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8 years ago

So… Basically they are remaking the original movie. I have to say, the original movie is not bad, but it’s not great either. SG1, SGA, and SGU is what made Stargate great!! I’ll watch for more info with interest, but whether I flock to the cinema to see the new movie is a different story… Wouldn’t it be funny if they remade the original movie and it too was a dead end for the trilogy story he wants to tell and we never see the other two installments. LOL!!

8 years ago

A complete reboot seems sensible. That way they can put the movie and series in the background and start something new much like they did with the Star Trek reboot.

8 years ago

Had I realized who was writingscreen play I would have said no way would I go see it! Independence Day Resurgence was boring & dialog stilted. Sadly, I can only expect more of the same for StarGate

7 years ago

Alright correct me if I’m wrong (I don’t think I am though), but after MGM decided to go with a TV series instead of a second film, didn’t they (Devlin and Emmerich) just take the script they had for ‘Stargate 2′, change the names, remove the Stargate and Ra references and then retitled it Independence Day’? In which case, what Devlin is saying, is that they plan to remake Stargate and then remake Independence Day, which will come after the actual sequel to ID4, Independence Day: Resurgence. At which point they’ll then release Stargate 3 after (or possibly even before),… Read more »

7 years ago

Now that Emmerich’s “ID4 2” was a domestic box office bomb, only partially saved by foreign ticket sales, I wish MGM would realize that it is foolish to allow him to snub the large fandom of TV Stargate just so he can reboot *his* movie Stargate. It would make far more sense to continue on the TV Stargate world in a ‘next generation’ type approach that built a fresh take on the mythology built over 15 successful years.


[…] 17, 2016 Category: MOVIES | Tags: Featured by Darren The much talked about plans to reboot the Stargate franchise with a new feature film — the first in a planned trilogy — is […]