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The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
13 years ago

I’ll go ahead and pre-empt the haters here with: “You forgot the ending of the final episode”

13 years ago

Tennant’s right, it is going to horrible watching it all end. But in typical Stargate fashion, it’ll make some unreal telly !!
Also some memorable moments, Cloverdale, Greer using the Stargate’s unstable vortex to fend off the alien plant yolkies. And, when Brody gets caught in one of the Stasis Pods. Good times !

13 years ago

Farewell Destiny? way to be optimistic gateworld.

13 years ago

I sure wish none of the stargates would end. I love them all and they didnt give SGU a chance at least one more season but who really cares what the fans want. I will miss it alot, whos ever fault it is it will bite them in arse one day. I am gonna miss ya SGU. thank you Theresa Huskey

13 years ago

my favorite moment of all during the final episodes was Camile Wray’s speach at the end of the episode “Epilogue” that scene could have been appropriate as a series finale closing scene. I cried hard after that episode ended, and I am shocked that it is not in the top 10 SGU Moments here.

13 years ago

I agree with “merrik86”. That scene was very uplifting. Did I cry too? I’m not sayin’.

13 years ago

Gotta say, the numa numa moment to this day still cracks me up and is one of the funniest moments Stargate has done since before Richard Dean Anderson left the series! I laughed more watching SGU this season than I did watching Atlantis’ entire run!

13 years ago

My absolute favorite moment in the series is Rush’s call for volunteers to stay on Destiny in “Twin Destinies”

That speech moved me. And the line, “As the Ancients said.. the truth in all things.” and “Destiny has come this far… if we abandon her now, there will be no coming back.” Just an incredible delivery by Mr.Carlyle.

13 years ago

Best moment is when Greer is hallucinating and on his walkie with the Colonel asking for permission to use deadly force. I could not stop laughing. It still cracks me up when he hears the opposite answer.

13 years ago

My favorite moment was the Camile speach in “Epilogue“, too! I think it was fantasting, so strong moment!!
My favourite members of the crew are dr.Johansen , Camile, Eli and Greer

13 years ago

SyFy should have at least been decent and allowed for a mini series to be produced to end the story. Though I think a proper ending would be the crew after some big event fly watch the ship jump into FTL continuing the journey.

13 years ago

One of the best moments was when they were in the elevator & the music came on, they just all looked at each other & has a smile.
The old bloke didn’t have a clue.

13 years ago

Some great moments with SGU.. ‘Time’ is one of my all time fav eps.. I Love Park now more than any other character, was so sad when she said she couldn’t see..

Theres so much I love about the show, i’ve been dreading today, i’m welling up just thinking about it.. Don’t think I could bare watching the last ep :(

13 years ago

I know it’s all business, all entertaiment, all about money… but ending SGU this way feels so wrong. I know that life will go on, but still…all characters, ship, all mythos… I want them to live on.

I really hope that Bred will get some agreement with MGM about finishing SGU story in books. We need them. Wee need closure of SGU.

13 years ago

I liked Epilogue very much I think It’s my favorite SGU episode. In fact, I believe that would be a more proper ending to series. It was a nice story for the characters. Lot of memorable moments in that one. I’m still having mixed feeling on the last episode. I just hope the cliffhanger isn’t too big. I’m definitely gonna watch. It’s just gonna be very hard. Something tells me I’m gonna be screaming at my TV. I have feeling we’re gonna be left dangling. I just can’t believe it’s gonna be all over after tonight. It’s just not fair.… Read more »

13 years ago

Definitely the end of “Epilogue”..that entire episode,the ending scene,the speach should’ve been and in fact in my book is the finale of this amazing,but shortly-lived series.
Extinguished just as it’s started to bloom!

13 years ago

My favorite moment was when in ‘Light’ crew dicovered that Destiny activated its shields and started recharging. It was so dramatic.

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

Very few recent shows have caused me to well up. And to be honest Stargate has not as of yet. The last episode of Battlestar when Laura died made me completly break down.. However I must admit the scene where Brody switched from Also Sprach Zarathustra to that other song had me rolling. It was nice to see humor in such a serious show. The elevator scene was chuckle worthy as was seeing Brody as a old man complaining about kids on his lawn, making noise was funny. Eli has been a source of humor as well as RDA when… Read more »

13 years ago

One fond fun memory of i have is the creation of the new nation: Rush -> Russia :)

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

I want to add one additional thing. My hands down most favorite part of the show has to do with how destiny recharges its self. Going into a star to literally collect solar power is just straight up ingenious and a awesome piece of eye candy. The Blue supergiant was nerve wracking but still awesome. I will miss seeing the ship and the crew and I was chapping at the bit to see what this intellegence was. But I guess that will be left to my imagination. Not to sound like Cain, but I think it is God

13 years ago

Hutto Man,common admit it,you and I know very well it’s not God…it is FURLINGS!!

13 years ago

With all the time travel going on in SGU I wouldnt of been surprised if it was the SGU crew who sent the message in the background radiation :)

13 years ago

I do think that one of their ancestors built the drones though

13 years ago

I so badly wanted them to explore the rest of the ship and have the repair bots return Destiny to her former glory. I do hope they make something else to complete the story. I wish I had 100 million dollars. I would buy the rights and revive all of the SG series and air them on a more worthy station. SyFy can burn! After tonight, I don’t believe there will be any reason to tune into SyFy. :(

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

. Furlings. Na its Q. :)

13 years ago

i love the scene in “pain” where rush’s hallucinations of the aliens taking over the ship. after fighting with greer and the team secures him, rush belts m.scott in the back with a pipe. my title= “Dr. rush in the study with the pipe”

13 years ago

What a great list. Pretty perfect.


[…] belőle, hogy mennyivel több nagyszerű jelenet volt a második évadban, mint az elsőben. Az eredeti cikket elolvashatjátok a […]

13 years ago

Greer asking Chloe for forgiveness…

13 years ago

Well, if I could, I would add ending of “Intervention” when TJ wakes up and find that her baby has died and how she goes out to platform to see that shiny cloud which she saw in the dream. Mumford And Sons “After The Storm” has a chilling/sad/bittersweet effect here. It is actually one of musical montages I really love. Life inspiring.

13 years ago

so many too pick from….plus i guess we will never know if we will see the rest of the crew from the other Destiny

13 years ago

I think I’m done with this network. Like Fox, they don’t seem to have any real backbone for Drama type shows, but want quick payoffs.
SGU was excellent, and the story was just getting started, TNT is fully supporting Falling Skies – and you know they will commit to more than 1 year no matter the initial ratings because it has to develop its audience.