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Heightmeyer's Lemming
5 years ago

A nice article, Darren, but outside the bubble of 6, stargate was never alive after SGU’s cancellation to begin with. Not for the first time, I realize that being outside of that bubble gives me the perspective that inside the bubble lacks or might be lacking… You’re being strung along and you fall for it because Stargate is there, actively and streaming. You hang onto every word, every glimmer and your optimism tells you to believe. Believe as you like, and hope for the best — I admire that, truly. But I’m a pessimist and a realist, and very much… Read more »

Keith Conlon
4 years ago

You should check out the comet channel. That might surprise you.

Joe citizen
Joe citizen
5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Something seems maybe heavy wrap for several days a day or two small line about something within week coming out of London.

Joe citizen
Joe citizen
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe citizen

Seems interesting one the only richard happen be in uk within week of London possible event.

Joe citizen
Joe citizen
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe citizen

Just thought what if mgm putting together something recharge the movies fans, sg1, stargate altantis, and sgu just get all actors together etc huge task another thought perhaps mgm got lot content behind vault trying make sure let pieces out. In current world we live in if sga as concept been around put both sga and sgu on paywalled streaming place produce whatever had most fans screaming online for it. I mean look sga first two pieces could been done movie its enough material 90 minutes give or take think dollars since made. Clearly there reason behind fan panel to… Read more »

Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins
5 years ago

Frankly, I enjoy Stargate a great deal. I’m not sure which I like better, Star Trek DS9 or Stargate SG1. Both of them allow me to suspend reality, and go off to far flung reaches of space. I do hope a new Stargate is coming. Stargate Universe had some good points, but it wasn’t tight enough. Too many loose ends, production changes, etc. It’s like the producers tried to show a more ‘gritty’ feel, but part of the appeal of SG1 was attractive cast members, wardrobes, guest stars, Egyptian lore, etc.. The producers can’t be afraid to introduce a new… Read more »

Last line
Last line
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Jenkins

Star tack Enterprise or stargate atlantis?Wych one are better ?

Rob Pecchenino
Rob Pecchenino
4 years ago
Reply to  Last line

Star Gate Alantis , Of Course.

5 years ago

I’d like to jump in here as a newbie. I was introduced to Stargate just a year ago. Several months later I “fell in love” with it. No sci-fi grabbed me as much as Stargate has. While I like Star Trek, DS9 being my favorite, it wasn’t earthy enough. That said, I think both perspectives as in Darren’s and Heightmeyer’s Lemming, are valid here. I would love to see what Brad Wright comes up with if MGM gives the green light. Doesn’t mean I’d for sure like it or love it, but this is an universe that has a ton… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Braveheart

I like DS9 a lot, I have that on DVD, but I didn’t like Captain Sisko, just all the rest of the cast. I prefer Babylon 5 but I watch them both. If you haven’t seen B5 give it a chance, it’s budget’s not as big, so it’s not as pretty, but character development that is extremely good. Characters grow and change beyond what you see in Trek with arcs that span seasons. Really good show, not pooing on DS9 here, I love those characters as well, and they also grew over time. Both were better than any any Trek… Read more »

T Masaki
T Masaki
5 years ago

“Then there is television. Star Trek: Discovery has done great for attracting subscribers to CBS All Access, and ahead of the show’s second season”….um…no…no it hasn’t at all. Yo MGM, bring us back StarGate! We are SO ready…Do movies, do cross Universe stories! StarGate the Next Generation! You can do this!! Its time…now, I havent seen it but I heard Origins was like a Fanfic production…is this true anyone?

4 years ago
Reply to  T Masaki

Origins is like that Z grade kids soap you never wanted to watch after school so you had to go play and come back when the good sh*t was like like the Simpsons.

5 years ago

I’d really just like to see more gate travel by SG teams. The stories were inventive and offered teaching moments about team work. Even a cartoon with the occasional voice from an SG-1 member would be nice.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Star Trek Discovery Is TRASH!

4 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Why cause the protagonist is an intelligent hot black woman?

