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14 years ago

Number 4 is a really great one.

14 years ago

I didn’t think I was going to like the Eli character. Turns out, he’s one of my favorites.

Junque Man
Junque Man
14 years ago

To me, the character of Eli is one of the better ones going for SGU. Couch potato nerdy, an average looking person unlike most of the others.

As long as the writers keep him and Chloe apart, because in the real world that hook-up would never happen, then his character should remain life like.

Thumbs up to Eli, big thumbs down to Chloe …

Junque Man
Junque Man
14 years ago

My post was edited for an anti-Chloe remark? It was intended toward the character and not the actress…

14 years ago

My favourite Eli moment so far was the one where O’Neill and Rush where at his doorstep. It really made me chuckle.

14 years ago

@Junque Man, evidently the No Violence rule (see the forum announcements) also applies to the main page.

14 years ago

I’m not a huge Eli fan myself. For me, he’s too smart-alecky and anti-hipster hipster. As bland as it may be, I like the straight forwardness of Lt. Scott: A young man taking his duty seriously and trying very hard to become a leader (and in a way, prove the slacker stereotype of our generation wrong).

14 years ago

In regards to Number 3, best moment of that episode was that he said “I’m Philip Fry” – only after watching it the second time it clicked!

14 years ago

They should just rename stargate universe eli show and throw everybody else out the air lock or turn them into peons to advance eli story lines.

Kind of like rodney in stargate atlantis.

Eli is like the only character on stargate universe worth anything the other characters I have to look up there names since I have no idea who they are eli is the only one who is not 100% boring So I remember his correct name.

14 years ago

On #1 – Am I wrong in my thinking but wasn’t this mode of stopping a Stargate from shutting down discovered in SG-1 or am I getting confused.

14 years ago

I enjoy the character of Eli, but dislike the actor…..if that makes any sense at all. I think the character is a great addition the the SG lore, being that he has to prove his worth at every turn with both the military crew and scientific crew alike, but for some reason David Blue the real-life person kinda pisses me off. Thus far I’ve been able to separate my dislike for the actor to see the positives of the character (my own re-hash of the beef I had with Robert Picardo back in SGA); hopefully this blooming connection with the… Read more »

14 years ago

eli is a brilliant character he seems to stop everybody else falling into despair

14 years ago

I think that a character on a show that’s only had eleven episodes in total so far to already have 5 greatest moments if brilliant and speaks wonders to the talent of the actor, and honestly, the character has had more than five greatest moments.

Eli is perhaps the most real character on the show. I think there will be a lot of people that will be able to relate to him as the show goes on

14 years ago

I’m actually a really big fan of Eli. I think my only complaint/suggestion is that the crew needs to come across a few new wardrobe changes, and Eli is at the top of that list. “All I got is ‘You are here.'”

14 years ago

Thanks for article – I actually like Eli too. On another note – those horrible “green links” – commercial, I guess you have to have them (money wise?). Apart from being extremely annoying (and of no use) – to me they really signify a “bad content site” and that’s not really Gateworld at all. (Or can someone enlighten me?)

14 years ago

@Junque Man – I’m sure Eli and that Chloe character (she’s so forgetful I had to scroll up to get her name) could very well be a couple “in real world” and I would love them to be a couple in SGU – Eli seems to be able to bring out the best in her and being with her seems to bring out some other sides of Eli (though he seems to have a lot of good and gentle sides to hem). And why whould you think that they could not be a couple in real life – because she… Read more »

14 years ago

I adore Eli and David Blue does a wonderful job of making Eli “uncomfortable and unsure” without it come off as weak.

14 years ago

Eli is the best. Even though our favorite nerd is the new guy and has to find his place, he is doing a pretty good job.
But I disagree with most when it comes to Chloe. Let the senator’s daughter hook-up with whoever she wants.
I’d love to see something happen between Eli and Sgt James. They have some hilarious sexual tension between them after the “wrong-turn with the kino” and “how else could I get you away from there? (Chloe in the shower)”. It would definitely make for some interesting situations,