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2 years ago

I think it would be neat if they began the new show in say 2011 or 2012, showed the reveal the in first episode and the impact and then at the end of the episode skip 10 years later to where we are now. That way the audience doesn’t feel like it’s missing out on the reveal and I think it would make for a decent story

2 years ago

Excelent ci-fi series! All Stargate series.
I hope the series to continue.

Zack P
Zack P
2 years ago

I’m telling you, they’re going to destroy the series. They already started to in Universe. It will be even worse this time around. They will turn it into a woke, progressive **** show. Already Brad talking about climate change. Lol. It’s going to suck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zack P
2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

He is right though. I am a huge Stargate fan myself and I would love to see new series! But not at this cost… I really doubt the quality would be even remotely comparable to SG1/Atlantis. With all the things going on in these times, all the political “corectness”, it would be really a ****show, and thats not what I would want Stargate to be. Yeah sounds like global warming is the perfect reason and threat for Tauri to reveal the gate lol

Zack P
Zack P
2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

Of course I want Stargate! But not if they’re going to make it progressive and leftist. That’s why I loved the original series and Atlantis. They left out politics and progressivism. That changed with Universe, and it will get worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt but I’m worried too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

They really didn’t – it actually had a slight conservative slant which is almost unheard of in sci-fi (the only other exception I can think of being Battlestar Galactica). Yes, there were some liberal ideas slipped in now and again, but the overall message was very much anti-liberal and it was a far better show for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ekras

I would like to say, I’m NOT against liberal themes in entertainment media. And series like Babylon 5, Star Wars, Star Trek, have always had strong liberal themes and elements. Mostly the bad writing is what kills it for me these days. On this issue, however, I will 100% agree, AS an Independent liberal, Stargate has even less grounds for what critics hate and call “woke preaching” than the other shows. It’s just not made for liberal themes that way and is surprisingly void of politics, you’re right, other than shadowy Earth stuff that doesn’t take a side between either… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

> They left out politics… They did not leave out politics. The whole franchise involved much politics. In fact, Stargate SG-1 helped to promote the idea of a shadow government, which plays into the narratives of conspiracy minded groups who wish to overthrow the governments of the USA and Canada. Hence, I imagine that is why many far-right crackpots liked the series, as it often aligned with their political fantasies and violent ways.  That said, if the Stargate franchise wants to continue with a woke agenda, then so be it, as I support such freedom. Yet if they do, then… Read more »

Seán Ó Laocha
2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

What was so “woke” and “progressive” about SGU? And what is “woke” about discussing climate change?

2 years ago

It’s not so much that climate change is “woke.” It is how it is handled. The climate alarmism. The doomsday predictions continue after 50 years of them not coming to fruition. It is the fact that it will be preached week after week.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

If you really think that about climate change you must be deluded, ignorant or stupid. Either way it’s people like you that are going to make the human race extinct. Oh yeah and before we all die I am definitely hoping for more Stargate. I need something good to fill the void left by the death of Star Trek!.

Ron L.
Ron L.
2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Oh Lord! Save us from the “in 12 years…” fruitcakes!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron L.
2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

WOW! Have you read the script? Did you see something in the script proving that it is woke? NO! None of us know what is it the script. Don’t be telling us what is going to happen. You and I and those that are reading this have zero, zip, dung!!!

Big Bob
Big Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  RandyO

It’s at Amazon!!! The End!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

This is exactly what is talking about. Climate Change is a religion not science.

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Stargate itself walked the middle line on climate change. That it’s not just a magic switch you can flip, and how it’s so arrogant to think we can “save the planet.” The planet’s always going to be here no matter what. No, the important thing is SAVING LIVES. And life isn’t just a numbers game, it’s the quality of that life that matters.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

In the last 50 years we have been adopting policies to lower the effects of climate change. we have reduced emissions but not enough

It’s 50 years since climate change was first seen. Now time is running out | Richard Wiles | The Guardian

J priest
J priest
1 year ago
Reply to  Vladislaw

No matter what we do as long as other countries violate natural laws by pouring toxic chemicals in air n ground water it’s hopeless. Stop telling Americans we need to do more! Tell it to other countries. Stop with the bs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

Let’s just hope they don’t try to make it overly political.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

SGU wasnt a woke show in any way except Wray to be lesbian and a couople of moments expanding her character.

OFC there is a possibility of this but IF Brad and Co are on board im 100% calm about the result.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

Climate change is not woke at all. There was a great episode of SGA on the issue, where they had tried cooling the Earth locally, and of course something went wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

Universe actually wasn’t terrible…. it just shouldn’t have been the ONLY Stargate show on at the time – a lot of us watch SG for an “adventure of the week” – having a sidestory like SGU though would be cool as long as it wasn’t being looked at as a replacement (which it was)

2 years ago
Reply to  Ekras

SGU wasn’t completely terrible, but it is by far the worse in the series. Whilst it may have been more successful if it ran alongside SGA, it still would have been the weak link. A minority try to play up how great SGU supposedly was, but if it was truly a great show, it wouldn’t have flopped the way it did.

