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3 years ago

I really do believe the series is a ‘when’ and not an ‘if’… I just hope it doesn’t take another five-ten years to happen.

3 years ago

I have a feeling that Stargate fans will not be happy with the eventual influence of Amazon on the franchise. I suspect Brad Wright will not be involved in whatever revival they decide to produce. Time will tell and I hope I am wrong.

Ascended Human
3 years ago

I sincerely hope it happens, but not with a tiny budget or a limited run. The “Origins” series was pretty laughable, but at least an attempt. I want to see something that rivals “The Expanse” in scope at the very least.

Rosana sforza
Rosana sforza
3 years ago

Me gustaria ver una primer serie de por lo menos 15 capitulos de la misma categoria que el resto de las series.

3 years ago

So Amazon just signed the papers.
I am betting on a show with a big budget for Stargate to be in the cards.

Rhiannon Cooper
Rhiannon Cooper
3 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard

Here’s hoping!!!!

Rhiannon Cooper
Rhiannon Cooper
3 years ago

As long as they don’t bring back the frigging replicators in some fashion and if they tie up SGU & SGA in some way… other than these caveats I’m game for anything new! We just need more Stargate!!! Lol.

3 years ago

News I’m hearing is bad. Very bad. Makes it seem that Brad might’ve been strung along to prop up MGM as having currently active properties and fanbases to boost the closing price on MGM from Amazon.

Supposedly, not only will none of it happen, there’s a rumor that the property will get a Kurtzman-like complete reboot; not a continuation at all.

I hope it isn’t true, but it’s what’s be said the last couple days by folks with an ear to the ground.

3 years ago
Reply to  Radioguy

It’s always so cute when people pretend to have inside knowledge.

Suzanne Aubertin
Suzanne Aubertin
3 years ago

I am so hoping there is a new quality series in the makes. We need a new Sci-fi series that has the great outlook that Stargate and Star Trek had, not just a ton full of special effects. As we suspect, well science seems to imply it, That there may actually be some beings out there, what better setting than the positive and well organized setting than a Stargate series – not just a few films, please. A full fledged series that we can follow with intelligent interest. I purchased all of the Stargate series, wrote in opposition to its… Read more »

2 years ago

Stargate did have a positive tone , great show!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gatefan09
2 years ago

That would be fantasic to see a new series hit the Screen! As exciting as that possibility is though I’m also a little concerned for the influence Amazon might have over the creative aspect of the show, but let’s hope for the best!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gatefan09