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Devlin still talking Stargate movie sequels

Dean Devlin, the writer and producer of the original Stargate movie, hasn’t given up on the idea of sequels to his 1994 feature film.  He talked about the idea again in a new interview with Collider.

“We actually wrote it as a trilogy of movies, but we were never able to do parts two and three,” Devlin said.  “So our hope is, now that the series is starting to wind down, that maybe it will be time to actually get to do parts two and three.  We’re still hopeful that we’ll get to come back and tell the rest of that story.”

Stargate was directed by Roland Emmerich, and starred Kurt Russell as Colonel Jack O’Neil and James Spader as Dr. Daniel Jackson.  Devlin said he would absolutely want to use the same actors.  The movie was shot with a modest budget of $55 million, and released in October of 1994.

The film’s storyline was continued in five novels written by Bill McCay, but Devlin’s movies would take the story in a different direction.  He’s also commented in years’ past that the films would ignore the TV series continuity, and that he thinks the two versions of Stargate could live side-by-side in the minds of audiences.

“I think it’ll change a little bit from our original idea since so many years have passed,” he said. “We wanted to explore the idea of how the Stargates were built originally, and where else in the universe they exist, and why they exist — and where else they exist on Earth. We had really planned out, as a trilogy of films, to allow this mythology to grow bigger and bigger.”

Watch the full video interview below — in which Devlin also talks about his hopes to turn 1996’s Independence Day into a trilogy, as well — courtesy of Collider.

(Thanks to Kyle, Von, Chris, and Jason for the tip)


Darren created GateWorld in 1999 and is the site's managing editor. He lives in the Seattle area with his wife and three spin-off Stargate fans.

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  • I really liked the original movie (definitely much better than 90% of the earlier SG-1 episodes) and would love to see how the series was originally supposed to pan out.

  • If it does well enough. Maybe they will give us a conclusion to Stargate Universe too.

  • I'll take sequels to the unfinished Atlantis and SGU over this any-day. Just can't leave us hanging and give us Stargate of old without ending the others. Would be cool, but I think the others should take priority.

  • There won't be any conclusion. If anything, the movies would confuse the spectators even more if some were to be drawn into the renewed series.
    Stop dreaming. The actors have already moved out. Their respective contracts can easily occupy them for 2 to 3 years if the show they're part of is successful.
    I'd love for the show to return, but it would seriously need to add a bit more camp to it, more science fiction, while keeping the seriousness. Thus far, the show had presented a dull universe, empty as hell, which the ship flew through. There should have been much more stuff happening in the background than what we got. The repetitive aggressions from the Cylons... oops, the fish guys... oh sorry, the mindless seeker-drones, that was getting nowhere. It would have been good if part of something else.

  • @Mr. Oragahn to a degree I agree with you, especially about the pacing of the series, BUT why is everyone so uptight about the actors not moving on and not being able to come back at some point? How many movies/TV series will do a movie or something like that and get returning actors back? Star Trek's a great example, for the Trek films they got the ENTIRE cast of Trek back and that was what, a decade after the original series ended? Lord of the Rings...a number of the cast AND crew are returning a good seven or so years since they worked on the trilogy for The Hobbit and others like Liv Tyler have expressed a desire to return. Firefly...obviously no more movies in the near future, but the entire cast has pretty much expressed that if there was to be a new one that they would return in a heartbeat. Even if they are working on other projects, if they enjoyed it enough and they can work around schedules, why wouldn't they return? And the other argument - re: they destroyed the sets - I'm sure that they scanned them in digitally so they can recreate them if they need to - didn't they do that to Serenity for the movie?

    And re: Stargate movies - a couple years ago I would have said "no" but now I'm more interested, the majority of the movie going audience is probably far more familiar with the original Stargate than the TV series really and I'd be interested to see where he would have taken it differently than the TV show, and hey, it can't be any worse than some of the episodes of the TV show we've seen, right? As much as I love Stargate, I'll definitely admit that its far from perfect but better than most TV shows.

    Still, I said this before and I'll say it now, I don't expect to see a Stargate movie or TV series in any form until after MGM starts making the big bucks from James Bond and The Hobbit films in 2012, so we'll have a little while to wait. If there is demand though, they'll certainly produce it if they have the money.

  • I'll take anything with a big spinning ring at this point.

    I'm particularly interested in the BUILDING of the gates and what kind of species he would create. After all, the Ancient mythology in the series is arguably the biggest. Would the movie take it in a very different direction?

    In the end, stop TALKING and start DOING.

  • One thing that I definitely think would change from the TV series is the Go'auld wouldn't be the main bad guy. I'm pretty sure of that because in the original movie they're a dying race, vs. in the TV series where they're quite numerous.

  • I'm not sure how I feel about Devlin doing the sequels. Given that he will basically be writing off SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe as if they never happened, it would feel to many fans of the Stargate franchise like a big slap in the face. While I would be a little interested in what he might do, I think I would be against it. Plus I think if Spyglass were to give the green light to 2 stargate movies they would sooner be movies that could be made for 2-3 million each (what was the budget for Ark of Truth, Continuum) as opposed to 2 movies that would be higher up, at like 50-100 million each.


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