Debbie Pahl
5 years ago

Please! Please! Please give us, faithful followers, Stargate again. I have watched my Stargates, SG-1 and Atlantis, dvds so many times I can almost quote them. Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Christpher Judge and Michael Shanks were remarkable and will always be my favorites.

adrijana radosevic
adrijana radosevic
5 years ago

I have to admit I am a bit baffled by the fact that such a great franchise has so much trouble returning. Especially since there is rather a void in production of actual Sci fi TV series, everything seems to revolve around superheroes when it comes to anything remotely Sci fi. It feels to me like there is too much incentive to produce something “different” when it comes to stargate. They had Universe focus so much on the characters and their inner struggles it turned much closer to a soap opera, the Sci fi becoming the background rather than the… Read more »

Edmond Dantes
5 years ago

I agree with Heightmeyer’s Lemming. MGM doesn’t care about anybody outside the six country ‘bubble’. And even those inside said bubble are just being strung along by MGM. (As cheaply as possible, while milking as much money as they can from said bubble fans.)

5 years ago

where’s the stargate origins DVD? This makes my collection incomplete.

5 years ago

We need to see something from Destiny!!
Maybe a two hour movie twice a year..
It was such a great, and it filled that
“Galatica Gap” I had. If it was just budget/ bankruptcy thing, let’s light that fire and kick those tires

Becky Payne price
Becky Payne price
5 years ago

Just love all of Stargate shws

Aida Teresinha
Aida Teresinha
5 years ago

I miss Stargate Atlantis

5 years ago

Many years ago I wrote an email to a gaming studio. For the life of me I can’t remember which one. Anyway, I enquired if they had any plans for a Stargate game. I stated that because of the premise of the TV show the possibilities of such a game could be endless with additional downloadable content becoming available to keep it going. They said that they had no plans for such a game but if they did I would be informed. Actually I think it was the company behind a star trek game. The game was called elite force.… Read more »

5 years ago

I’m a fan of sci-fi but honestly it’s a genre that has seen it’s full share of poorly concieved and or executed shows. Cutting to the point; casting is crucial. If those in charge don’t create an environment where artists and crew get the best then nothing will work from that point on. The chemistry between actors has to be there! Towards the end of SG-1’s run that chemistry was lost and subsequent spin offs never had adequate casting in the first place. Perhaps that’s harsh but you can’t achieve something lasting by trying to make nice with everyone.

Sholem A Weise
Sholem A Weise
5 years ago

Origins was a complete disappointment to me. I have been a stargate fan since the original motion picture, and although granted the series spun off the original description of the aliens being bipedal humanoids, to snake-like creatures, it was still interesting, imaginative, and captivating. I watched every…single…episode of every stargate series and was left hanging by a string upside down from my ankle when SGU ended so abruptly. I wanted more. When I heard about Origins it did make me feel a bit hopeful but left wondering afterward “…eh?! What was that?” I do also remember a GateWorld article about… Read more »

5 years ago

Nothing happens, the franchise had been overmilked, even drier now than SW from Disney

Mike davis
Mike davis
5 years ago

Need to finish staff are Atlantis
Need movie or something to finish series
We have a wraith in San Francisco in the bay what is go I g to happen to Todd
That’s needs closeur

Dana Farricker
Dana Farricker
5 years ago

That goddamn Birds of Prey ad on every freakin’ page has GOT to go.

Dana Farricker
Dana Farricker
5 years ago

Paul Jenkins: What the heck is Stargate DS9?

4 years ago
Reply to  Dana Farricker

its where sgc builds deep space spacestations and a story is told on the 9th one.

Dana Farricker
Dana Farricker
5 years ago

T Masaki: Yes, it has. That isn’t debatable.

Dana Farricker
Dana Farricker
5 years ago

I think the real problem is that ORIGINS was horrible. The fans know it and the studio knows it. It had weak writing, poor acting and a non-starter of a plot, and it added nothing whatsoever to the franchise. MGM was hoping Langford’s story would kickstart the franchise’s rebirth, and I’m sure they were just as disappointed by fans’ reaction to the miniseries as fans were by the miniseries’ quality. If Stargate is to come back, it has to be something worth watching. ORIGINS failed on pretty much every level–it simply wasn’t worth watching.

