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13 years ago

I really liked the original movie (definitely much better than 90% of the earlier SG-1 episodes) and would love to see how the series was originally supposed to pan out.

13 years ago

If it does well enough. Maybe they will give us a conclusion to Stargate Universe too.

13 years ago

I’ll take sequels to the unfinished Atlantis and SGU over this any-day. Just can’t leave us hanging and give us Stargate of old without ending the others. Would be cool, but I think the others should take priority.

Mr. Oragahn
Mr. Oragahn
13 years ago

There won’t be any conclusion. If anything, the movies would confuse the spectators even more if some were to be drawn into the renewed series. Stop dreaming. The actors have already moved out. Their respective contracts can easily occupy them for 2 to 3 years if the show they’re part of is successful. I’d love for the show to return, but it would seriously need to add a bit more camp to it, more science fiction, while keeping the seriousness. Thus far, the show had presented a dull universe, empty as hell, which the ship flew through. There should have… Read more »

13 years ago

@Mr. Oragahn to a degree I agree with you, especially about the pacing of the series, BUT why is everyone so uptight about the actors not moving on and not being able to come back at some point? How many movies/TV series will do a movie or something like that and get returning actors back? Star Trek’s a great example, for the Trek films they got the ENTIRE cast of Trek back and that was what, a decade after the original series ended? Lord of the Rings…a number of the cast AND crew are returning a good seven or so… Read more »

13 years ago

I’ll take anything with a big spinning ring at this point.

I’m particularly interested in the BUILDING of the gates and what kind of species he would create. After all, the Ancient mythology in the series is arguably the biggest. Would the movie take it in a very different direction?

In the end, stop TALKING and start DOING.

13 years ago

One thing that I definitely think would change from the TV series is the Go’auld wouldn’t be the main bad guy. I’m pretty sure of that because in the original movie they’re a dying race, vs. in the TV series where they’re quite numerous.

13 years ago

Heck, I think I’d take a revival of Stargage Infinity at this point.

13 years ago

Never going to happen: Stargate is dead, stop whipping a dead horse.

13 years ago

I’m not sure how I feel about Devlin doing the sequels. Given that he will basically be writing off SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe as if they never happened, it would feel to many fans of the Stargate franchise like a big slap in the face. While I would be a little interested in what he might do, I think I would be against it. Plus I think if Spyglass were to give the green light to 2 stargate movies they would sooner be movies that could be made for 2-3 million each (what was the budget for Ark of Truth,… Read more »

13 years ago

#ThomasG if Stargate were truly dead there wouldn’t be any more books coming, and the conventions would come to a quick end. Respectfully I say you are wrong and Stargate is not dead.

13 years ago

id like to see this but when they say they want to ignore the series i dont know i mean the movie started it but for me the series is why i love stargate

Eternal Density
Eternal Density
13 years ago

Seriously, this ship has sailed. Several billion light-years from home.

Mr. Oragahn
Mr. Oragahn
13 years ago

Let’s be honest. Devlin would know how to make a good movie. The show would have never started if Stargate didn’t have the power to be a cult movie of its own. All TV Stargate movies thus far pale in comparison. Heck, they even pale in comparison to finales such as what Exodus, Full Circle, Lost City (SG-1) and Siege (SGA) had been.

13 years ago

@Mr. Oragahn: IMHO, Stargate Continuum kicked the original movie to the curb.

13 years ago

I strongly disagree if Devlin’s just going to “throw out” SG-1, SGA, and SGU. That’s 14 years of content just ignored.

Now if there was a tie in, say alternate time-line/ parallel universe (we’ve seen both before), THEN I could see this as good news.

13 years ago

I liked the original movie, but would like to see the SGA and SG1 movies much, much more than what Devlin is talking about.

13 years ago

I wouldn’t be mad about this idea. I would much rather have SGU continued. The Stargate series has done very well contining on from the movie and telling the stories this guy wants to tell in the movies which will ignore all the series. Not a good idea in my book.

13 years ago

sounds like he thinks the shows are crap. and plans to ignore them like they never happened.

13 years ago

It is hard to believe that he would pick the movie actors instead of the ones that we would instantly recognize as Daniel (Michael Shanks) and Col O’Neill (RDA).

If they do a Stargate 2 and 3 I might actually skip it because it would be like a big slap in the face to the fans

13 years ago

He want’s to do Independence Day 2 and 3 first.Then stargate, which I really doubt that any stargate movies will happen.Will smith or kurt russell, I think that’s an easy one too pick?
Stargate will get a movie if they don’t do Independence Day in my opinion.But no will smith no Independence Day.

13 years ago

I don’t think this is a bad idea. It’s kinda like Star Trek, the movies have no real regard for the continuity of the TV shows. With that said, I realise that the Star Trek movies had the same actors. I think that if there is enough popularity in these movies, then we might get a conclusion to at least one of the series’. With any luck :/

13 years ago

I think SG1, SGA and SGU laid the ground work for their inclusion in a movie continuity universe. The alternate reality theme is strong in all three. One discontinuity has always struck me as odd. In the original movie the the alien possession seemed to be of a different race perhaps even a phased alien partly in our universe, partly existing outside it.. almost like a partially ascended being… shades of another big badied explored years later on SG1… in fact I thought SG1 rather cleverly went back to the movie to lift that idea and better integrate it into… Read more »

13 years ago

He says the same thing every couple of years and it never amounts to anything. These movies won’t be made.

13 years ago

In the original film, the Go’auld werent even called the Go’auld, and they didnt even resemble symbionts….
though for some reason i would love to see the trilogy. i always thought stargate should be more serious tbh, even though i love it regardless.