I hope a new SG series draws more inspiration from SG1 and SGA than SGU.

J priest
J priest
1 year ago
Reply to  Bobby

I like sgu . The story is different. It was needed. I always watch it. Bring it back on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P

Dealing with current and imminent crisis while attempting to entertain and inform audiences is a pillar of popular and current media. Why not entertain and educate at the same time? Stargate may be a fantasy but morality and common sense will prevail. And for you I’m sure…..that is going to suck.

Big Bob
Big Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  Argus

It’s called escapism!!! Being lectured on every show that’s on tv is just getting old!!

Big Bob
Big Bob
2 years ago
Reply to  Zack P


2 years ago

Please, please don’t do a Star Trek discovery woke, Mary Sue piece of crap. Pay attention to The Orville. Don’t pander to a really small but loud minority and just make good stories.

2 years ago

This idea doesn’t sound promising. The good thing about stargate is allows you to escape into a seperate reality (so why reveal it to the world?) and seems like it’ll inevitably have a political bent.

My preference would be for them to reboot Atlantis. They didn’t really tie up the loose ends like they did with SG-1.

Although that’s also the case with universe, no one wants to revisit that disaster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Billy


2 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Why reboot and not a continuation ? No reboot at all. Never please.

2 years ago
Reply to  lazy_riveN

Sorry, that is what I meant. They should pick up where they left off and shoot season 6 – same plot, actors, etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by Billy
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy

I wouldn’t mind a “political bent” as long as it matches what’s going on in the world. So if it came out today, I’d expect the leadership of the SGC to have a liberal attitude and priorities – and if the Republicans were running the country I’d expect the show to change to suit that and not just badmouth Republicans all day long. Sadly, with a far-left showrunner likely and Amazon of all people owning it, I don’t expect the creators of the next series to be mature enough to handle such a thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ekras

Stargate has always been apolitical. I think this one of the reasons I enjoy shows from the 1990s/2000s. They rarely try to push political or social narratives (and when they did it was usually quite subtle). It seems that a lot of people are getting tired of the over-politicalization of television series. If they go ahead, I hope the writers show restraint and just give us simple and unadulterated Stargate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ekras

The extent of politics in Stargate was usually in relation to ethical dilemmas, such as whether the ends justify the means. That’s how it should be.

2 years ago

When is the new stargate coming ? Its almost 2022. They may never have a new series?

2 years ago
Reply to  Emanuel

Amazon recently agreed to purchase MGM. It takes months for a deal like that to close and until then they aren’t even able to plan on the Amazon side, and the MGM side has no real incentive to do so since Amazon might cancel anything they are working on once it does close.

Right now the WGA and other organizations have also asked the FTC to block the sale, which is going to further delay things. The estimate for the deal to close was mid-year 2022, but with this happening it might even be 2023 before anything can happen.

Jenik Ou.
Jenik Ou.
2 years ago

SG will be back for sure. The only thing I wish is the hope Amazon will use all the modern payment possibilities. Im from country where the only thing to get actual SG show is download pirate airrip or webrip from internet (fanbase makes subtitles). I dont want to see again shutting down the show due the low views (unsufiscient distribution in my point of view). I want to have the ability of donate the show i like. ;-) SG is cult with millions of fans worldwide, but the future depends on few US customers. Thats sad. Hope somebody form… Read more »

2 years ago

If THIS is what he’s planning, I hope we get a reboot. Revealing the gate to the world is the worst idea ever – one of the best things about the show is that it takes place in the “real world” (although that changed once they introduced a fictional President) in the here and now rather than some far-off future.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ekras

I think a reboot would suck, but I agree with almost everything else you said. The idea that real world events (e.g. coronavirus, climate change, etc) necessitates revealing the Stargate to the world seems like weird logic, as revealing the Stargate would make the show even more detached from the real world than if they were to continue keeping it classified. I don’t mind the likes of using fictional presidents and alike. The show doesn’t need to be a prefect representation of reality, but it should be rough representation. Revealing the Stargate would throw this completely out the window. Bad… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Bobby

Why should coronavirus even be PART of their universe? They had a different president in 2005, so it stands to logic they’d have different ones years after. Hell, look at the response to the swine flu epidemic of the late 2000s. How the elite respond sometimes make all the difference. Coronavirus is dependent on circumstances that I just can’t see existing in their universe, especially with all of the advances that they doubtless made since then. It sounds less like they’re trying to write Stargate and more that they want to write OUR contemporary real world AROUND the idea of… Read more »

