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14 years ago

Didn’t realize she had won an award for her performance in Pain. Well deserved!

14 years ago

I definitely recommend checking out that Q&A everyone! It makes for great reading!

Congratulations to Julia Benson on her award for “Pain”! Well done and very well deserved!

SGU Season 2 begins October! Gonna be amazing! :D

14 years ago

I hope she gets a lot more character development in season 2. I always hated how she was mostly portrayed as just a “badass with a nice rack” in season 1.

14 years ago

if they shot her up to a lead character, i’d prob start watching the show again.

14 years ago

She is a good character I agree. And, she was exceptional in PAIN. While I liked the first half season One of SGU, I thought it was amazing in the second half – esp the last 6 or 7 episodes. It seems as though there are a great many more interesting characters than there were all of the first part of the season. And, strangely enough, I’m less interested in either Col.Young or Rush than I am in all the rest. (Rush’s character is interesting only in that his choices are always so based on his own self – at… Read more »

14 years ago

I think she is the Major Lorne for SGU.

14 years ago

I know my husband likes her character. Wink wink.

But she is a good supporting actress

14 years ago

I dont even remember the break up between her and Scott (did it happen off camera or during a dialoge free scene?) Looking forward to seeing what the character does to deal with the fact that not only was she dumped, still has to work with Scott but also sees the person she was dumped for on a nearly dayily basis. I just hope they dont pull a crazy astro-nut woman who kidnapps Scott or Chloe.

14 years ago

All that appears is Scott banging her in the beginning of the pilot, and then nothing more.

I hate her as much as I hate Scott, because she loves to make fun of Eli. Even science fiction nowadays is showing how “cool” it is to bash the nerd.

I watched the first episodes, now I’m boycotting this series.

14 years ago

The one sad thing about the Stargate franchises, is they tend to not develop female characters nearly as much as the male ones. For example, I always liked Teryl Rothery’s character in SG-1, they FINALLY have her seeming to get some romance in a season 7 episode, I’m thinking, “finally we’re gonna find out more about her”, and… yea… she’s gone… Fantastic episode, but that’s when I realized they don’t really develop the female characters.

Eddie Teague
Eddie Teague
12 years ago

I just watched SGU again and it dawned on me – Dr. Kaine was a widower. Jacob Carter from SG1 was a widower. Has me wondering if one of the writers had lost his spouse. I guess because I’m a widower and my dad also lost my mom before he passed that I would notice this.