5 years ago

bring back stargate sg1 and bring back richard dean anderson and amanda tapping

5 years ago

do not bring back Stargate origins it was awful and bring back stargate sg1

Simon's cat
Simon's cat
5 years ago

I’ve been in mourning since Atlantis was cancelled. I want Atlantis returned to Pegasus. I want an updated John and Rodney story. I want to see Rodney married to Jennifer…and not that nonsense the novels did with them. I would love to see Ronan back but know the role may have to be recast unless MGM went huge instead of big. Eli can save the day in Universe and we can get the final SG1 story eventually but start with Atlantis! I expect they’ll reboot or go in another, fourth direction if a TV show is the first renewed project…but… Read more »

5 years ago

As an old fan, love your article and share your optimism. I think that the studio have to see the big fanbase this franchise have, and the opportunity of revenue. Also think that there’s a lot of stories to tell of Stargate. Think about all what happened with the ancients, their coming to earth, the war against the wraith, and even the rise of the goa’uld. So yes, I believe that we will watching soon news about starget come back.

5 years ago

IF Stargate is to have a future, then the creative decisions need to be slapped out of the grubby hands that have kept them cold and dead so far. I don’t consider Origins to be part of the franchise, frankly i’ve seen better showmanship from a commercial with David Carlyle than … whatever was that.

5 years ago

A Stargate reboot series could work and be well received amongst existing fans as well as gaining new fans if done right. This is no easy feat, but the possibility is already open by a few episodes in the SG-1 cannon, as well as a couple of episodes of Atlantis. In some respects, also in Universe. So, the question asked is how? The Quantum mirror! A reboot could simply be existent in a reality that is fairly distant to the original reality of SG-1. This allows for different crews, different tech, and can cheekily reuse many stories in a modern… Read more »

5 years ago

please more stargate. resume sgu or sg1/atlantismovies!! :)

5 years ago

If they want to continue the series then they need to lead off with the end of SG:Atlantis. The Earth now has super secret ships. Something cool about SG-1 was about how it was modern Earth and we learned all sorts of secrets. How do you mix exploring stargates with modern weapons and still have super awesome space ships? Maybe the show shot itself in the foot? It’s still cool though. I never watched the last show because it was supposed to be drama based. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to make the series good. We have what… Read more »

5 years ago

While i love the shows and watched them weekly from beginning to end, as i think about where these shows or the future of the franchise could or should go is possibly start off after Atlantis returned to Earth have the existance of the Stargate network be released to the public with the countries of Earth United populate Atlantis at First with Military Personnel and Scientist and go for an intergalactic Journey back to the Pegasus Galaxy, but at some point i think us as Humans need to find out how to reverse engineer ZPM’s and drones build a fleet… Read more »

Dani Riggs
Dani Riggs
5 years ago

Please give us the ending to SGU! I am such a fan of SG but was really let down when SGU just STOPPED! It left us with no – 0 idea what happened to everyone. Can you at least fill us in with what you had planned to happen?

5 years ago

I was amongst the Stargate fans who was not as intrigued, probably due to crew or writing of Atlantis even and then SGU I did not enjoy, and then the Producers blamed me for not being a true fan (I owned both SG1 all the movies and Atlantis DVDs by then). I guess if it ends up being a fun and witty show I might jump on board but if it is another melodrama like SGU, that’s just not for me. I don’t need a retread, that’s not what I am asking for, but the only time I liked a… Read more »

5 years ago

We are watching SG1 season 4 right now in my house, alongside my young children. That was a huge issue with SGU, and we never finished even the first season. We were glad to see the tumor cancelled. If Stargate returns, it needs to be adventure that we can watch as a family, not some sick, twisted experiment about sex sells, because in SG, it doesn’t.

5 years ago

But Origins was like a Star Trek Movie or Discovery. “Re-imagined” Junk. Not in line with the original long rich story history.

5 years ago

SGU was the best…the problem wasn’t with the show it was with MGM…who ever’s making the dissensions about programming needs to go back to waiting tables…they can barrely do wrestling…which sucks (*&^%$^….SGU had so much potential…the character dynamics were awesome…if SGU had a flaw at all it was that the feud between Rush and the rest of the crew lasted to long.