Chris Mitchell
Chris Mitchell
2 years ago

I would like to see them have to power to regen ZPM’s so they could rebuild Atlantis and connect with Destiney that way they could open the gate the the hole world and universe explore all 3 shows in one hole tv show with big movie or plot before launch of the show with an update from x amount of years gone buy. So at least then when we jump in to the next TV we would have a good back round before thinking what the heck is going on witch was the mistake of SGU the show. Was ok… Read more »

James Moore
James Moore
2 years ago

I almost don’t want them to……. if it’s going to be like the new Woke trek STD better off just re-watching the same old SG-1 and Atlantis over and over again

2 years ago

Idec about anything else I trust them but we absolutely need for Sam and Rodney. In the fan books Jen and him separated and if they go that way or not I don’t really see their awkward chemistry changing. I love it.

Mic Mokum
Mic Mokum
2 years ago

“at a time when climate change is a genuine threat, at a time when there was a pandemic”

Please don’t! :(

Or do and piss off as many fans as you possible can. Suit yourself.

Get woke, go broke.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mic Mokum

Exactly my thoughts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mic Mokum

When I saw this, I cringed. There goes Stargate too…

2 years ago

The next step is Sg universe meets Star trek and star war universe, as stargate is our natural plain of reality entering a another level consciousness of reality, where dreams of each author was inspired to create Star trek and star war and stargate…

the realist
the realist
2 years ago

No reboot please. People will want to view the previous series, and then continue onto a new one. Ideally you have Atlantis back home…allows for a perfect starting point to a new series. Follow through on the stories you have…maybe even an episode where they have caught up with Destiny, consider a reveal to Earth of the existence of the Stargate and the consequences of knowing there are technologies out there….but why didnt they let the world know earlier…everyone loves a bit of conspiracy (but please limit the political correctness -sci-fi buffs will just switch off)

2 years ago
Reply to  the realist

They’re not listening to us now. They’re remaking this for the next generation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Elliot

god i hope not

Lori Hurst
2 years ago

I love SG1 and Atlantis. I have always been disappointed about Atlantis ZPM. The city was built by the ancients. There should be a room in the city creating the ZPM at will for everyone. I think it should continue with Atlantis on earth. I love stories with the writers having reach to the sky imaginations . Technology impenetrable.

2 years ago

just make sure it is NOTHING like universe!

2 years ago

ya . no woke nonsense .. no american flags but only confederate flags that the conservatives love to wave at events.

2 years ago

I would like to see an episode wear they find an advanced automated space station building machine and they bring it back to earth’s solar system and starts building a space stations in earths orbit and that’s were SG1-2 are based. This space machine can also build other structures like ships, orbital rings etc all this and more that is stored in its database and just need activating. The only thing SG1 have to do is find and transport the right type of asteroid to feed the machine and restart its power supply. This would make a great episode or… Read more »

2 years ago

Amazon? for real. I think that is just sad considering Amazon has shipped over $400 of counterfeit or DOA electronics to me over the past several years. I shall hold my BREATH for something else.

2 years ago

There’s no such thing as woke. It’s just the latest boogeyman from the fascist squad, hoping to enrage low information Americans to their cause—$$.

2 years ago

Please finish Startgate Universe – that has the most intriguing story line but was sadly going into too much cringy woke drama – gag! Please keep the wokeness to a minimum or none at all like the original series. If you don’t you will loose your fan base. Fans always ask the question “Why do we need this in scifi?” We want scfi that is straight up scifi without all of the lunacy of modern drama and political crap. Just aliens, spaceships, and cool tech – plain and simple scifi – this is what made Stargate good.

Stephen Coetzee
Stephen Coetzee
2 years ago

Miss Stargate and would love to see it back.

2 years ago

Id welcome a new series with open arms but not with woke-ism (if that’s a word) it destroyed SG Universe and that was a little injection of woke so I would not welcome a woke SG series because it just would fall apart from the get go, SG1 and Atlantis worked because it had a strong enemy that didn’t care about some one’s sexuality or pronouns and gender. They worked because every night you could escape our universe for another universe and injecting politics from our universe the real universe is just going to muddy the waters and cause it… Read more »

1 year ago

please, just tell a good sci fi story, lots of imagination, great visual escapism, monsters, we need this to get away from the woke real world.

Jason Gliatta
Jason Gliatta
1 year ago

I am really hoping for a few new seasons of stargate universe. I feel the story had so much more potential to offer.

1 year ago

Yeah I was a stargate nut till all the bs change crap started; not even gonna give the new show a chance gonna take u Bigfoot videos

Dan George
Dan George
7 months ago

Start the new show with Eli on Destiny and somehow it goes to Earth.