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3 years ago

I hope we get more Stargate. i really enjoyed everything about this show………

3 years ago
Reply to  Robb

What’s happening? Why is this innocuous comment so far in the negative?

3 years ago

If Janet Fraiser isn’t brought back (permanently) I’m cancelling Prime.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tara

I think Janet should stay dead (but am open to possible parallel universe doppelgängers visiting, but not staying). I recently rewatched SGA Season 3’s “Sunday” and thought Carson Beckett’s death was cheapened because I knew they permanently brought him back from the dead.

Sometimes the heroes die. Janet Fraiser, Jacob Carter, George Hammond. We just have to live with the tragedy and move on.

3 years ago

I wanted to word this kindly but I’m not sure how… For me, Ben Browder never really clicked. At all. I did enjoy him in Farscape but in SG1… No. I’d personally much rather see Joe Flanigan return. I suppose it’s too much to hope that Momoa would throw a new Star Gate a cameo. I was hoping he’d have pushed a McCain and Shepherd cameo as Altantean guards in Aquaman.

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaihaku

Sorry you feel that way. He clicked with me. I could have done with more seasons with Mitchell leading the team. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

Sam E Clegg
Sam E Clegg
3 years ago
Reply to  Ian Fleming

Hey, in the end, all that matters is that we get new Stargate. That dominates all else in this discussion, right?

Sam E Clegg
Sam E Clegg
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaihaku

If it means more Stargate then you will accept Browder. Deal with it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaihaku


3 years ago

Certainly a lot of nostolgia coming back reading this!
I sure do hope Brad’s vision for a new series works out

Timothy Bondi
Timothy Bondi
3 years ago

so amazon now owns stargate and 007 – Can we have new stargate now please amazon

Tom D
Tom D
3 years ago

Incredible News. I want the entire band back. And for the record, I loved SG U as well as SGI and Atlantis. Loved them all. Great continuity

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom D


Dianne Blankenship
Dianne Blankenship
2 years ago

Ben Browder did not click with a lot of viewers. A widely popular opinion of his character was ‘he’s just so annoying.’

2 years ago

Agreed. He ‘could’ click. He could win as many over as Richard Dean Anderson did. ‘But’… he needs to adapt his acting style. For a start, work out what makes anyone ‘annoying’? I would argue cockiness and how people talk when they are said to ‘like the sound of their own voice’ are aspects that resonate most with ‘annoying’. RDA talking sounded like Carter or Jackson in how you could imagine any of your colleagues speaking, that made it seem more ‘real’ to fans. Browder talking sounded more like “everyone listen to me”. Just perception, not looking to win over… Read more »

2 years ago

re: “deal with it” – Disagree. Many would rather have no more (of this produced) Stargate than see Ben Browder again. Fine actor, nothing personal, but Jack o’ Neil was quirky, funny, charismatic whereas Cameron Mitchell is just cocky all the time. Jack O ‘Neil would never interrupt T’ealc in the same way as Mitchell (Browder). If Browder returns he needs to watch the early shows again and fine-tune his character, extend his repertoire so it’s not the same for all parts he plays. Quotes about his “grandma used to say..” Cringe Him and Beau Bridges’s over the top acting… Read more »