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Mike Gary Mead
Mike Gary Mead
2 years ago

Stargate was left to rest in peace a long time ago, dragging on the false hope the show will ever be revived is cruel and foolhardy

2 years ago

Interesting, I had not heard of this until now, so I say “indeed”!

2 years ago

Yeh… Even as a lover of Stargate, i am really annoyed by all those theories presented as facts since almost a decade now. You guys have nothing else than expectations and fallacious reasoning around things like wind, but presented as facts than a new show will happen at some point. Wait for it, and if something happen, it will. After 10 years of fans praying / calling / petitioning for it, i think it’s clear if something happen, it will be because of other reasons than fanbase, even if they present it as it for people. I would love to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  mayukawa

I too supported a revival of stargate monetarily and I was upset nothing came of it. I thought fan support could conquer all but apparently not. If this new show doesn’t do well in ratings there will be nothing we fans can do about it and we’ll lose the war before we’ve even had a chance to do battle.
I’m glad we get something at least and it hasn’t even been THAT long since our last stargate content. I just wish they revive the Asgard somehow…

Passing Stranger
Passing Stranger
2 years ago

Why does it need to be a straight continuation of the other 3 series based on Earth? Why couldn’t it be based on a completely different planet with fresh ideas? Stargate Universe wasted an ideal opportunity to venture into new worlds and technologies, by basing it mainly on the link between Earth & Destiny. Over 2 full seasons, there was only really one new alien race introduced, with most of the storyline revolving around the drama of the crew members and the Lucien Allience.

shelly v
shelly v
2 years ago

Brad’s script is not a straight continuation, it’s just set in the same universe. It will involve a new team with some of the characters from legacy shows dropping in – that’s how he and Joe Mallozzi have described it. It will pick up between the time the shows ended and present day and they’ll explain what happened to all the previous characters is my guess.

2 years ago

Atlantis was not based on Earth

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeff
2 years ago

Oui oui oui Stargate !!!! De toute façon, si Amazon ne reprend pas le flambeau des série Stargate alors ils passerons clairement a côté d’une mine d’or dont ils auraient clairement besoin concernant la science fiction. Ne faite pas cette erreur, la communauté de fan Stargate est énorme, prête et impatiente ! Amazon prenais la bonne décision s’il vous plaît !!

2 years ago

The time is right for new Stargate. In fact, it is way OVERDUE. The premise of the Stargate being public opens up so many avenues and potential twists/turns. I am so excited and am keeping my fingers crossed. Also, Amazon needs to make it free to Prime Video members too. I need a Stargate fix…

2 years ago

I would be happy with a continuation of what is already in stargate, since Brad Wright is still interested in the works.

2 years ago

if Netflix doesn’t green light this Now I will unsub. Stargate ip in Brads hands is guaranteed gold INDEED

Petri lahti
Petri lahti
2 years ago
Reply to  puddlejumper

Amazon owns mgm and stargate license… Netflix will not get this ever.

2 years ago

Mallozi knows he’ll have a payroll if Wright’s involved, so he’s trying to get people onboard for a new Wright series, not a new Stargate (in generic terms). The problem is that both Mallozi and Wright already “failed” with SG1’s ending (the Ori arch made no sense), the Atlantis development, and Universe altogether. Ratings are proof. Therefore, in my humble opinion, the best is for the franchise to be given to somebody else. Everything Mallozi and Wright currently do have a 90’s feel. It’s ok, but the world has moved on. As a TV rep myself, I have strong doubts… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

No, if the give the series to someone like Kurtzman it will be ruined beyond repair.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

I completely disagree. If anything the ‘new names’ have made a mess of established properties. Star Trek and Star Wars have been rejected by a significant number of fans. Alot of people are tired of the ‘creatives’ trying to reinvent the wheel. I’d give alot to get a decent sci-fi show with a 90’s feel nowadays.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

If by “fresh ideas” you mean “#### franchises by cramming down everyone’s throat forced diversity, feminism and turning everything into a pseudo-neo-liberal propaganda manifest” then I agree with you.

