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14 years ago

I still think that SyFy and MGM should reconsider the format for the next SG1 and Atlantis adventures. SyFy Original Miniseries anyone? I think it would be great “filler” material for when SGU is on hiatus. Plus I think that frees the fine folks at Bridge Studios to do more with those films, not having the limitations of a two-hour DVD movie.

14 years ago

I appreciated you clarified some points about the differences between movie and TV. So these are the channels that bring in advance money to produce the show and release it in each country. But I don’t think with such rates (last ep .85HH 1.312 vievers loosing this time 109 000 despite MS appearance and really below all SGA eps rates I found 0.90HH for the worst in season4 and obviuosly SGA did better in its last season an average of 1.24HH VS sgu 1.09HH for 14 eps ) sgu could keep its run over more 2 seasons. Not so profitable… Read more »

14 years ago

Your idea of miniseries will be pretty good option

14 years ago

Well, I gave up hope for an SG1 or SGA movie a several months back when the SG1 and SGA actors started trying to give out hints they wouldn’t be happening so fans wouldn’t be too disappointed later. Also, I’ve gotten the feeling that in addition to the money issues, Stargate’s PTB simply don’t want to make the movies. They’re too consumed with their new toy. And in my opinion TPTB seem he** bent on forgetting it’s original fanbase ever existed. So why would they make a movie for them? I’m not meaning that as a slam towards SGU, I… Read more »

14 years ago

TV shows can easily tank in a couple episodes if the ratings suck. TV shows with sucky ratings can also stay on the schedule all year if the producer happens to be David Letterman and CBS is scared of losing him (as was the case in Everybody Loves Raymond). The main thing is that TV and film operate on the same principle. make a profit, or else. If MGm doesn’t think they can make enough off an SGA or SG1 movie, they won’t be made. A Bond flick is higher profile with higher stakes and profits. Darned shame it’s on… Read more »

14 years ago

Your last line cracked me up and gave me a very humorous mental image of Jack. I too would like to see the new Bond movie, though I have yet to truly warm up to Daniel Craig.

14 years ago

Maybe they should film SG1 and SGA movies as made for TV instead of direct to DVD. The networks could foot some of the bill, and then MGM could make some money selling an extended cut DVD of the film with some special features.

14 years ago

mgm is going under hardcore. they need to end this show and make a movie to end atlantis before it is too late.

14 years ago

You can do completely alien aliens without cg. I’ve seen very alien looking creatures on Dr. Who and Farscape. That’s without cg too. In any event it’s better to have a few aliens done well than a bunch of aliens done poorly. So you’re completely wrong about it being inevitable having the fake looking, very human, aliens. I’d rather have truly alien encounters even if they happen less often. It will be more realistic and more dramatic. If I want human looking aliens I’ll watch Star Trek. These new sgu aliens are acceptably alien for me. Still, I’d like to… Read more »

14 years ago

make the sg1 and atlantis movies, but to air on the syfy channel first. or, as someone else stated, mini series.

Call Me Jim
Call Me Jim
14 years ago

I agree a miniseries format would work better and give us all more of some of our favorite characters.

I liked the CG aliens we have seen so far but they have been plot devices rather than characters/antagonists. Personally I would also rather see an actor in a prosthetic. But that is just me.

I’ve kept an open mind about SGU and I must say it is beginning to get good. Glad I stuck around, only now the season is more than half over!! I’ll be watching!

Love the column.

First Post!!

14 years ago

One little issue. There was a somewhat similar situation a few years back. While Tribune had already ordered a 4th season of mutant X, that never came about when the production company folded.

14 years ago

I love Mtichell and his attitude in life. But I’m doubtful if he’ll ever show in SGU since he didn’t guest star in Atlantis as well. Too bad, Sheppard and Mitchell seem to have some chemistry for the 3 minutes we saw them together on Pegasus Project.

14 years ago

It’s entirely possible that SyFi could just fund and produce the series itself. It pays MGM’s production bills, so it’s possible. It’s not the best live action stargate so far anyway, so two seasons isn’t a terrible loss, look at FireFly. Immortalized in time only 16 episodes, Dollhouse 2 seasons some people liked it

14 years ago

Teryl Rothery is apparently going to be very important to BSG history. On BSG, William Adama said his mother’s name was Evelyn–an indication that Rothery’s character will eventually marry Joseph Adama and become his stepmom.

