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12 years ago

Syfy kills more dreams!

12 years ago

Just when I get into a show, it meets it’s end. I came into this show during season 3, and began watching regularly through reruns on Chiller last summer. Fell in love, and now collecting boxed sets (I just ordered season 3 on Blu-Ray). If it doesn’t come back, at least it’s not an older series that I am discovering 20 years later, as this happens alot with me. Great article, Chad! :-). Looking forward to the audio!

12 years ago

Comcast also pulled the plug on Eureka. Not a good time for sci-fi on Syfy. :(

12 years ago

It’s unfortunate that we’re seeing the probable end of another imaginative scripted show. The worst problem with this trend, as I see it, is that producers and investors are going to be more and more reluctant to take gambles on new ideas for future science fiction projects. The initial investment in sets and casting is going to simply too risky. It’s too easy to pump out a cheap reality show with little to lose if it tanks.

12 years ago

Since the death of SGU, I only have 3 shows on SyFy… Eureka (ending soon), Sanctuary (uncertain), and Being Human (good, coming back, but I can get it through other means). I don’t even watch WWE Smackdown, and I’m actually a big WWE fan.

I’m done with SyFy once they make a decision on Sanctuary. There’s just nothing left that they can even remotely call Science Fiction… what’s the point?

12 years ago

this gives me some time to catch up on the last season…

12 years ago

I just can’t stand it anymore…it only about money these days and no one cares about a good show…if the network (or their shareholders) do not see the money, they kick it out…no matter what…

You rather wait unitl a series has 3 seasons before you start but even then you can’t be sure that you’ll have a start and ending point. I could name at least about 10 great shows, which have been cancelled out of a sudden…

Sorry but I’m just pi****…

12 years ago

Well in all seriousness the series has been going downhill for a long time. I love Tapping’s work, but the show is boring.

About the only interesting characters on the Show are/were Telsa and Druit.

12 years ago

Syfy is just killing Scifi

12 years ago

Syfy is really wonderful you know. It likes killing of wonderful shows. Great Syfy! Nice! I applaud your stupidity!

12 years ago

It’s not Syfy’s fault this time. They got bought by a new company, changes happened, and they are literally unable to make a decision until COMCAST figures out what’s what.

12 years ago

Up till today I’ve bought into the theory that Comcast is the Big Bad in all this – they were blamed for canceling Eureka (as I said above) and now they are getting the blame for the hold-up with Sanctuary. But the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if this isn’t simply a case of “good cop-bad cop.” Syfy can blame Comcast for unpopular decisions and still say they are championing (unsuccessfully) science fiction on their network. Not sure if it’s true, but I wouldn’t be surprised by anything. I understand though, that the bottom line is what’s important in television.… Read more »

12 years ago

Syfy…GROW A FRACKING BACKBONE! Comcast/NBC CLEARLY doesn’t understand your channel and the audience you were designed to cater for. YOU CAN’T KEEP CANCELING YOUR POPULAR SHOWS AND EXPECT TO RETAIN AN AUDIENCE! Not only cancelling them, but the WAY you handled it. Eureka was a disaster, from “final season” to “no final season” to “final episode,” SGU was a disaster “we’re just gonna announce it on twitter and wait months before we even say a word about it officially to fans” Caprica “we’re just not gonna air the remaining episodes and show re-runs of a 20 year old show that… Read more »

12 years ago

Browncoat1984, no, it won’t, it will do something worse, it will do the same thing CourtTV and The Nashville Network did. Remember them, CourtTV became TruTV and, The Nashville Network became The National Network and then, SpikeTV. Or, maybe distanting it’s self from SciFi would be the best thing SyFy could do for SciFi fans, change the network’s name completely and let some other company create a SciFi channel. Hey, see what I did, I imagined greater!! LOL

12 years ago

I really dislike scifi, they have taken anything scifi and put junk on. i hardly watch the channel anymore, only eureka and when it was on sanctuary. i just wanna cry

12 years ago

Unfortunately, axcel1 probably has it right. Syfy as a network has had better cumulative ratings than in previous years, when the good stuff was on. So why should Comcast listen when Syfy wants to air sci-fi? There is no incentive financially. I mourn the loss of so many good shows who were cut short before their time, SGA, Farscape, Eureka… but realistically don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel for Syfy. We are just gonna get more of the same, because it is working for the suits at the top.

12 years ago

This series as with any other was doomed on SciFry. If you want to survive get another network to buy the series.

12 years ago

I think it is a time that some one creates a new network to compete with frigging SYF(Y)ilis

12 years ago

Exactly, we need a new science fiction/fantasy channel. Maybe it could be called something like The Science Fiction and Fantasy network so there’s NO question what this channel is all about. It needs to be run not by a bunch of suits who only care about the bottom line but by people who are just as much sci-fi fans as the people who watch their shows, people who understand that their viewers don’t like being left in the dark, don’t like being crapped around when it comes to cancelling their shows (Eureka and that fiasco) That being said, I DO… Read more »

12 years ago

Absolutely, Browncoat1984 and Sylvia. Are we not to have any sci-fi anymore? Another thing, if Sanctuary and the other’s ratings have dropped, how do they measure it. Did they calculate the Canadian and US viewers only? I am from South Africa and we are only viewing Season 4 eps 6 tomorrow night so it is stupid to do the above. If only the Cable viewers who get Sanctuary after the US are also used in the ratings, what about the rest of us. Not all of our Country has cable and have 2 wait to hire the DVD/Blue Ray and… Read more »

12 years ago

Great idea. I say let’s get this thing started.

12 years ago

We can only hope and pray for a real SciFi Channel. God, I miss the good ol’ days when we had scifi fridays and scifi mondays, too.

