Fans React To Stargate Movie Trilogy News

How are Stargate's fans responding to this week's big announcement?

“Sir? We’re here to inform you that you’ve been … reactivated.”

The studio may have an uphill battle on its hands when it comes to convincing millions of Stargate fans around the world to line up for a Stargate reboot. What does the world think of the big announcement today from MGM and Warner Bros.? We turned to Twitter for some knee-jerk reactions on Day 1.

Some readers are hopeful at what the new films will bring:

Not unexpectedly, other fans expressed a bit of disappointment at the idea of the TV series being ignored — and at the fact that this could be the final nail in the coffin of any continuations of SG-1, Atlantis, or SGU:

Some of Stargate‘s former TV actors were also quick to get in on the action on Twitter:

And finally, the last word (for now) goes to Michael, who makes a very good point about how the TV and film continuities can exist side-by-side:

How about you? Vote in the poll to tell us if you plan to watch the first of the new Stargate movies.

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10 years ago

I have mixed emotions of this. There’s like 15+ years of tv canon, which is where the vast majority of SG fans come from. I loved the original movie, and the tv franchise is irreplaceable. They need to be careful and take this huge tv fan base under consideration, or a ‘trilogy’ won’t be successful.

10 years ago

This is great news as the franchise will be out of the mothballs. If the films are done right (ala the reboot of the Star Trek universe), it could very well lead to more TV time. I too miss SG:1 and am still ticked about the treatment of SG:U, but the original movie was pretty sweet and I am optimistic that MGM will make smart decisions that result in some truly fabulous films. I predict a nod of some kind to the alternate universe.

10 years ago

Love it, and super sad at the same time. I understand why it is. But man, loved SG1 and Atlantis to death.

10 years ago

Dont care just BRING IT BACK :)

10 years ago

It is not the Stargate I love. So no interest.

10 years ago

Sylvia: it can take stargate we love back, as I

10 years ago

srry…as I see it its stargate! and I cant understand why they decided they will make trilogy, the must believe in it and that makes me happy because I see they they think stargate is worth of their money spent and I think that we are much closer for continuation of our universe than we would be without their new movies

10 years ago

A reboot is going to face quite an uphill battle – people hear the word ‘Stargate’ and almost all will think of the various TV series. It’s like Microsoft trying to realease an MP3 play – Apple already has near-complete dominance.

10 years ago

As a life-long Star Trek fan, the reboot of that franchise was a disaster with so many faults in the story of the two movies. I still watched and enjoyed the movies because it was good to have something new Star Trek back on the screen, but it is not Star Trek. I feel the same is going to happen here. I never really cared for the Stargate movie, it was ok. But the series really did make it special. SG1, Atlantis and Universe were all awesome series. I would much prefer a new movie which would bring those three… Read more »

10 years ago

Paul: I respect your views but am saddened about your feelings towards the Trek reboot. I am a hard core DS9 guy (it took til Season 5 of SG:1 to unseat DS9 as my all time favorite) but I really liked the new Trek movies- especially the second one. I guess I really don’t see how they could be called “diasters”- but I’m with you that I wish we could see a continuation of the universe set up by DS9 and that other one where the ship got lost and the…oh who cares…. Back to Stargate- I am just thrilled… Read more »

10 years ago

There’s not enough information yet to make any sort of judgement.

What will the story line/s be?
Who will star in it?
Will they keep the same characters, or introduce new and different ones?

Personally, instead of a reboot, I’d like to see a continuation of the current/most recent Stargate television universe, even if it was with all new characters.

10 years ago

There is really no need to dredge up old characters and force a continuation to one of the TV series. However, they shouldn’t discount the series and act like they never happened either. I’m hoping that instead they simply start the new movies in a time after all the TV series ended and then do something the TV series could never have done with the budget they had; Stargate reveal to the people of Earth, large scale war/s, colonization… etc.

