelling left. I honestly think the best thing for Amazon to do is a hard reboot, with Brad Wright as the showrunner. I think it’s the best compromise between opening the show up to a new audience while not abandoning existing fans by bringing in someone new.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff


How could you have such a limited imagination?

Stargate is built on gate a system to travel to other planets. There’s no limit to what you can do with that.

Are you really telling me that if you found a system of stargates you’d get bored and stop using them in a few years?

1 year ago

If they make it woke, no one will watch. It will be another cancelled show in the long list of them.

1 year ago

Honestly, best place to pick it back up is with Atlantis since it’s still stuck on Earth. Yes I love the Atlantis cast but it wouldn’t even have to be them – they could have moved on to other jobs in the programme, so you could have a new staff in the city when something happens and exposes this giant alien city to the world. I mean it’s a heckuva lot more obvious than the stargate inside Cheyenne mountain. A scenario like that would give scope to substantial cameos from legacy characters, while also giving clear purpose and roles to… Read more »

1 year ago

I love and will always love the Stargate franchise…but I don’t want new stuff, at least not yet. So just leave it alone, maybe come back to it in a few more years. Otherwise it’ll be just another destroyed franchise filled with the “woke message” at the expense of good storytelling.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will
1 year ago

Amazon has a poor record with programs with canon….

1 year ago

Why open with the lame statement about honoring story lines? This is one of the reasons we don’t get nice stuff.

Any real fan will watch and if it’s any good we’ll keep watching.

We might prefer x, y or z but it’s not like there are options for other stargate variants. Do you really think some fans would get butt burn so badly they’d boycott over a story line not being consistent???

Would they be fans?

dwayne d. butcher
dwayne d. butcher
1 year ago

When it ended you still had wraith that most were freed from having to feed but could still have some who may not have been converted. The goa’uld were not all dead and still had scattered system lords lurking about. The ori were all dead and all the followers showed the truth, and now had to make their own way, could be some were upset and decided to take revenge on those that broke their faith. Also, the ori galaxy was never explored and no telling what else was in it that may have been hiding from them and now with… Read more »

1 year ago

Woke writers ruined star treck, star wars, lord of the rings, the orvile. I bet they can ruin this also.

1 year ago

I loved all three shows, SG-1, SGA and SGU. I felt like SGU was just beginning to grow into its full potential when it was cancelled. Since then, I’ve rewatched all three more times than I care to count. I also read the SGA Legacy Series books to continue feeding my need for more Stargate (if you’ve not read them, give it a go, they’re surprisingly good). If I had the money, I would commission a new Stargate Canon (with Brad Wright at the helm, obviously) myself. I just hope that if Amazon does pick it up, they don’t destroy… Read more »

Some dude
Some dude
1 year ago

lmao at all the comments asking not to “wokefy” the franchise. What the frak do you mean? SG-1 was a very forward-thinking show already, and I bet that if y’all watched it today for the first time, many of you would moan at how “woke” it is. You people have issues.

Psy Joda
Psy Joda
1 year ago

Come on, More Star Gate, . Do two series, one finish Star Gate universe, other continue of Atlantis, then join them. Or finish them both with a movie, then join them. Bring new and old Aliens. Don’t listen to the haters!

J priest
J priest
1 year ago

Loved SGC Universe! The end will make the beginning.. Tired of the same start rack movies.Boring.

1 year ago

Please don’t cram woke garbage into Stargate. Just go forward with the integrity of SG1 and attract true descent sci-fi lovers.
Amazon…you will lose orders as well as viewers! Keep true to the good vs evil! Not evil is legal and good. Stay true to Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal’c!!! Please!

1 year ago

If they do this then the first few episodes should be a passing of the torch from the old crews to the new one. This way we get to see our fan favorites one last time…..except for cameo appearances as the story calls for it.

1 year ago

Ok hear me out its been years so we could quickly wrap up universe with destiny returned to earth and sg1 based out of the atlantis ship which is also on earth now and throw in the fact that by now we can build zpms and much larger destiny based ships Carter and Shepard over see sg1 and Daniel Jackson is Atlantis myth lore and history expert there to support all teams missions the wraith have been converted to a normal diet with out the loss of there long life and strength and now side with earth and asgard against… Read more »

1 year ago

I know my opinion is going to be unpopular after reading several other people’s post but that’s ok because everyone else is wrong lol. Out of all the series, none of them captured my attentionbcc as deeply as stargate universe. I’m researching it for the 6th time and every time I do I get pissed off after the final episode when there are no more and I’ve become so rooted in finding the source of the complexity in the CMB. The show was amazing with an outstanding storyline and just so many possibilities to come. I’m honestly confused as to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff

i’m a 90s kid and grew up watching sg1 and atlantis by the time i got into high school. as i’ve grown since SGU, do i look back at SGU differently. i look at it in a more postive light and sad it went away. but i still stand by how i felt back then because watching it today, even though i do enjoy it now and wish for a season 3 and beyond, i still recognize why i was upset back then and that’s because there is too much drama in it compared to sg1 and atlantis. the only… Read more »

1 year ago

finish sgu

1 year ago

Where can I sign the petition???

1 year ago

people love stargate because of the tv canon (tv universe). not because of the original movie. if the tv series never happened, the tv movie would have stayed an even more smaller, obscure following. what made stargate big is what the tv series and ITS creators turned it into. 99% of those who love stargate love it because of the tv series. ignoring the series would be a massive blunder. they can do a new series / movie based off the existing content. there is so much to it that would allow them to explore. there is no need to… Read more »

1 year ago

I want another season of Stargate Atantis. I loved the show. It shouldnt been canceled

1 year ago

Amazon plans to continue the story with the return of Ra, except its an offspring sybiote (son and hathor, that has been in hiding and amassing new forces. an SG team and free Jaffa run into other jaffa in service to this new Ra. A return of Goa’uld and the original feel I like, the Ori plot i HATED! and as far as i am concerned Sg-1 ended with the battle on earth and movie where baal was stopped. Atlantis was good, but not the ORI plot of sg-1 later seasons.