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3 years ago

Just make it happen ;)

Scott Beavers
Scott Beavers
3 years ago

Please Please Please be true!!!

James Davis
3 years ago

Fingers crossed ? Not expecting anything to happen for years, but just hoping it eventually does!

3 years ago

We are patiently waiting this for YEARS since SGU. So just waiting, huh ?

3 years ago

Creeping ever close to Chevron Six…

3 years ago


3 years ago

I thought there will be original cast! And now I read: maybe in some episodes you can see them? I just hope it won’t be 1 episode, or like 3 times during whole tv show… At the same time: it is not reasonable to expect them in every episode. As OG cast is too old. I also hope to see SGA actors! SG is nothing without OG cast!!! Hope this will be kinda some Ultimate StarGate and will bring out good memories! I got excited when I heard about Nox! Tho ashens I think they are meh, weren’t they like… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by StargateFan
scott jones
scott jones
3 years ago
Reply to  StargateFan

almost all asgards are dead

Andrzej Gbur
3 years ago
Reply to  scott jones

they make a repository with all Asgards consciousness. Tauri find their ancestors with oryginal body and more healthy Asgards. They clone new asgards.

Enrico Tigani
Enrico Tigani
3 years ago
Reply to  scott jones

alot of typs of grey over lol

Chris Laws
Chris Laws
2 years ago
Reply to  StargateFan

Just FYI, the Ashen were in I think about 3 or 4 episodes total and the Nox in about 3 episodes. And seeing as how a new series would be a continuation and not a reboot, the Asgards are all dead by the time SG-Atlantis started as they were all clones and on the brink of extinction when they started to build the Prometheus on SG-1 as they downloaded all of their knowledge into it and SG command’s computers. So a new series wouldn’t be able to have the Asgards on it, unless it was in a VERY limited capacity… Read more »

3 years ago

Is it a sequel? Or alternate? Or something new?
If it’s a sequel I sadly can’t watch the new series, I’ve never been able to watch all of SG1 and like to pretend s7e16 is the last episode.
I’m interested if it’s alternate or new though, but I guess only time will tell what we’re going to get.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I watched until early season 10 years ago when Stargate SG-1 aired, but I get easily bored and depressed with the last three seasons. I know there’s a few good episodes here and there, but over time I just get upset and unable to enjoy it anymore. I wanted to, but I realize forcing myself only made it feel worse. I’m rewatching what I enjoy again now though, I’m currently on late season 4.

I see. Oh well. I’ll see if I change my mind and follow the news on it. Who knows, maybe it’ll fix stuff.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I agree. I’ve watched all three series dozens of times and I enjoy 99.99% of it. My only two wishes for the series would have been a series finale with everyone that was in Unending but throwing in Richard and Don, and possibly some bigger movies to bring in more fans.

3 years ago

Whatever the new Show is about , PLEASE no SGU side plot solution. SGU should have its on conclusion at least in a Mini-Series.

3 years ago

Maybe Jonas would come back? It was not nicely removed from the SG-1

Andrzej Gbur
3 years ago

Make it true! Bring back Stargate series. Stargate scripts 2020. In 2021 I will write something new, after rewatch Stargate series

Enrico Tigani
Enrico Tigani
3 years ago

Heyhey stop this US only.
Disclosure also gonna have all of us in it for it to work.
Just like the pandemic what is not an isolated issue.
Or just bomb it down with vpn (“,)

3 years ago
Reply to  Enrico Tigani


Lorna Dune
Lorna Dune
3 years ago
Reply to  Enrico Tigani

Um… what did any of that mean?

Pattie Simmons
Pattie Simmons
2 years ago
Reply to  Enrico Tigani

Ummm, What???

3 years ago

Let’s be honest, I want to know what the ending of Stargate Universe was meant to be

Lorna Dune
Lorna Dune
3 years ago
Reply to  Pierre

Why should we be honest about you wanting an ending?

Anna REi
Anna Rei
3 years ago

I will wait. I want a new series so badly.

3 years ago

Um. Why should I bother when I’ve never been able to finish season 10? Always stop after 7 now. Just want Janet back. So why should I bother with the new series? I don’t know, I just can’t get excited at all. I wish I could go back in time and make them change the whole show from Heroes.

Why is it so unfair? Please tell me why, just why?

3 years ago


3 years ago

I’ll watch if they scrap Heroes and onwards from its existence. While they may not exist for me, I want more Stargate as the next person and if it’s a continuation from season 10 I’ll still only have less than 7 seasons. :(

Question: Is there a way to contact Brad Wright?

3 years ago

The Mash of the scifi world! It would have an instant audience of tens of millions

3 years ago

Not sure why people stopped watching after Janet was killed off. She was a nice character but not a driver in the show. Frankly, I was more upset with losing Jack and Hammond as the seasons went on, although I did like Mitchell and Vala being inserted since I was a fan of Stargate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt


3 years ago


TEH Alex
TEH Alex
3 years ago

Bring the show just back. Just do it. The fans are starving<3

Heinz Poetter
Heinz Poetter
3 years ago

What I would have liked to have taken over from Stargate Origins would be the uncomplicated. Speak, not an explainer like Captain Carter. Also, like in Origins, I would like more “quick humor” in the series. I also wonder if anyone has ever tried to win Kurt Russel back for Stargate.
And finally, please stop letting people on other planets speak English. Daniel Jackson is a language expert, based on the original film with James Spader. Other languages were his job in the film.
Flawless English in the Pegasus Galaxy was the even bigger fail.

Fred L Dawes
3 years ago

make it happen before i am dead!!!!

Chris Laws
Chris Laws
2 years ago

Please, Please, PLEASE let MGM pick up a new Stargate TV show. Weather its a continuation of SGU that ended on a cliffhanger, which was evil as hell to do to the fans by the way, or its a whole new series I would give ANYTHING to have new stargate to watch. SO LONG….as it stays true to SG-1, Atlantis, SGU and doesn’t deviate off and bring any political garbage into it that is. I would love to have new Stargate to watch with my son just like i use to watch SG-1 back in the day with my dad.… Read more »

Pattie Simmons
Pattie Simmons
2 years ago

I would be completely enamored with another Stargate series! PLEASE make this happen!