10 years ago

Hi twh11471. Thanks for your feedback, appreciated. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the movies because it’s good to have something new Star Trek out there. But there are a lot of issues with the new reboot. This is a Stargate forum so I doubt the fans here really want to see a discussion here on Star Trek, but just to highlight a few issues with the two JJ movies… * No great images of the ship travelling at warp as it’s now shrouded in light and shadow. * Transporting between planets… Not even the Borg can do that… Read more »

10 years ago

I’ve got to agree with Paul. I think alternate universe (reboot) Star Trek is a poor echo of what Star Trek used to be. I enjoyed the two new movies while I sat in the theatre, to the same extent I enjoyed the new Godzilla movie as I sat in the theatre. But I can’t think about the reboots at all without having them fall apart in my mind. And that is the exact opposite of how the ‘real’ Star Trek universe used to inspire my imagination. With that history, I wish I could be excited for rebooted Stargate. But,… Read more »

10 years ago

I was only really into Atlantis. Still waiting on them to make THAT movie. … But best of luck to the reboot.

10 years ago

I think what some people are overlooking is the fact that Emmerich/Devlin did not like SG1, probably in part because they originally envisaged the movie as the first of a trilogy which was stopped when SG1 came along. Now I for one am glad of that because we would not have had the 17 season of stargate we have, but it does lead to the conclusion these movies will have zero connection to the TV series and is almost certainly a deliberate act on the part of Emmerich and Devlin to wipe the slate ocean and start again with their… Read more »

10 years ago

It ignores all the TV series. Not the same continuation, not the same plot, not the same characters, not the same actors – This will have no connection to the Stargate we love. It’ll rewrite everything we love AND will block any option to continue the shows.
So, no, I’m not excited for this at all.

10 years ago

I just don’t understand how MGM can call it a “wildly popular property”. The Stargate franchise, basically meaning the TV shows, was wildly popular. The movie itself? I understand it had it’s fans, but compared to the show? It’s nothing. Devlin and Emmerich once said in an interview they had never seen a single episode of any Stargate TV show… I’ll probably watch this out of sheer morbid curiosity, but honestly, it’ll likely bear little resemblence to anything we really enjoyed about Stargate. Back to a world where the Goa’uld are spirits? Where Abydos is in another galaxy? Where there’s… Read more »

10 years ago

One thing I do wonder about is how can this be called a “reboot”? Isn’t it just a follow-up to the original concept? That would be like calling Star Trek: The Motion Picture a “reboot” of TOS. Out of fairness, the reboot was SG1/SGA. That’s what took the original concept in a new and different direction. Many would say that was for the better, but they have a right to continue and finish the story they originally intended to tell. @Stoko, if you’ve ever watched Leverage, it’d be hard to believe Devlin never saw any Stargate television. I certainly saw… Read more »

10 years ago

And I love both, by the way. Haridson and McKay, that is, so I’m not criticizing. Both Leverage and Atlantis were good shows.

10 years ago

I don’t mind another Stargate film from them, especially if it gives us more continuations of the 3 series in the future.

Also unlike the 2 Star Trek films at least this will be from the guys that actually created the original film Stargate who just want to continue what they had originally planned. And not some other guy that barely watched the original film and some of it’s tv show counterparts.

10 years ago

Hi there, J.S. here from Save Future Stargate Travel … WE HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN! .. We are totally delighted that the gate is up and running again! Anybody who’s vehemently against it, simply does not understand how the entertainment world works! It is a total “follow-the-leader” business. When the money starts to roll in, they want a piece! With this production ALL THINGS SG now at least become possible! The overwhelming majority of SG fans that are against this, simply do not understand this, and live in a dream world where RDA can lead an away team once again!… Read more »

10 years ago

I won’t be going to the theater to see them but I will eventually watch them at home.

The thought of this doesn’t sit well with me as the original movie (although good) pales in comparison to SG-1. It kinda feels like putting stock rims back on my car, then smashing my Cragars with a hammer…

10 years ago

I agree with most of what’s been said.This has been the likely outcome for a while now.They know there are lots of us out here waiting & a big movie project is likely to return more in the way of big money than any TV venture.With a movie trilogy thay get to control release dates & distribution whereas a TV project is at the mercy of the networks once it’s been made (& they did a pretty good job of killing off SGU)My own opinion has always been that the original Stargate movie was pretty much average Sci-Fi fare whereas… Read more »

10 years ago

Maybe a reboot would be a good thing. Stargate, apparently, did not have enough of an audience to support a television show anymore. Why continue to pay fan service to such a small audience? Star Trek had the same problem. The films were bombing. There was no television show. The reboot for cinema has been a massive success. As a Stargate fan from Day 1, I am glad to see it come back in any form. Hopefully these films can create a large following of new viewers and we will see the franchise thrive again.