12 years ago

Syfy network as a whole is going down! There started when they started canceling scifi shows off the scifi channel and going against there own entertainment brand! The cancellation of Farscape started there demise and since they started canceling SG1 Atlantis and SGU there is for the most part very little science fiction on syfy anymore. I don’t see this network being around to much longer! Mainly because THEY SUCK!!!!

12 years ago

Hello all, it’s been a while since I last posted here. @Sylvia @Browncoat1984. If you’ll recall I was kicking the idea of fan funded seasons of our favorite shows a year ago when there was was so much discussion about the rather rude cancellation of SGU. Show funded by the fans for the fans using a system similar to that of public broadcasters. The show NOVA for instance has a few corporate sponsors that get mentioned at the beginning, middle and end of an episode along with thanks to “viewers like you”. If just 1 million fans of a show… Read more »

12 years ago

Mark Stern: The Syfy Reaper.

12 years ago

When will Syfy stand for Sci-fi and not WWE?

12 years ago

fans are so used to getting screwed we would be in shock if we were not screwed,, big time… (I had to say it softly,,,)..

12 years ago

Well, my brother in law works for Comcast’s PR/Marketing and I have told him that his company sucks in the first place, reason I switched to Verizon FIOS. Anyways, he told me that the Comcast buyout of SYFY was a strategic move to control broadcasting and marketing of “reality-based” shows (i.e. WWE). And their longterm plan is to change the handling of the SyFy network to something else…thus officially killing the moniker of SyFy altogether, and creating another format(s) to control airing of shows, preventing other providers (Verizon, DirectTv, etc.) from automatically airing syndicated programming…if they want to – then… Read more »

12 years ago

@Sylvia I bet we could at least get the following: a 10-13 episode season of SGU to finish the series, 2-4 movies for Stargate Atlantis to provide better closer, 2-4 movies for SG-1 and 1 movie to combine all the Stargate shows for one big epic finale. Maybe we could even do more than that and help revive the old guard of Stargate SG-1/SGA/SGU for more than that, but if we can at LEAST provide better closer I would be happy. I bet Eureka fans could EASILY fund their show for 13 episode seasons no problem. Same goes for Sanctuary,… Read more »

12 years ago

If all you people boycotted syfail when they cancelled stargate we wouldnt be talking about this and probably would still have stargate. But you all wimped out and syfail knows that they can do whatever they want without repercussions from the fan. So you all go be good little cattle and just sit there. You all talk but no action.

12 years ago


SyFy doesn’t care about us. If we all boycotted SyFy then what few good shows are still on wouldn’t be – Warehouse 13, Alphas.

Eureka was canceled and it was one of SyFy’s top shows. They don’t care.

I still say we need to do a kickstarter to get Stargate and Sanctuary started back up.

12 years ago

Okay people, I just did the math. According to Robert Carlyle an episode of SGU cost $2 million to make, give or take. According to SyFy’s ratings numbers, we can probably estimate that SGU on average had anywhere between 1-3 million viewers from season 1 to season 2. This number does not take into account the international viewers, or people who have discovered the series in the year since the show ended via DVD/Blu ray, Netflix, Itunes etc. or people who downloaded illegally (I hate to admit it, but I’m sure a lot did) If we were able to convince… Read more »

12 years ago

Browncoat, your math should come out as $40 million for 20 episodes. $40 from a million people. Also note that this covers only production costs and excludes everything associated with packaging, distribution, and especially marketing. It also excludes any profit for the studio and its investors. I’m sorry to throw cold water on the enthusiasm, but crowd-funding an existing television production (i.e. not a new start-up) is utterly impossible. For starters, if one were to promote such a thing far and wide and reach every former Stargate viewer worldwide, the number of people willing to say they’ll commit $20 to… Read more »

12 years ago

Fan funding was tried for “Star Trek Enterprise” If I remember correctly 4 wealthy fans gave a total of 1 million dollars to jump start the giving. The fan giving didn’t reach 2 million.

12 years ago

It’s a terrible shame that a channel called Sci-Fi (or stupidly SyFy) has such a terrible record of canning wonderful science fiction. AT least we’re all used to it by now, so don’t get as emotionally invested in TV series, so the numbers continue to suck…

12 years ago

So do we get more reality tv? Yay, I think the networks just don’t have enough reality tv. (heavy sarc)

I mean why care about your audience by producing quality, interesting, entertaining tv, when you can just throw out Brain-to-mush reality tv which is so much cheaper? (more heavy sarc)

And people wonder why Hollywood is dying.

12 years ago

Brown coat, none of that will work, if all the fans had your energy things may be diffrent. As i stated a total boycott would send a clear message and if other shows are lost because of it well so be it. As you said , they dont care about us so with that being said the other shows you stated are on borrowed time anyway. I havent watched a single show on that channel and never plan to again. The rest of you should follow suit and send a message.

12 years ago

I canceled Comcast along with Syfy 2 1/2 years ago. I haven’t had any tv subscriptions since. I gave up on the lot of them. I haven’t missed it for a single day. I also haven’t been crushed by a canceled favorite before it’s time either nor lost brain cells flicking past a 100 channels of mindless drivel.

12 years ago

Lets see, Farscape, the invisible man(quicksilver), SG1, Stargate Atlantis, SGU(WAS getting better),Eureka, and Sanctuary. The list goes on and on, it seems that when a show really strikes a cord with people what does syfy do cancel it. The new BSG series Blood and Chrome cancelled before it is even produced. People love BSG but Caprica was slow to get going and they don’t give anything a chance any more. Look at Buffy it took almost 3 seasons to really get its stride but when it did it was magic. Good shows need time to develop but the Tv guys… Read more »