4 years ago

all I am going to say to MGM is this…… I am getting tired of re watching sg1, sga and universe to the point I can say what there going to say in the show as I am watching it…. yea im a die hard fan , but this is wearing my patience… sure i watch discovery which cbs has locked down to subscription only pretty much so no one has a choice but to pay to watch it pretty much…. yay for them, now we have to not only pay the cable company , but also pay cbs also… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve been rewatching SGU, SG1 and now Atlantis. The main thing I’ve noticed is how lazy a lot of the writing is. They repeat the same/similar stories and events across SG1 and Atlantis… replicators for example – they literally repeat the same mistakes. SG1 was almost sickening with the amount of American propaganda throughout it, as though the USA really is the center of the universe. The representation of the USA as being something completely different to what it actually is too, this delusional level of superior morality that it’s severely lacking IRL; the whole we don’t kill people and… Read more »

Charles J Moyer
Charles J Moyer
4 years ago

Really hate to say it but scifi right now isnt a good idea I feel like even an amazing show like the expanse was canceled thank God Amazon grabbed it and I love star gate I rewatch sg1 and Atlantis about once a year but seriously dont think the main stream is gona get behind it and watch they want more fantasy another game of thrones hell a large percent of the viewers we need to make it viable unfortunately probably wont know anything much about stargate TV shows that a big problem I feel sure mabey they like the… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m in the boat that didn’t like SGU at all in it’s 1st run. No matter what happened in SG1 or SGA, there was optimism. SGU was too bleak and trying to be “cool” by pushing social agendas most fans just don’t care about. They barely touched on the concept of using someone’s body to have sex with someone. Yet, there were at least 4 different instances of that, and yet no deep discussion of it’s morality. It was just so dark that Gen. O’Neill’s quips just seemed completely out of place. I think a great way to revive the… Read more »

Charles Beasley
Charles Beasley
4 years ago

Please bring back stargate with the original cast it was the best stargate ever.

4 years ago

Just bring back Universe, it had game of Thrones esque vibes, and was ahead of the game in quality.

4 years ago

Stargate is dead…MGM has no appetite for the economic risk of a movie for a reboot of any of the series and a TV series also is also risky given the difficulty of establishing a big enough viewer base to offset costs through advertising. The best bet is for MGM to sell the franchise to someone that may want to take a risk on a pilot or sign off on a reboot in a grittier fashion like the Battlestar Galactica or The Expanse.

Ricardo Alexandre
Ricardo Alexandre
4 years ago

Here we are in the end of August. And Sci Fi Cannel in Portugal keeps airing SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, over and over again for the past 2, 3 years, 2 episodes a day. So, the franchise is still alive in here. Luckily I was fortuned to see Stargate Origins, to know the story behind Langford, although the acting was very poor. I was enjoying the “Galactica feel” of SGU, a bit darker, a bit “heavier”… Would be nice to continue SGU, maby 10 years later someone finds the ship with no one inside and the plot is to try… Read more »

4 years ago

It will be nice to have SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe back again. It will be a good idea to have Ancients such as Janus as permanent as the team. Janus knows about how to create ZPM easily. He also knows where all the modern Aurora class starship hidden somewhere. It will be more fun this way.

4 years ago

I just finished watching SGU for the third time to keep fresh on what transpired. Always hopeful that they will pick up the story whether it be they travelled through a black hole into another dimension, reached the new galaxy, or are drifting through unchartered space only to come upon a rogue ‘planet’.

Keith Conlon
4 years ago

MGM could work with Warner Brothers, BBC/Big Finish, and Disney and other companies on such a project and it could be part of what should have been picked up from where Stargate Universe season 2 left off.

Rob Pecchenino
Rob Pecchenino
4 years ago

Is there any way to contact Brad Wright ?

Larry Chain
Larry Chain
4 years ago

Well, i’m very sorry to say that Origins just was very bad. I didn’t even make it to episode 3. As an aspiring SF author I am full of (I hope to think ‘good’) ideas and to me, Atlantis was just good for its time. Nowadays its mediocre but back then its was just tops. Fact is, there is just a comparatively small base for SF movies/TV series and production of a good series costs way too much money. It all boils down to the hard dollar, hence we are not likely to see a REAL good production: for me… Read more »