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14 years ago

Ahahahahaa, let the fandom anger burn. :D

14 years ago

Fifteenth? I can barely hold my excitement. Dang Dondles, I’m so excited I got to wear shades; on account of the future being so bright and all, hopefully I won’t be dead, or gone mad due to the long wait for such a promising episode, sure to wet the appetite for all things syfy. Candle sticks and razzle dazzle :P

14 years ago

I like both these guys, hope SGU does well by them.
I won’t be watching till the clips come out on YouTube or somewhere as the xover casting still does not entice me enough to tune in live.
(if it would have been Flanigan and Hewlett back for a little McKay/Shep banter, that I would have had to tune in for…) ah well

14 years ago

SWEET!!! I figured it was going to be these two!! I read this and I was jumping up and down in my seat!!! I am so excited to see McKay on SGU and I do hope they use the com stones with them and they actually go to Destiny!!!

14 years ago

Picardo yes. How about making Hewlett disappear. Didn’t like him since SG-1 and the main reason I did not watch Atlantis. Hope his appearance will be a one time thing

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I expect… nay, DEMAND… plenty of Voyager jokes.

Jokes about the ship being stranded away from Earth, jokes about the similarities between the SGC personnel with the Starfleet crew and the members of the Lucian Alliance with the Maqui.

Jokes about the lack of a holographic doctor, or at least the state of their medical bay.

14 years ago

It’s great to see McKay-But Atlantis was about Colonel Shepperd, this sucks he’s not on-I like Woolsey, but for a guest appearance, c’mon, it’s like having Spock show up with Yeoman Rand–who cares, right?

14 years ago

I have to reiterate, this sucks if Shepperd is not going to guest.

14 years ago

YES!!!!This has made my week. Oh the possibilities. I really hate having to wait, but I have too… I know everything is going to work out great.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

Picardo is no more an atlantis actor than Tapping.


[…] Stargate Panel took place at CominCon in San Diego yesterday, and is reporting that an undisclosed member at the panel announced that David Hewlett and Robert Picardo […]

14 years ago

Maybe McKay finds a way to turn the Atlantis library Holographic projector into a Holodeck and brings the Destiny to Atlantis?

Gotta think McKay discovers something in the Atlantis database, and Woolsey still being in command of Atlantis is with him.

They weren’t too clear.. but maybe they bring someone via the stones to Atlantis to show them something?

14 years ago

“Jokes about the lack of a holographic doctor, or at least the state of their medical bay.”

I demand Woolsey to respond to that joke!

14 years ago

hilarious photo of Mckay and Rush, sort of:

14 years ago

I wonder if that will be the episode they find out about Destiny’s mission. A report in an Atlantis file perhaps? Or a reference to something on Destiny that McKay wanted to check out.

Homer 120
Homer 120
14 years ago

Sweet! Kinda knew it would be McKay though. But still nice to see he’ll be on board Destiny! And yay for Mandy Perry too!

Homer 120
Homer 120
14 years ago

Oops! Ignore that bit about Dr. Perry, didn’t read the artical properly, my bad!

14 years ago

I knew it! I said in the comments section of original news report of the SGU/SGA Crossover here at GW that Woolsey and McKay would be the logical choices to appear and I hit the nail right on the head! I also said that they aren’t my favourite characters too so my excitement for the episode has been dampened down unfortunately but I am looking forward to seeing what it is that brings them over.

14 years ago

NIIICE! can’t wait for Mckay. Maybe Mckay can figure out where exactly destiny is and use the Wormhole drive to bring Atlantis to them. Why not? They kinda threw that in at the end of EATG, why not use it again? They could resupply, get rid of some of the current characters, and put the right people on Destiny. Either way you swing it, Mckay is on the job and it will be awesome. The only downside is the LONG wait until the episode airs. I am also REALLY curious to know what is going on with Atlantis. As much… Read more »

14 years ago

Suspected Woolsey, didn’t count on McKay. I wonder how stupid can they make him on SGU considering a) he managed to solve the gravest problems on spot on SGA but b) he obviously can’t solve Destiny’s trouble and c) Rush needs to stay the top expert so neither Carter, nor McKay must prove to be more intelligent or resourceful.

