Stargate’s Return: The Next Step

Adam Barnard breaks down the options that the studio could be weighing for Stargate's next incarnation.

Stargate: The Ark of Truth

In July of last year, during a special 20th-anniversary panel celebrating Stargate SG-1, MGM dropped an unexpected and game-changing announcement: “Stargate is back.”

The unveiling of the 10-part digital series Stargate Origins opened the floodgates to a variety of speculation. Where is the franchise going? Are we going to see another long-form show? Why its own digital distribution platform? What are MGM’s long-term goals?

Now, with the success of both Origins and the studio’s new digital platform Stargate Command, MGM is undoubtedly looking ahead at what Stargate‘s future might hold. And given this exciting new chapter for the franchise, I want to pretend we have a front row seat on the action.

So let’s put ourselves inside an MGM boardroom: A meeting has been called, all the executives are present, and a giant (empty) whiteboard hangs in front of us — ready to receive ideas.

This is about possibilities, not limitations. So, let’s get started. The future of Stargate awaits!


(1) More Stargate Origins

Stargate Origins ("That's A Wrap" Teaser)If it worked once, why not try it again?

The Web series is a relatively low-risk investment that can enrich the mythology, characters, and greater world of Stargate. It can run as a companion piece to a new long-form series (think of the “Kino” webisodes from Stargate Universe). Or, as Origins did with its most recent Langford-centric iteration, it can function as a prequel that contains valuable insight into past characters and events.

Either way, more Stargate Origins helps MGM flesh-out a richer and more intriguing cinematic universe. And with a Stargate-centric digital distribution platform like Stargate Command, the production and distribution of Origins is simplified.

Less politics, no pesky cable networks, and a more immediate, quantifiable payoff.

(2) A Two-Hour, Direct-to-Streaming Film

If you want to follow up Origins with something a little more explosive, a one-off feature film might be in the cards. Think Stargate: Continuum … but tailored exclusively for a digital release.

Stargate: Continuum (SG-1 Team)

Stargate: Continuum (2008)

A modestly budgeted, two-hour film (Continuum was made for around $7 million) could also serve as a backdoor pilot for a new long-form series. But most importantly it takes the next step in discovering Stargate’s current market potential (without having to rely on the outdated, broken DVD and Blu-ray market).

The film could be released exclusively on Stargate Command, or it could utilize a variety of digital distribution outlets like iTunes, Amazon Video, or Netflix. There are plenty of options.

(3) A Miniseries

This is another good avenue to explore if you want to do something more ambitious than a Web series, but not as grand as a long-form show that could run four or five seasons.

11.22.63 — the limited Hulu series from JJ Abrams and Stephen King — is a good example of a miniseries done right. It’s “episodic,” in the sense that the story is told in hour-long segments but when you put all eight episodes together it creates a complete, singular experience. The series is essentially an 8-hour movie.

11.22.63 (Hulu)

11.22.63 (Hulu)

Each episode builds on the former, and story threads are able to weave in and out of the greater narrative without being rushed to fit a single running time.

Should it be successful, a miniseries could also serve as the first season of a new TV show. It’s a clever way to embrace the progressive trends of television viewership and tell more intricate and intentional stories.

(4) A Fourth Long-Form TV Show

Ah … the mere mention of this prospect lights a fire in the eyes of every Stargate fan. And there’s no denying it — by popular demand, it’s what fans want.

Fandom was already speculating what a fourth Stargate series would look like, even as Stargate Universe was winding down with its final episodes in 2011. Simply put, Stargate is too valuable to leave dormant or reduce to a disaster-movie franchise (like Roland Emmerich may likely have done).

Long-form storytelling has always been a staple of the Stargate franchise. And given the tremendous staying power of the old shows it will likely remain that way.

If MGM does greenlight a fourth series, the race will be on to find filmmakers who can balance dense mythology with compelling characters who live up to the legacy of O’Neill, Carter, Jackson, McKay, Vala, Rush, Eli, and Sheppard.

Stargate Event Horizon (Movie)There’s also the question of when the show will take place, and to what extent will it rely on past Stargate shows. Writer/producer Brad Wright recently argued that past entries were successful because they took place in the present day. On that note, perhaps Brad Wright is just the man for the job. After all, he knows Stargate better than anyone.

Ultimately, it’s a very subjective decision — as it’s heavily dependent on what direction MGM wants to take Stargate. We just have to hope that MGM will allot the necessary resources to make a fourth series every bit as compelling as its predecessors.

