Shortly after GateWorld interviewed Ben Browder (“Colonel Cameron Mitchell”) at the end of 2008, we received word of a new project he is starring in. “Freeze Frame” will tell the tale of two traumatized war veterans trying to end their lives, and Browder will play a pivotal role.
The YouTube video, a precursor to the full film, has garnered some attention, and despite the film’s early stage of development we wanted to hear more from Ben about the part.
GateWorld: This new film you are working on right now — “Freeze Frame” — tell us about it from your perspective. I know we’ve got the one paragraph line about what the film is about. What is it about for you? Where does it begin?
Ben Browder: Jonas McCord is where it all begins. Jonas was in Vietnam. I met him years ago and I guess maybe two or three years ago I got in contact with him through [my agent] about a script and we started having [discussions]. Just a really interesting and smart guy.
We had talked about the project and at the end of ’08 was going to do a short film. He sent me the material. I looked at it and I said, “I’m sure there’s someone better.” He said, “No, you should do it.” We shot the short piece for it. They’re currently rewriting at the moment.
We at a certain point had had discussions about the vets and the things that they go through when they come back from the war, and it went from there.
GW: You’re pretty careful about political issues that you even discuss. Is this particularly poignant for you? Do you have vets in your family? Did you get their input before pursuing this?
BB: I have a brother who is in the Army. I have an uncle who was a naval leader. My great-great-great-great grandfather was at the Battle of Shiloh. You go back further to the Revolutionary War … I have uncles who were shot down over Germany out of B-17s. I have relatives who died in World War I, so I guess the answer is yes.
I guess if you live in America long enough — I don’t know any family that doesn’t have a history with it. It’s not that far removed from me. Additionally when I was working on Stargate we interacted with the military on a fairly regular basis.
GW: I think we’ve all grown up hearing stories about friends and some of them becoming more and more detached over time, and a couple of them killing themselves. Do you think that this is an issue that has not had enough attention? Is that one of the reasons that you want to do it? Do you want to say something with this movie?
BB: I’ve had this discussion a couple of times about the politics of it. How is this possibly a political … I realize maybe I’m missing the point, but it seems to me that there are some things which really shouldn’t be political. As a nation we should not be political about how we treat the people that have fought and died for our country. I do think that it is a problem that people don’t want to look at, but it’s a problem which has been with soldiers.
I’ve said this and it’s true. The Greeks wrote about it. In the Civil War they had melancholy. In World War I they had shell shock. In World War II they were calling it a Section 8. And then it eventually becomes Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome. We rename it over and over. But by calling it Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome now it’s a disorder. We’re relabeling something which is common for soldiers throughout history.
And I said in the previous interview and I’ll say it here: George Washington said, “The ability of a nation to fight a war will be dependent upon how it treats its veterans.”
And that’s not a pro-war statement. We’re not even talking about the current war or the last war. But if one says at a certain point that the defense of your country is essential, then it’s a no-brainer that you have to treat your vets well.
I do think that in the current time we don’t want to look closely at this issue. It’s easier to see a soldier who’s lost a limb, and it’s equally tragic. But the underlying stresses which soldiers bring back with them from conflict deserves our attention. If this film starts to give it some attention then I think we’ve done something good. It’s just my opinion.
Jonas’s script and what the final incarnation of the script will be … For Jonas it’s personal. I know it’s personal for him. And it probably is political as well. As an actor I’m looking at the personal. I see that story and I go, “That’s a story that should be told.”
As an artist, and I use that term very loosely. As an actor, as a guy who tells stories, you try to tell the story. What people do with the story, that’s up to them. Some stories need to be told and this is one that needs to be told.
Continued on Page 2
Why is this interview here? This has nothing to do with Stargate! So please don’t post useless new like this. Of course Ben Browder is a Stargate actor, but all his other stuff that isn’t Stargate related doesn’t belong here.
@MrBlueEyes: Ben Browder is apart of the Stargate family and we as fans like to know the kind of stuff the actors, production staff, and writers are doing.
Cause if we don’t interview them now, then we are not going to have any news for like EVER until the next Stargate movie is coming.
Plus, GateWorld has been doing these kinds of things for at least a decade. They are not going to stop now…
Me encanta Ben Browder!!!! Quiero tener siempre información actualizada de sus proyectos.
Los felicito por la entrevista
He is so right.
Thanks GateWorld for his interview.
Yes, Gateworld reports on the other actors’ projects. However, this doesn’t even seem to be a real project yet. This movie is not getting made anytime soon, if at all. There’s no funding. There’s no script. There’s no cast. There’s nothing but a guy with an agenda. I’m not being mean, I’m being realistic. Honestly, do you guys know how many people there are out there just like this Jonas guy? People with an idea, a good cause, but nothing else? And I can understand MrBluEyes’ frustration. This is Gateworld’s third interview with Ben Browder in the last year or… Read more »
Westlock, I’ve seen tons of news items about projects that actors are working on that are still in development. Chris Judges’ Rage of Angels comes to mind. And I’ve seen articles about charity projects. In the case, the “guy with an agenda” is a producer who’s worked on a ton of movies with A-list stars. He’s not just some guy. Try IMDB-ing Jonas McCord and looking at his list of credits. Also, GW did ask Ben about whether or not he’ll be in the next SG-1 movie in the last interview. Ben said he didn’t know. I bet he still… Read more »
Granted, “Freeze Frame” is still very, very early in the development process. That said, as the owner of the site I can tell you that GateWorld will always be committed to following (and supporting) the careers of the main cast members after they have moved on from Stargate. So you’ll find coverage of Amanda on Sanctuary, Torri on NCIS, Michael on Burn Notice, Chris working to make Rage of Angels happen, Rick’s charity work and SNL appearances, David’s Starcrossed, ad infinitum. We care about these folks and their post-Stargate careers, and we believe most Stargate fans are interested in occasionally… Read more »
Nicely Said Darren! I am one of those Gateworld fans that love to know what my favorite Stargate Actors are up too. Thank you for the interview with Ben. And keep up the great world that you all do at GateWorld.
I am always interested in projects that ALL the Stargate cast are involved in. It’s great to see what they are doing now that Stargate is over. Being a HUGE Ben Browder fan, I really enjoyed reading his interview. Freeze Frame is a very important film about the plight of our Vet’s well being after they return home. Ben is a talented and dedicated actor who will do an excellent job telling the story that needs to be heard! I give GateWorld high marks for putting this interview on their site and keeping us informed.
Very well said Darren! I like coming to GateWorld to keep up with what ALL of the Stargate actors are doing. Ben Browder is a fantastic actor and Freeze Frame has an important message to share. Thank your for the awesome new interview.
Great interview Gateworld. I am a huge Ben Browder fan but also a huge Stargate fan and its great to find out what the actors are doing when not doing stargate. Lets face it – its going to be quite some time before we see SG1 on screen again and in the meantime I want to know what else is coming up that I can watch these guys in.
Freeze Frame es un proyecto muy especial y como tal, necesita mucha publicidad antes de su puesta en marcha. Por eso es que Ben y Jonas están hablando tanto de la película (Ben no suele comentar mucho sobre sus posibles trabajos)
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo elb.No tengo la suerte de conocer a Ben en persona pero por lo que se es de bajo perfil.Y seguramente este proyecto es muy especial para él, para comentarlo.
go over to the website and check out Ben’s earlier interview about this film.
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