14 years ago

These are logical choices, I am glad they are going this route, and not cheesy by bringing over Jewel or someone else that doesn’t make sense.

14 years ago

Great news the only problem is that everytime Picardo is on stargate the show is axed!!! SG1 then Atlantis. I hope the curse is broken!!!

14 years ago

That is not entirely accurate. Woolsey was introduced in Season 7 of SG1, and he was on Atlantis during season 3 (The Return). So, SG1 went on for another 3 seasons and Atlantis went on for another 2 seasons after Woolsey showed up in the respective series.

So, if the pattern holds, Universe will last for another couple of seasons (Or just one more if the pattern is SG1:3 more seasons, Atlantis:2 more seasons, Universe:1 more season).

14 years ago

Considering I was significantly annoyed with McKay throughout the whole Atlantis series. I mean, come on! This guy again! Ugh.

14 years ago

I hope the parts they are given have a little more substance than previous guest appearances by Carter and Daniel. If they’re going to use these actors then have them play a substantial role in the story. It will be great to see the interaction between Eli, Rush, and McKay. I hope the writers have a field day with it.

14 years ago

This awesome, the Tri of Eli, Rush and Mckay would be awesome

14 years ago

Ok. Even if I think these 2 choices seem for a part logical I don’t think Woolsey is so big character to do this crossover. After all he did one SGA entire season and some eps.(even if I liked him) For Mackay who will be Mackay without Atlantis and especially Sheppard and their banters. Mackay even if he is one of main SGA character that could appeal some audience to sgu I don’t think this character fits with sgu atmosphere with sgu characters too. He is too speed and nervous. In addition who will be the genius Mackay or Rush?… Read more »

14 years ago

I must add this. I know Mackay was the fav character of the writers so not great surprise. Mackay was the SGA character that annoyed me a lot excepted with Sheppard and I appreciated his banters with Sheppard and his real complicity. If he was the only main character in SGA I don’t think I would have followed SGA as I followed. The great thing was the relation between Mackay/Sheppard.
In addition is there sense of humor in sgu? It’s new.

14 years ago

@ Imitation Tofu – you are wise beyond your years. Rather than give the mid 2.5 series a ratings bump I figure this will fill in the big pothole that’s bound to appear. SG/SGA actors still do not make this Stargate.

14 years ago

make sure McKay has his share of porridge!

Scott Watson
14 years ago

Mckay knows how to use the up to date technology and the user friendly systems on Atlantis.

The technology on Destiny is a great deal older and its systems arnt user friendly as it pre-dates the use of the Ancient Gene. So they would have protected its systems using the old fashion method of paranoid security. I like the analogy of a Windows 7 expert being asked to try and solve problems on a DOS system.

14 years ago

This night One idea hit my mind. In fact it’s not really crossover between SGA/sgu. Did you notice the common point with these both characters? They are the only ones that appeared on SG1 in first. All others SGA characters really belongs to SGA cos they were created for SGA. So it’s only another crossover or cameo between SG1/sgu. It’s only an attempt to appeal SGA audience not real crossover between SGA/sgu. Look at the others SGA characters none appear in SG1 in first except dr Weir but she is died. So it becomes obvious they chose the only two… Read more »

14 years ago

Weir is a SG1 Charakter too. And please don´t start a “oh they´re not really SGA Characters” War. No paranoia.

14 years ago

No sense of humor so.
It’s not a start of war it’s a fact. May be a coincidence but a fact.
In addition I wrote too Weir was SG1 character too but she is died.

14 years ago

– I certainly didn’t like McKay in SG1, but LOVED him in SGA! So don’t miss out of SGA because of him. He is so much fun in SGA and there is more to him than whining and complaining. He has a good little heart. Goes to show how close hate&love is only a short step between

14 years ago

or anyone: I’ve heard several people say that Flannigan is not on top of TBTB’s list. Why is that – can anyone fill me in please? Guess he’s to outspoken, is that it?

Scott Watson
14 years ago

He said his kids found it boring which some fans translated to: he hates everything about SGU and is bitter over Atlantis.