10 years ago

Themaingmaster, I think most genre fans understand the entertainment industry to some extent. And we all understand the trend towards constant reboots. But a lot of us also understand that just because “the industry” thinks something is a good idea, and they do it, that does not actually make it a good idea. Reboots are “the industry’s” way of making a buck today with no concern for tomorrow. The story telling of a “reboot” is rarely sustainable. For example, does anyone in the world of fandom think this “rebooted” (alternate universe) Star Trek is going to spawn ten in-continuity sequels… Read more »

10 years ago

I don’t like it. Still watch it and I will try to go with an open mind but to completely ignore the best part about stargate, the tv series is just sad. The movie was okay. And that is it, okay. It’s reverence is that it help launch sg-1 Atlantis and Universe. Just sucks to ignore the best part for the okay part.

10 years ago

I think this is fantastic news, I love both the original movie and SG1 but am not so attached to the later series. So long as there’s Daniel Jackson and a Stargate, I’m in!

10 years ago

This is GREAT news. I always wanted to see the Stargate world as it was originally envisioned. I read the books from this version and they were very enjoyable. This doesn’t change the TV version, (Which I also enjoyed very much.) It just lets us see both Stargate worlds.

10 years ago

fans didn’t lose interest in the TV shows, the writers did. lackluster writing brought lackluster ratings.

i say this, b/c i’d follow sg1 anywhere, b/c i love the characters.

that’s where the tv franchise has an absolute massive lead over the movie.

10 years ago

I share everyone’s mixed feeling about this; I’m happy that SG will be back but not so thrilled with a reboot. Ok, it’s Devlin & Emmerlich’s creation to do with as they wish, and I don’t blame them for being upset that someone else (Glassner/Wright) took it and created something else with it, but it’s not like they took it and tanked it, they created something wonder and awesome and the 17 seasons of television they created and the fan-base that developed are too much to be simply disregarded. I would have liked to at least seen a proper ending… Read more »

10 years ago

Mattcci … You don’t have to by into my frightened VS enlightened concept, but it still very much exists! Sorry you don’t have the means to get what you want right out of the box, but the GOOD NEWS, that these movies ARE the best hope for all things SG. Fans like Hemidall, and Satchmo here have a clue. They will enjoy the movies, and then, with a little luck enjoy MORE NEW TV SG right along side of the rest of us including you. :) Cheers! :) J.S.

10 years ago

themaingmaster’s attempt at sci-fi upper-crustity (new word?) aside, I feel like most SG posters on this site concerning this “reboot”: very guarded at the prospect, and very protective of the 17-year series/current fandom that appears being pushed to the side in the glow of this ‘great news’. It’s now obvious Devlin & Emmerlich’s long-rumored version of SG is going to happen, so we must be willing to give it a chance to see if this new vision is great enough to toss good popcorn money at it for the foreseeable future. After listening to the new podcast about all this,… Read more »

10 years ago

My boyfriend and I both have a “wait and see” attitude. We’re both a little unhappy about the idea of a reboot that doesn’t consider continuity, but we both love the franchise, and will wait to see how it looks before we go through the ‘Gate. :-)

10 years ago

Mixed emotions like most. I wish they’d expand the current universe… with a few of the actors who want to come back (many don’t) abd mix up some new blood. A reboot, eh… not thrilled as the first movie had very little depth in my opinion, it was a great concept, but wooden acting in many ways. But will watch and hope they bring the intelligence, humor, phenomenal acting and character development of SG1 and Atlantis. I want great writing and story vs big explosions and lots of flashy T&A imagery.

9 years ago

Some people just don’t get it if we can get the movie back the show will follow-up on pay for view down the road,char is right all want it back but we also want to see the end game for SGU.

9 years ago

They should have made the SGA movie and perhaps an SGU movie. If you look at both SG1 movies they made a profit. I thought that was the idea of producing movies to make money for the owners. A reboot is an intriguing idea for the original writers to allow them to recognize their vision. Maybe MGM should sell off the rights of Stargate to someone that actually cares.

9 years ago

Hope MGM will sell the rights soon.we could all be happy and great movies could be made for the coming year’s.