(5) A Theatrical Event Film

Last time Stargate got a proper theatrical budget was with the original movie, in 1994. Perhaps it’s time to unleash the franchise and watch it soar to new heights on the big screen.

We are in the golden era of big-budget storytelling, including franchises such as Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Star Trek, Jurassic Park, Mission Impossible, Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, and The Hunger Games, to name a few. Studios are shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars for single films that can capture the passion and imagination of moviegoers around the world.

Filmmaking and technology has grown in leaps and bounds since the 1990s, where Stargate made its debut (largely reliant on practical sets and in-camera effects). And while an over-reliance on technology often crushes character and charm, Stargate’s rich mythology lends itself to visual thrills that have yet to be explored.

Stargate in Giza (Movie)Wright and Cooper did a stellar job with SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe — making every penny of their budgets count. But at the end of the day these were cable television shows. They had a fraction of the resources poured into a tent-pole studio feature (on a dollar-per-minute scale).

A blockbuster film would be the ultimate investment. And given the current entertainment landscape, it’s worth seriously considering.

(6) A Feature Film Trilogy

This is simply an expansion of the previous idea. But trilogy storytelling shares one key difference: the need for immense upfront planning — far more, at least, than what is required for a stand-alone adventure.

A trilogy would be the most substantial investment in the Stargate franchise yet, and something Devlin and Emmerich have been trying to accomplish since the original Stargate film. In fact, a Stargate trilogy nearly happened quite recently. This could have laid the groundwork for subsequent movies and even TV shows (creating a new Stargate canon).

While these plans ultimately failed, should a new filmmaker come along with a compelling (and complete) vision for a Stargate trilogy MGM might be convinced to take the risk to bring the story back to the silver screen.

But it would have to be a damn good pitch.

(7) A Stargate SG-1 Reboot

Teen SG-1 ("200")

Let’s just hope that any reboot of SG-1 doesn’t look like this!

I might have skipped this, but Brad Wright did allude to this option in a recent AMA. Without reading too far into his comment, it’s definitely a possibility the studio might consider.

Of course, the drawbacks of an ostensible hard reboot are clear: it would erase the TV-verse canon we’ve come to know and love. But here’s the thing: an SG-1 reboot doesn’t have to be a “hard” reboot.

The show could be anchored in the existing timeline (present day), but with a brand new SG-1 team — comprised of all new faces. It’s only logical that original team members would have moved on to new command posts, and replacements would have to be assigned.

The reboot can exist within the world of Stargate Command — as established in previous series — while also blazing its own path on a tonal and creative level. Perhaps Landry, Mitchell, or Carter can appear in a recurring leadership role (or, at the very least, make a one-off appearance in the pilot).

It’s worth considering. And if executed properly, it is one of the less risky propositions.

(8) Stargate Extinction and Revolution

OK, perhaps I’m biased, because I did spend the better part of a year running the Stargate Movies Campaign, fighting for these very movies to be green-lit. But personal preference aside, these films are still a smart investment.

Enemy At the Gate (SGA 520) - San Francisco BayFirst off, the scripts have already been commissioned, so you can knock off about 5% of the total price tag (typically the screenwriters’ fee). More importantly, it would give fans of Atlantis and SG-1 much-needed closure, and provide an opportunity to set up a fourth series that takes place in the modern day.

Stargate: Revolution was long-rumored to disclose the Stargate program to the public. So Revolution could also pave the way for an in-canon SG-1 reboot that depicts a revitalized, public Stargate program.

While seven years have passed since these movies were shelved the actors are still alive and working, and the scripts are still the property of MGM. So assuming the filmmakers can factor in a timeline adjustment, there’s no reason these movies couldn’t work.

Plus, we have Stargate Command to distribute them on!

(9) The Brad Wright Wrap-Up Movie

This could go hand-in-hand with Stargate: Extinction and Revolution. In fact, a crossover movie — featuring cast members from all three previous Stargate shows — was supposed to act as a substitute for these cancelled, direct-to-DVD movies.

Brad Wright & Robert C. Cooper

Brad Wright (right) with Robert C. Cooper (left)

Wright and his team had 17 seasons to tell the story of Stargate, across three shows and two networks — yet they were robbed of a final opportunity to give characters and story threads the conclusions they deserved. Without being melodramatic, I think it makes that legacy feel incomplete.

Fans need to experience those “Chewie, we’re home” moments with the old cast … where Jack O’Neill and Samantha Carter walk into the situation room, or return to the S.G.C. to brief a new set of heroes. We need to see the old generation pass off a baton to their successors. And what better way to do that than to have one last Stargate adventure from the maestro himself, Brad Wright?