The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
13 years ago

Never going to happen. Much like revivals of the series. Stop dreaming. Stargate is dead.

13 years ago

I think Devlin’s Stargate trilogy has a better shot in coming back than the series at this point. Plus, Devlin is producing a lot of good films and shows recently, so his credibility has raised a few notches in the recent past. So at least there is 50-50 shot with his project at this point. Stargate is better than no Stargate. It would be interesting to see a conclusion to those films…

13 years ago

here’s a novel idea..

if you like the show and movies, watch them, if you don’t,.. butt the hell out and go do something else..


[…] that they would get made…but now that the Stargate TV franchise is at least in hibernation, Devlin is still hopeful that parts two and three could still happen, although it may be changed a bit from their original […]

13 years ago

‘IMHO, Stargate Continuum kicked the original movie to the curb’

Yeah, it was so cool how everybody went poof in a puff of time smoke when Ba’al altered the past.

13 years ago

no devlin movies.

yes sg1 and atlantis movies.

or an sg1/atlantis/sgu combo movie.

13 years ago


So if we don’t happen to share YOUR opinion on the subject, we should just “butt the hell out?”

Last I checked, people were allowed to voice themselves on a public forum.

Here’s a novel idea:

If you don’t like what people say on here, get over it and accept it as the discussion that it is.

13 years ago

My initial opinion is that Devlin is kind of a bit of a jerk if he just wants to ignore a series that made television history.

On the other hand… I really want all the haters, who say “Stargate is dead” and should really go troll somewhere else, to have it shoved in their faces when new Stargate films start rolling out.

13 years ago

I agree, No Devlin Movies, the path has been set way to long…we can not even get conclusions to the stories we have, with the fan base we have…let alone a “re-write of Stargate form episode 0”

13 years ago

How about a new show: “Stargate the Next Generation”? (apologies to Gene.) The world now knows about all the technology and it is common place. It centers around a search and rescue unit and their first mission is to rescue the crew of the destiny.

13 years ago

While I do cartwheels over the idea of a new Stargate movie, I hope Devlin doesn’t decide to ignore 17 cumulative series years and 2 direct-to-DVD movies of Stargate canon and lore . Add to that the fact that MGM has now completely alienated anyone who’s so much as thought about a stargate since 1994, and I wouldn’t predict a very good turnout for Devlin’s project. I know I won’t be watching anymore MGM releases until they reverse the production stronghold they have created around the Stargate series Franchise. I hope many other put-out SG fans join me in the… Read more »

13 years ago

rjami3, the Star Trek movies are continuations of the series. Don’t know what you were looking at!?!

13 years ago

. I’m not as big a fan of Star Trek as I am Stargate. I guess I misunderstood it. But Data dies in one of the movies but he doesn’t die in the show. Or was that movie set after the show? I dunno, I’m so confused ahaha. Sorry :)

13 years ago

a stargate 3D movie could be something worth doing for MGM.

13 years ago

– Any theatrical releases of Stargate should ignore the television show if they want to do well. I really liked most of the Stargate tv franchise but I know I’m in a minority. While some nods to the show may be nice, very few people are actually familiar with Stargate on a level in which a movie should attempt to continue it at this point. It will take a long time for it to pervade deeply into society, if it can, as Star Trek did.

Thunderbird 2
Thunderbird 2
13 years ago

Mr Devlin is simply launching a media weather balloon again. Ie, testing the water to see if the studio bosses will bite at his idea. SG1’s The Lost City storyline was originally intended to launch SG1 on the big screen, leaving Atlantis on tv in its wake as the ongoing show. – The film never happened because SG1 was still making too much money in tv revenue. – Sci Fi / Sy Fy / ???? wanted both. I am extremely doubtful that there will be television based Stargate again. Too much has already been done with SG1, ATL and UNI.… Read more »

13 years ago

I think it should be noted that SG-1’s mythology is going to live on with Devlin’s possible sequels, that it would be his take on whats happening and can coexist. It would be different actors, sure. I hope they don’t forget Hammond and the crew. But keeping the original movie actors is okay with me, as long as they don’t rip apart of what has been done. And with him going the path of who created the gates, and why, will be interesting. Thats what SGU was about. I doubt we’ll see any of SGU’s characters, but will we learn… Read more »

13 years ago

Man this idea is full of fail. Imagine if he pulled it off, and got all the old actors to play those old parts, like the 3 shows never existed? Terrible.

In a prefect world, they’d bring back both Atlantis and Universe. So all the Universe haters can be happy Atlantis is back, and all those who loved both Universe & Atlantis can be happy both are back.

Heck, since this imaginary world is perfect … Firefly & Wonderfalls would’ve aired for 5 seasons a piece & BSG got one more year too.

13 years ago

– I doubt he could get the original actors at this point, but considering that less than 1% of the US population watched the Stargate tv shows, basing a movie on a continuation of it would be a pretty bad idea.

13 years ago

I don’t know how seriously we should take this. If Devlin can’t get the resources together to do a sequel to Independance DEay how is he going to get the OK to do another Stargate movie?

McKenna SG-1
McKenna SG-1
13 years ago

Hi, my respect for all opinions posted in this forumm. First of all, receive my apologies about my bad English, I´m not from America or any English speaking country. I´ve been a fun of Stargate since the bare beginning when I watched the movie by first time. I´m from Argentina, you know, so I don´t know about USA funs behavior or what % of USA population has watched the TV serials. However, here in Buenos Aires, at least, there are many funs that would be delighted with the idea of new movies that follow the TV characters, not the movie… Read more »