14 years ago

I too love the idea of mini-series, does sound like it could work better! At least for SGA. SG-1 is honesty over with the story, so, as much as I loved it, I won’t cry, in difference from Atlantis which was shamelessly left just hanging in the air, so to speak! And God I agree about I’d wish to see Mitchell and Sheppard together! Judging by Pegasus Project it could be hilarious indeed! Don’t agree about SGU though. Still follow it out of sheer boredom and although action got a bit better, the plot seems to always be the same:… Read more »

14 years ago

Gonna agree with the headline, for cryin’ out loud. You people really need to stop thinking that any future Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis films are out of the picture cause it’s been “too long”. Okay, Stargate SG-1’s series finale was in 2007 with the last movie based upon it released in 2008. Stargate Atlantis series finale was in 2009. On top of this information Stargate franchise still has a new running series on the air with fresh episodes. Looking at these facts compared to those of two other big science fiction series, not to compare but just for a statistical… Read more »

14 years ago

that sucks , cuz Ive went out of my way to purchase SG1 – SGA , DVDS’S & MOVIES to help support the Series and keep it thriving. Even after I couldve bootlegged stuff via the net & still buy em ! anyother show , I might be like bump it, or catch up via Hulu/ but w/STARGATE I GO OUT OF MY WAY TO BUY THE LEGIT PRODUCTS .& OR PAY FOR THE EPISODES. I-TUNES / AMAZON ETC.ESPECIALLY LIKE PAYING ALMOST $50 BUCKS FOR SGU 1.0 BLURAY. IT WAS A BAD ASS BLU RAY THO , BUT DONT KNOW… Read more »

14 years ago

I really don’t care what happens to Stargate:90210. I just want the Stargate Atlantis movie, no matter how it happens. Made for TV and shown on SyFy and/or direct to DVD. I don’t think it’s going to happen, but I still have a smidgen of hope left per remarks from Joe Flanigan and David Hewlett at the Vancouver Stargate Convention.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

Stargate:90210? that insult is so 6 months ago, keep with the times man! Its out of Stargate Productions (Brad Wright & Co) hands on whether or not the movies happen. They need the green light from MGM for it to happen & MGM need to get there financial issues sorted before they will give that green light. Its as simple as that. “mgm is going under hardcore. they need to end this show and make a movie to end atlantis before it is too late.” I’m rather sure that if they were going under an Atlantis movie would be the… Read more »

14 years ago

“mgm is going under hardcore. they need to end this show and make a movie to end atlantis before it is too late.”

mgm become´s money from SYFY for the Series. But mgm must pay the money on there own

“I really don’t care what happens to Stargate:90210”

This line is almost 1 year old. Wow, 100 % innocent.

14 years ago

must pay for the movie on there own

14 years ago

Tanith, what insult would you prefer that I use? I reserve the right to refer to the show in any way it deserves. It’s at best a poor substitute for the previous shows. I can’t decide if TPTB are trying to imitate BSG, 90210 or just anything they think is Science Fiction related and juvenile. At the Vancouver Con I saw (and heard) the love and affection which greeted the actors from Stargate and Atlantis. I also heard all the boos and the exodus from the area when the actors from Universe came to the stage. I don’t think I… Read more »

Scott Watson
14 years ago

@ rsharpe I personally would prefer if you didn’t insult the show at all and only focused on tactful worded criticisms. At the very least it was getting called Stargate: 90210 being the first episode even aired which suggested that a fair few were never going to give it a proper chance right from the get go. “I refuse to believe that anything is completely out of Wright & Cos. hands. They want it to appear that way and at this point are too stubborn and committed to admit they are/were wrong. If they wanted the movies to be made,… Read more »

14 years ago

Tanith, thank you for replying in a courteous and civilized manner. I appreciate it. I’ve read every article I could find. If you discover any new information, I’d definitely be interested.

14 years ago

I disagree that the other Gate Movies will be made. As time goes on these actors will hopefully find themselves under contract doing other things. At times these contracts prohibit them from doing certain ventures with unrelated companies. Getting everyone back together is going to be more and more complicated. And as far as Bankruptcy works the series is not protected paid ahead or not. Bankruptcy allows all contracts to be set aside or cancelled. If Syfy gave MGM several million dollars to shoot SGU and then MGM files for protection under Bankruptcy, they can simply list SGU as an… Read more »

is it you
is it you
14 years ago

Long time reader, finally I registered. I’d like to say, I was very disappointed in the first half of SGU…too much use of the stones. But I decided to give the second half a try and low and behold, I am now hooked. The excitement level has increased 10 fold for me. While I still love SG1 and SGA and watch all of the re-runs, I’m very happy with the new series now. I know others are not, but, hey, if we all liked the same things and had the same thoughts, what a boring world it would be. I… Read more »

13 years ago

I’ve watched the SG franchise from the begining and I’ve loved SG1 and SGA but I have to say that SGU is the best of the three. It’s darker, more emotional, and I’ve loved the character growth. Granted we havent had allot of comedy, and action but that will come. This is the best of the three and the more I watch the series I love it more and more. SG1 and SGA were great shows and I didnt think they could be topped but this show beats them both and I see great things in the years to come… Read more »

13 years ago

It’s a problem that theres no way to have interaction with the company and because of that, how can they keep up with what we want. I would go for a monthly subscription if I could watch all their shows or help towards costs by donating or something. Unfortunatly the watch online feature doesn’t reach beyond the US. I guess we just have to wait till people can work out a viable internet model that is so good and works in so many countries that you wont even consider downloading. I mean to save stargate I’d sit through all the… Read more »