Logistical challenges aside, this could really be a home run, and bridge the gap between Stargates past and future.

(10) A Combination of The Above Ideas

Ultimately, none of the aforementioned pitches on our studio whiteboard are intended to come across as either/or choices. This is just a (partial) list of possibilities — and a list that will be expanded by minds far greater than my own.

It’s up to the new executives, the filmmakers, and the united voice of fandom to revitalize the franchise and guide it into a new era. My hope is that MGM will continue to listen to the heartbeat of fandom, and take the time to understand why Stargate resonated with audiences in the first place.

But one thing is for sure: We’re ready for more.

So what’s your take on the options?

Anything we missed? Anything you strongly support or object?

Let us know in the comments section, the GateWorld forum, or on Twitter & Facebook.

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6 years ago

How big success was Origins? Do you know any numbers? The reaction from the fans is mixed, at best.

Anyway, I like the idea of more Origins, especially if it runs parallel to a new series, but not this quality. It was fine for one, but if they continue it in any way, they must put much more money in it, and demand much higher quality from both the cast and the crew.

Heightmeyer's Lemming
6 years ago

All of the above sound like interesting ideas, except for the ones you put running on the Stargate Command app because that would basically mean the same thing for all stargate fans not in any of the 6 countries and therefore locked out from these options, like we were/are from Stargate Origins. If you want to impart the notion that we simply aren’t important enough as fans, job well done. I will gladly take my money elsewhere, away from MGM and never look back on their failure to respect their customers. I don’t want digital movies, or series, or whatever.… Read more »

6 years ago

More Stargate and continue SGU hopefully on Netflex.

6 years ago

I would also like to know how big of a success was Origins really?

I’d like to see Stargate Revolution, but I’m not sure MGM can afford Momoa anymore for a direct-to-streaming movie.

4 years ago
Reply to  rsanchez1

If it was for a wrap up momma wouldn’t turn it down he’s said a few times he would definitely play Ronan again if the role was there and that sga was the best time he ever had “working”

It's not me, it's you
6 years ago

Keep Stargate Command app for HD content and all things Stargate, which is nice by the way, BUT do not make new content locked in the app… including Origins.

I don’t see it happening, but having a Stargate Cinematic Universe with full-length 20 episode series’ entwined would be amazing. Think MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We’re in a booming age for sci-fi, i really hope MGM takes advantage of that.

Wouldn’t mind seeing BSG make a comeback also..

6 years ago

Think what I would like to see is a continuation of Atlantis and SGU although I appreciate the logistical issues of doing them now in terms of cost and availability of actors. Although with the passage of time and the fact the Destiny crew is in stasis you can write around those issues in a number of ways I don’t think it needs some huge budget Cinema releases. The original film was good but it was SG-1 that made the franchise. The best viable option would be a 4th series. There is no end of options available. Past/present/future. I still… Read more »

6 years ago

Anything but a reboot.

6 years ago

I hope they see the success of Origins as what it is: a desire from fans to support the franchise. It was not successful because it was a quality product. It wasn’t. I don’t want to bash too much because I know the budget was very small and they did the best with what they had. However, the writing was poor, the acting was poor, and the even the concept was poor. I still paid my fee and I still watched every second. I may only do that one more time. If the quality doesn’t improve and the story doesn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

SG GRAND SLAM! Well, actually, it’s called “Stargate Forever” … It’s about getting Atlantis involved with the rescue of those aboard Destiny who actually want to return to earth. Visit the “notes” section of the Facebook page “Save Future Stargate Travel” to learn more. It’s time to get the band (or those who can do it) back together again! I think the producers will find that most everyone that was involved with any part of the TV cannon would jump at the chance to be a part of this once again. J.S.

6 years ago

I’ve had this idea for a while where the Stargate Program goes public, but also where the Governments of the Earth become tyrannical. Fresh off their victories over the Ori and all other enemies, The Tauri grow powerful and arrogant. This forces Stargate Command to send their elite teams and personnel into Exile off world in the hope of someday returning to save the Tauri from themselves. I call this idea Stargate Exiles. Stargate Command would do this covertly while retaining a cover story that they stand with the corrupted governments of the Earth. Atlantis could be incorporated into this… Read more »

6 years ago

I prefer a combination of the above. Part of the issue, to me, of just continuing with the current “SG-1 universe” is Earth is too powerful to really have any big threat in the Milky Way, and we already left the galaxy with the last two series. The problem with just adding a new powerful enemy for this series, is what did they do during the reign of the Goa’uld? If they’re powerful enough, and evil enough, to be a threat to Earth, then why wouldn’t they have countered the Goa’uld? It wouldn’t have been to defend the “locals”, but… Read more »

