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7 years ago

This is a great retrospective, guys. I’m really looking forward to learning more about this character in the newly announced series. Thanks for putting all this together!

7 years ago

Still trying to figure out how they can stay in the television universe and have any adventures through the Stargate. Sounds like they’re going to make Catherine into Peggy Carter and have her fight the Nazis who are trying to get the Stargate. 10 minutes at a time. Ugh.

Stargate franchise is revived with prequel web series Stargate: Origins - The Spoilist
Stargate franchise is revived with prequel web series Stargate: Origins - The Spoilist
7 years ago

[…] Catherine appears as a recurring character in Stargate SG-1, most notably played by Elizabeth Hoffman in the present day, but also by Nancy McClure in scenes set in 1945 and Glynis Davies in the episode ‘1969 .You can’t find full details of the character in this excellent article over at Gateworld. […]

7 years ago

I could see a series at some point where there is some back and forth…Catherine at various parts of her life interspersed with the founding of the SG program. However, no matter what, our friends will have to be recast with younger people…sigh.