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13 years ago

visual media please. i dont care about the books.

13 years ago

sounds different than usual. But its sounds like a real book, which usually only take place from one perspective, or from an outside narrator type. So, I think I might order this one! Thanks for the review!

13 years ago

Anyone read Stargate SG-1: Barque of Heaven? I`m thinking abour buying it.

13 years ago

At least jonas is getting a mention.Still would have liked to have seem jonas in season 8, 9, and 10.Even if it was only a few episodes.

13 years ago

Valhalla was pretty good. Barque of Heaven however was great! I loved the story line. I would recomend both.

13 years ago

@Christian – I’m not much of a fan of the Fandemonium books, I find them very amateurish and I suspect most are just fanfiction adapted from some shipper fansite, most of the main perpetrators are well known Sam/Jack ship fanficcers. That said, Barque of Heaven was definitely one of the better ones – much more polished and professional, like an episode or even a feature film could have been of they’d had the budget. It’s the only one by that author sadly but certainly a cracking read.

13 years ago

. Not trying to sound like a jerk but what visual media?

13 years ago

I just started reading the Fandemonium books on Kindle. I had considered myself too much of a reading snob to do that til recently. To my surprise, I’m finding them rather entertaining (so far just the SGA books). The quality varies quite a bit among the authors, but so far they have all proved to be worth a shot. It is pretty much satisfying my fix for Stargate now that the series are at an end. The trouble is, at the rate I’m going, I’ll need to start pacing myself. Hopefully, the market will be sufficient for more entries in… Read more »

Thunderbird 2
Thunderbird 2
13 years ago

I have read several of the books – SG1’s Roswell and Atlantis’s Exogenesis are really good – the former could have been a DVD movie (better than CONT for the time travel stuff) the latter easily a good two parter in Atlantis’s second season. That’s how good the storylines and characterisation are. Not all of them are great, but that’s true of the episodes of the series too. Personal taste I guess. Re Visual media – good luck. After the recent news, even if there is new visual Stargate in the future, chances are it will not feature the characters… Read more »

13 years ago

– good on you! I recognize that – I too considered myself a reading snob an sneaked into bookshops to get my fix of Star Trek books… I will start reading Stargate books too – I consider these kind of books like a good Star Trek/Stargate episode. You already have the characters in your mind which is a plus so in that sense these books are a bit different from other (scifi) books… Oh dear, I’m talking like a book snob again… :)

13 years ago

– I read good reviews for it, and your comment, thanks. i bought it from amazon.

13 years ago

Im about half way through reading this book. As far as a book goes its pretty good. Nothing to really mention home about, the story is kind of generic but overall the writing is good. It has the Stargate feel to it!!! I can picture an episode (more like movie) as I read it, and the characters are right on point. I miss Jonas Quin too, and they nail is character in this book. I have only read 2 SG1 books… This one is entertaining, overall I would say its a good read. And it is an easy read. Its… Read more »

13 years ago

Now that I really think about it.. It must be after Anubis comes to Langara, because that was in the beginning of season 7, and Langara knows about the Stargate. Not just the Kelownians. Its been a while since I watched season 7, just trying to figure out the Time line. Any help would be much appreciated :)

I agree with the article about the part about Jack O’Neill, I wish he was more involved… Just cause he is and will always be my favorite character!!!! RDA ROCKS!!! <3 Stargate!!!

13 years ago

Barque and Valhalla are both excellent SG1 novels.
Some of the Atlantis novels are decent, but the titles are generic enough for most of them that I get confused about which is which.

Any news on possible SGU novels? The Air novelization was decent, though since that was based on a script, it might not be a good barometer for how Fandemonium would handle the series.