6 years ago

It needs to be a 4th series set in the same continuity, set in present day, but a soft reboot wouldn’t hurt. The setup: In recent years spending on The Stargate program has stopped, key players escaped off world or we’re forced into retirement. A coup lost Earth Atlantis and the Hammond and even the Stargate itself, and all the artifacts from the Stargate program have ended up in the wrong hands. And off in the farthest reaches of space.. An ancient Goa’uld faction is revealed to be very much alive.. and headed for Earth. The premise – a young… Read more »

5 years ago

I know this post is a bit late but, when I heard about Stargate: Origins, I figured it would be about an actual Origin of the gates. More about the creators of the Gates (in the TV Series, the Ancients) but the Movie Universe, WHO? The way they did Origins was interesting, I liked it. It just doesn’t seem to be series worth or following up with Catherine. I mean, where can you go from there but decades later, until you end up at the 1994 movie. Catherine can’t go back into the gate again and then have her memory… Read more »

Furling Devastator
Furling Devastator
5 years ago

I wanna see Furlings attack and destroy the Earth. So basically, that’s it: A movie.

5 years ago

A series that continues the overall story line of the previous 3. Just a thought the ancients seeded galaxies surely more than just 2 it might be what ancients do perhaps we could find a living society of ancients in the pilot and there enemy becomes our enemy or we could just finish off the wraith… as long as there is more about the ancients i don’t mind we just need a good enemy. no reboots there is no need and the story is unfinished lets finish it.

5 years ago


Tony bonura
Tony bonura
5 years ago

I am die hard stargaze sg1: please , I want more but please give it that original sg1 feel. Bring back substance and a team we can fall in love with again

Evita Garcia
Evita Garcia
5 years ago

Number 7/8 This was a story left incomplete. Where does Atlantis end up. Does humanity fully disclose?

5 years ago

I don’t honestly think a reboot would be bad. They laid the ground work to redo SG-1 completely without wiping out the previous universe. With how the multiverse works, they could do a series where the characters are still the characters but because of some choice somewhere in the timeline, they look completely different. I mean you can take some of the things we loved from the original show and upgrade them to today (since some of the alt verses were ahead in time but different, why couldn’t this universe start their gate program later and therefore in our timeframe).… Read more »

Sandy Weller
Sandy Weller
5 years ago

Stargate-Atlantis was the best, then SG-1. They did a disservice to SG-Universe. I did not, would not watch anything on pay-per-view like Netflix. They have ruined StarTrek franchise, except for the last movie. It was closest to the original. Writers can create anything. Please continue Stargate series with many of original cast members that are available

5 years ago

Elisabeth Weir Replicator group battles the Wraith/Gundl requests help from Star Gate command. They send Atlantis and Prior coalition, encounter new enemy Gundl that has taken over the Wraith and now endanger the universe. SG-U encounters advanced Alteans who built the pocket universe obelisk. They are also fighting the Gundl. Gundl were responible for the virus that almost wiped out the ancients/Alteans think ringworld engineer types.

5 years ago

I loved Stargate SG1 and Atlantis but hated the SG Universe they really lost the plot there. Why not make a story about the Ancients? How they built the very first Star Gate? What went in to creating the gate, their success, failures, sacrifices etc. How did they installed Star Gates in other plants and how did each star gate got its address etc. Their Technology, science and weapons to defend them from other threats. Call this title “StarGate Alpha” (SG-α) (StarGate – with Alpha sign). Come on guys I’ve given you a good hint. Now go and make StarGate-Alpha… Read more »

5 years ago

Star Gate Extinction or another 2+ seasons of Stargate Atlantis (with the original season 3-4 crew). Stargate Atlantis was by far my favorite. We need closure for Elizabeth Weir, Todd the Wraith, the crew getting back to Pegasus Galaxy. So many stories and so much for MGM to gain.

steve austin
5 years ago

Atlantis and SGU suffered from decreasing budgets and lacked the wonder and magic of SG-1 (the Wraith were like a Bela Lugosi throwback). A mini series like Battlestar Galactica 50 years in the future (STNG) featuring the Fifth Race with Asgard technology traveling by ships and gates continuing what the Ancients began (dropping stargates in other galaxies) as a basis. No protagonist is needed, just introducing mysteries and wonders that develop into something beyond ascension, perhaps even pre-Ancient, a civilization a billion years prior, long gone (and certainly not 2 arms and 2 legs). Layers and layers of awe and… Read more »

