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3 years ago

Sam and Jack confirmation is all I need :)

3 years ago

If they have to shop it to a new network/streaming service, will that require an eighth chevron and a ZPM? ?

Robert Shmigelsky
Robert Shmigelsky
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil

If it’s a continuation they’ll probably have to throw in the other series.

3 years ago

I just want confirmation McKay has done a Google search in the Atlantis computers on how to make a zero point module

3 years ago

This is fantastic. Closest we’ve ever been to a new series. I just hope the SGC doesn’t go public; part of the allure of the series is that you were in on the secret and went along for the ride. Revealing the Stargate’s existence would mean you’re just another person in the world, and a lot of the mystique would be gone.

Scott Seals
Scott Seals
3 years ago

I want this more than I want most things.

3 years ago

Yo quiero saber que paso con el SGC con cada integrante y como terminaron Jacj y Samanta. Daniel Jackson se quedo con Bala? Tealc…se formo un nuevo pueblo junto a ola guerrera rubia?
Que sucedio con Atlantis? por fin encontraran a algun antiguo perdido con el conocimiento suficiente como para entender el universo y todos lo que hay en ella?
Amo esta serie.

3 years ago

I’m as much of a shipper as anyone else, but seriously, “General Mitchell” or :General Lorne”- but Samantha Carter’s best career aspiration is to end up with Jack? Seriously? 11 seasons of Captain/Major/Lt. Colonel/Colonel Samantha Carter, and your vote is for the 2-season Lt Colonel Mitchell or guest star Major Lorne? How about General Carter? With a retired General O’Neill? Women can have it all these days, you know?

3 years ago
Reply to  Feminist

Yes, thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Feminist

Lorne actuallly became a general, atleast in the alternate timeline future episode “The Last Man”(SGA S4E20). Its not far of a leap, given Lorne’s promotion, that Mitchell (a rank above him already) would eventually become a general.

I do agree though that making him a general would seem too soon if the show is set “present day”, unless their goal is to come up with a reason why hes not leading SG1 anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  Feminist

Yes absolutely! General Sam head Of SGC.

3 years ago

Fingers crossed! Hope to see McKay and Sheppard again!

3 years ago

Atlantis rescues Destiny with the Wormhole drive!
Destiny interfaces with Atlantis’s advanced computers and uploads its data. Atlantis computers discover the answer to Destiny’s mission. Which leads them on another mission:

  1. perhaps to dial all gates dropped in the Universe simultaneously to send a signal or perform a scan that does something cool?
  2. travel back in time to the time that message originated to discover who sent it
John Smith
John Smith
3 years ago

At first I was saying ‘we just need a sixth season of Atlantis’ but now I think I would like a new series with characters from both SG-1 and Atlantis crossing over. Maybe have the odd guest appearance of O-Neill and Landry in their retirement. Carter needs to be Brigadier General or General considering where she started. We can see how Daniel and Vala are getting on. And then there is Shepard and Mckay. I can’t imaging Shepard will be General, maybe. Teyla’s son would be quite a bit older now. And I imagine Teal’c and Ronon are hanging out.

Carl Sinclair
Carl Sinclair
3 years ago
Reply to  John Smith

You’re crazy if you think Jason Moamoa would do this show now.

Robert Shmigelsky
Robert Shmigelsky
3 years ago

I’ve said this before, but I would be okay with a Legacy adaptation. You could easily account for the time passed by saying it took 10 plus years to repair Atlantis.

3 years ago

Will they use the clone of Jack O’neill. Colonel Mitchell could be bossing Jack O’neill around. What about having Cassandra work for the SGC. Maybe Daniel Jackson has taught the the Unas, the first ones, Chaka how to speak English an is also working with SG teams. Maybe Daniel and Vala got together and they have had kids.

3 years ago

Honestly I’m super excited! I’m guessing Mallozzi wouldn’t be posting this and getting excitement up if “5 Chevrons” meant anything less than “just hammering out a contract with a platform”. I’m hoping for a spiritual successor to SGA (it was more serious than SG1 but less than SGU).

3 years ago

I am sat in the Embarkation room holding a royal flush, guess I had better put my cards down and go and gear up!

3 years ago

Great news that Stargate is coming back, can’t wait!!!

Peter Jensen
Peter Jensen
3 years ago

Obviously the series has to be about solving Destiny’s search…and with that, they figure out how to dial out of their universe and find the “makers”.