I seriously hope they let Stargate rest. It will never ever be like it was. Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, they are destroying everything with unoriginal massively politicised trash

2 years ago
Reply to  Kheb

This! Well said.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marc

“As a TV rep myself…” and that’s where you lost us all. The last thing we want to do is to take advice from someone embedded in the current, creatively bankrupt entertainment industry and its ongoing failure to revive classic Sci Fi series and retain their fan-bases. That entire argument of “something FRESH” is exactly what led to so many long time fans walking away from Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who etc. Going with “somebody else” is the opposite of a “safe bet” because you instantly risk losing the existing StarGate fanbase which is needed to help seal the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Starganderfish
1 year ago
Reply to  Starganderfish

Totally agree. People aren’t fans of Franchises because they want “something different” from what it is. Yes, “fresh ideas” are needed, but you get those by letting the people who ran the franchise before or were at least integral parts of it run it (Tapping comes to mind, she was executive Producer of Sanctuary and 19 Episodes of Motherland: Fort Salem) and let them hire new writers who bring new Ideas. But the decisionmaker needs to be someone who actually knows and likes the Franchise, not m##### like Kurtsman(or is it Kurtzman? Can’t remember the spelling and he isn’t worth… Read more »

2 years ago

I really wish it was like stargate universe but a team of four they get transported to the future and they find out earth has been destroyed and now this team has to become a family and survive in an unfriendly galaxy with enemies at every turn.

2 years ago

I doubt Brad Wright will be put in charge of anything. Amazon Studios will put its own people in charge of Stargate. Heavens help us with what’ll result from that.

2 years ago

I hope they actually make a new show.

John B
John B
2 years ago

Need answers – Extinction, Wrath?

2 years ago

Just don’t get caught up in the feminist and lgbtq message that all modern movies and tv shows have. There were a few female empowerment scenes in the stargate series which was just fine, but please don’t get all out of hand by making “the message” a priority. Nothing says failure more, than concentrating on promoting a message to 10% of the population. Concentrate on 90% of the population. You can afford not to please the minority 10%. It’s more profitable.
“Go Woke, Go Broke”

2 years ago

You’ve plastered these boards with the same ridiculous message. Get over it.

Big Bird
Big Bird
2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

You should follow your own advice.
Get over it.

2 years ago

Hopefully it going to continue with Atlantis and be called stargate: Pegasus. It would make the most sense and after so many years Atlantis has been on earth it would be time to send it back. Plenty of reasons to go back to Pegasus. Sorry for anyone that don’t think so but their are several. But please make the series have 20 to 24 episodes and not this crap with just 10 it makes hard to enjoy it. Seems like studios used the Pandemic as a excuse to cut the series short and then just keep it that way with… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

13 Episodes has been the Standard for years now. 20+ Episodes is the absolute exception these days. On the flipside, we get less of these “lets repeat everything in flashbacks” episodes that were plastered all over SG1 and Atlantis (just rewatching the Shows and I was surprised how many of them there are) – bingewatching they are even more annoying, since they repeat stuff you watched the day before… I’d honestly rather have 13 Episodes that are able to afford established characters (Higher salary since they are harder to replace) than 20 and a completly blank slate. It would also… Read more »

Robert Hayes
Robert Hayes
2 years ago

Robert.Yes I would ? to see Stargate revived.Since I am fan of the TV series.

2 years ago

Yes!!! SG-1 All the way!!!

2 years ago

Disclosure. Plenty of legs in that storyline. Think of the religious freaks hampering efforts like in the movie Contact. Like the second rise of the Ori, but using earth based religion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rick
2 years ago
Reply to  Rick


2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

… like the next meeting with the Ashens.

Rog moore
Rog moore
2 years ago

What about star gate : Hy Brazil just an idea could go out to a different galaxy with unknown ancients offshoots anything

2 years ago

How about Stargate, but in the future! The Stargate program is public knowledge and humanity (earthlings) have spread out around the galaxy. It touches on and expands on the episode in which SG:1 travels to the future a little too far and meet an old Cassie.

It shows how Earth has helped the other humans prosper and advance in the galaxy.

There are tonnes of possible avenues for this and I wouldn’t be qualified to think of the better ones but I am certain some well paid writers could do the job ?