5 years ago

just finished origins and thought was a decent prequel to the series but we don’t need more backstory…between the original movie and all the flashbacks throughout sg1 we have all the backstory that we need…what we need is some sort of SGU conclusion even if it means back on earth explaining that sgu crew is in stasis and earth is waiting to hear back from them while u start a new series…which should take place on earth following the story of whats going on after Atlantis reaches earth, the advancements that we make with the ancients tech and the zpm… Read more »

David J. Webb Sr.
David J. Webb Sr.
5 years ago

The fictional SG-1 and the movie walked a fine line between religion, history and the priesthoods of various religions and gods in our actual history. Many of these religions actually depended on sacrifice of humans to exist. The fine line being that they stayed away from any actual living religion. The idea being to portray the concepts of the snake merger with a human to provide an almost immortal life and superior body to what was prior to the merger. The snake/parasite took over the human mind and the human body repairing the body to give it an almost immortal… Read more »

David J. Webb Sr.
David J. Webb Sr.
5 years ago

The reluctance of MGM to sponsor a revival of the series is possibly because of the fine line between religious beliefs and the fictional series.
To make it work they will have to put back some of the original movie concepts.

Mik Hudspeth
Mik Hudspeth
5 years ago

The future of Stargate: I think a big budget feature film depicting the public revelation of the stargate program would set the stage nicely for a new series where the stargate program goes public and international. Imagine the turmoil as aliens are confirmed, technology is disseminated, and travel to elsewhere is opened. Radicals, enthusiasts, conspiracists, What an exciting movie! Then… Think of the great story possibilities with civilians going through the gate! Up ’til now it’s been the best and brightest (for the most part) that our off-world allies have dealt with. Now, they get to see the rest of… Read more »

5 years ago


P Thomas
P Thomas
5 years ago

Had an incredible dream last night about Stargate. It was a whole new concept but with an intense familiarity of all the storylines. It was absolutely cinematic and I woke up with a “whooooa!” Went online to review articles and information about what’s been going on and came across this site. Who would I contact to share this new concept?

5 years ago
Reply to  P Thomas

@P Thomas: Unfortunately, I think the short answer is that for legal reasons MGM does not accept unsolicited story ideas. But the good news is that Brad Wright is evidently working on something Stargate-related right now!

P Thomas
P Thomas
5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Can’t wait to see it!

5 years ago

Definitely a big fan of all the Stargate series but for me SGU was the best The combination of Stargate on a mysterious ancient space ship manned by a makeshift crew of people that are so diverse and unprepared made this the absolute best Stargate series and I was sad to see it go but keep hoping that it will make a comeback

5 years ago

Still not able to sign into Stargate Command site since the 6th of June. I know they said they were working to fix this but I wish to know what is going on? I hate to seem impatient but it has been a week without seeing the sign in when I go to the home page and click sign in.

5 years ago

I am in favor of anything (in video format) that continues or wraps up anything that has come before in the franchise. I loved the film and all the TV series & movies when I first saw them and I still love them all! I am most upset & disappointed about the way SGU was cut short with a cliffhanger. SG-1 was given a fairly decent ending, and we got little updates through SGA & SGU. SGA was left completely open-ended and while they at least didn’t end it on a cliffhanger, there was not any satisfying resolution with any… Read more »

5 years ago

Also… NO REBOOTS!!! or resets… And something at least primarily set in the present day. If, in some reasonable and satisfying way, the writers are able to tell stories & fill-in gaps from the past, that’s just fine and could even be very nice. And the occasional episode involving time travel has been acceptable to me thus far whether involving wormwhole encounters with solar flares or the Janus upgraded Puddle Jumper(s), or other technologies. Mobeius was one of my favorite episode pairs. I am generally much less a fan of the forays into alternate universe territory mainly because I am… Read more »

5 years ago

I always felt that one of the major strengths of the franchise was that it was essentially set in the present day in essentially our timeline/universe (with some minor divergences such as not having the same politicians/government officials, just as was done in the TV series).

I feel that it would be a mistake to leave that basic storytelling “space”.

For example, anything that involved the disclosure of the Stargate on Earth, or any major, prolonged international incidents/events/wars, etc.

Kim Butler
Kim Butler
4 years ago

In my opinion; MGM needs to take a long hard look at the success of Star Trek’s Discovery and Picard. They could do something very similar with Stargate. Leaving it in cobwebs is ridiculous. Especially with the boredom created by the covid 19; SciFi fans would jump at the chance to return to Stargate SG1

Gordon McDonald
Gordon McDonald
2 years ago

More Stargate please