14 years ago

thanks Tanith

14 years ago

this is great news IMO. Pretty much a lot of us suspected that McKay would appear…and now that Woolsey is coming to Destiny with McKay actually makes sense. If you think about it, according to the new S.2 trailer, the bridge is finally discovered. Thus probably presenting a lot of technical and logistical dilemmas, resulting in a conflict between the science & military crew (more or less power supply and the usage and effectiveness of Destiny’s potential). I see another political coup coming up. Hence, the reason for McKay & Woolsey coming to aboard. McKay obviously working out the technical… Read more »

14 years ago

TBTB not being so enthusiastic about inviting Joe Flannigan to guest-star on SGU might have something to do with this but I wouldn’t wager on it. That’s just an article I’ve run across on the net… UTA SUES ‘STARGATE’ ACTOR By Leslie Simmons Sept 25, 2007 UTA filed suit Monday against “Stargate: Atlantis” actor Joe Flanigan in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming that the actor owes $99,225 in commissions. The agency claims Flanigan entered into an oral contract with it in 1998, agreeing to pay 10% commissions on projects, including his deal to play Lt. Col. John Sheppard on the… Read more »

14 years ago

@daxmaryrussel It’s true he said he watched 15m of sgu and one of his kid said it was so boring but it was cos his father was not on it. No The real reason would seem JM behavior o through his blog who shows so many disdain toward him and ignore him systematically. Look at the vid he made after SGA cancellation neither Joe Flanigan in it nor any mention of him despite he was the lead actor of the show. JM said some words about all others DH JM RL RP especially JS but no words about Joe. In… Read more »

14 years ago

Not sure it’s related to this. There has been this article but it would seem all of this was solved. It’s more related to relationship with TPTB as I wrote above.
His own agent said he was not any knowledge about this ” oral contract”. This is over cos it would seem they found an aggreement according to UTA. It would seem they suit the same with Will Smith.
So I don’t think it’s the problem here.

14 years ago

be my bad it was Wesley snipes Here the answer of his manager. Flanigan’s manager, John Carrabino, said of the lawsuit: “I had no idea they did this. This is the first time I’m hearing about this.” What makes the suit a little tricky is the claim by UTA that Flanigan entered into a verbal contract with them nearly 10 years ago in 1998, and at that time, agreed to pay 10% commissions on any projects he would be involved in. He has paid for seasons one through three but has yet to cough up his 10% for… Read more »

14 years ago

Must add this

Dec 4, 2008, 12:00 AM ET
UTA has settled its yearlong lawsuit against “Stargate: Atlantis” actor Joe Flanigan to recoup $99,225 in unpaid commissions, the agency said Wednesday.

The two sides “have resolved their litigation on confidential terms and wish each other the best in the future,” UTA said.

14 years ago

Not even David Hewlett and Robert Picardo will make me watch a second of this show, sorry. As much as I like both actors, I won’t watch a show I have no interest in just because of them.

14 years ago

The interview with Joe Flanigan, where he says that his kids find SGU boring.

He also says that SGU hasn’t done so good so far and that it will be interesting to find out in a few years, if cancelling SGA for SGU was a smart choice. He says that at the moment it doesn’t look like a smart choice.

14 years ago

I love David Hewlett but not even my love for him will convince me to watch this show. I might look at clips with him on YouTube or somewhere. What I cannot believe is that Joe Flanigan (Lt. Col. John Sheppard) was not signed to appear. If Stargate: 90210 wants viewers, look at the numbers of the episode of Warehouse 13 when he was a guest star. This actor has a very loyal fanbase. Now, if he was a guest I’d watch the episode providing he got more than three minutes airtime. And I, like all the other SGA fans,… Read more »

14 years ago

@Scott Watson: About Windows 7 and DOS. That’s generalizing quite a bit. Just like TPTB saying “you don’t need to know what came before, to enjoy this”. But Just like the now proven majority of the fan base, We do know what came (and enjoyed) before SGU, just like most of us in world of computers, (Since the demographic now is hard, irrefutable fact that we are closer to the upper limit that TPTB wanted to forget, and didn’t want as a fan base) do infact, know what came before Windows 7. I myself started from DOS 3.3 and Apple… Read more »