Jim Hutto
Jim Hutto
3 years ago

As long as it like that steaming pile of garbage called Stargate Origins Catherine

Peg C
Peg C
3 years ago

We can’t wait for another “Stargate” series. Hopefully it will be different from “Universe” that we thought was way too dark and depressing. SGC-SG1 was a perfect combination of good writing, more serious action dotted with great humor. We hope that returns with the possibility of a “Destiny” series, NOT just a one time movie, unless you do both. A movie to start it off, followed up by the series. That would be great! Hope to see it soon. : >

3 years ago

Sorry, Been Holding out Hope of a Stargate Renewal since 2003.
AT this point, I’ll believe it, Once I see the Pilot.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim

What do you mean since 2003? After 2003 we had some of the best Stargate (final seasons of SG-1, all of Atlantis, and Universe).

Anna Plummer
Anna Plummer
3 years ago

I’m sorry, but I want and expect MORE, for good reason! A new series should be a no-brainer, there should be plans for MUCH MORE than just one series, and you’d think that everyone involved in the creation would proceed with the attitude that it WILL BE long running and WILL EXCEED what was accomplished in the past. There’s only ONE simple rule they need to follow to be successful: QUALITY STORYTELLING that models everything that made SG1 work so well. If I could say only one thing to everyone working on the project, I would tell them to LISTEN… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Anna Plummer
3 years ago

I only hope they finally use their brains and get some good writers on board. There was a lot of bad writing in all 3 series… The fourth series might fail badly if they continue that.

I mean seriously think about Atlantis. The main city of the Ancients and all it got for defense was drones and its shield. It makes no sense. And no way to make ZPM’s? Who builds a city like that?

And there is a lot more…

3 years ago

This news is what we need right now. Gives hope and makes us SG fans so happy to have something to look forward to! Personally I would love to see more of Todd the wraith. He was awesome, great performance by Christopher Heyerdahl. Ofcourse McKay, Teyla, Ronon, Sheppard too. And heck, throw in some Daniel, O’Neill, Carter, Teal’c and Vala too! I loved all shows, SG1 and SGA were my favorites because they felt lighter and had so much humour. But I did wonder what happened with Destiny. Some amazing ideas in that show, like the ship being powered by… Read more »

3 years ago

I agree on the fact that ‘SGU’ was too dark and had a rough start in Season 1. But it is amazing to hear that Stargate is returning, and hopefully it will include Destiny’s mission.

3 years ago

This is the best sci-fi genre news i’ve heard in a long time.

3 years ago

Whatever happens please stay away from SYFY and anything NBC.

3 years ago

This is good news of course, I have been hopeful for new stargate for a decade and how it hasnt been renewed so far confuses me. A show about a team going to other planets, with stories open to what can be anything! A new show needs to be greenlit. If I was creating something new I would do a miniseries wrapping up everything so far, then create a new TV series. I would make shorter seasons with fast flowing storylines that can be packed with action. Don’t do filler episodes! They cause ratings to drop and networks will hate… Read more »

3 years ago

I’ve almost finished my rewatch of all three series. It’s made me realise what a big part of my life this universe has been, a potential new series is incredibly exciting.

John F Nelson Jr
John F Nelson Jr
3 years ago
Reply to  Kat

I have watched all 3 series more times than I’d like to admit, more than 10…. and to this day I still cant believe MGM would drop a show that has made such an impact on the world , while star trek and other shows attempt to fill a void that has left us wondering why

3 years ago

Continue what was developed but leave political bias, social issues, and agendas out of it. Go back to fun clean entertainment. No reboot… No reboot… no reboot! I don’t want to see Asgard that suddenly look nothing like they do now (reference Klingons on star trek discovery mess)

3 years ago

Put it on HBO / HBO MAX

leon cherruault
leon cherruault
3 years ago

I can Petition. Send me the form to petition amazon!! Hulu or wherever!!

3 years ago

I see SG-1 has been readded to Netflix. It would be a good idea to watch it there to show there’s still interest in Stargate in general.

3 years ago

Good to hear there’s a 4th series in the works. At this point best to play it safe and just meld SGA and SGU and get a mix of characters from each as I anticipate there will be actor availability issues.

Thankfully some seem somewhat interchangeable

Karol Hancock
Karol Hancock
2 years ago

I am on my 8th time to watch the re-runs of SGC1, SGA, SGU and I am paying a monthly fee to HULU to do this. I am now 78 yrs.old and am worried if I will even be around to see the new series! Can not remember when I last checked Gateworld for information on the new Stargate series, but has been several years. I am praying they will be out at least by the end of 2022. Thank you very much for keeping track of what is happening with them and letting us know. Without Gateworld I would… Read more »