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1 year ago

Ah I also noticed that tweet from Brad. Must be my pessimistic personality, but I read that in a less-optimistic way :) Happy 25th anniversary to Stargate SG-1! And thank you to everyone who’s been asking MGM and Amazon to bring Stargate back. With amazing fans like all of you, I’m sure they will. Sounds to me like there’s a “but” coming after that message, something along the lines of “With amazing fans like all of you, I’m sure they will do something with it eventually, but when, and if I will be involved, I doubt it, but we’ll see”.… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by DrMcKay
1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

Especially also after the twitter event of yesterday, where the only sound on the other side was the sound of silence. Nothing on Stargate Command youtube/twitter/facebook, nothing on MGMstudios or Amazonstudios Twitter, … The day came and went, but without much result I’m afraid. I have actually been wondering if this whole social media campaign and the 365 days of Stargate wasn’t way too early. If Amazon is still busy merging with MGM, doing their due diligence, mapping the landscape at MGM, cleaning up, … and are in no means far enough to already start looking at new initiatives based… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by DrMcKay
1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

When companies merge “officially”, the actual merging part has usually already been done in the desks long time before. Like tiding up and everything. Most likely, a new Starget is in the works and we just don’t know about it. Why would they make it public anyway? It’d make other streaming platforms rush to make their own sci-fi asap to compete with it. I am positive too that something is going on. I am however much convinced that it is with new producers. For the record, about not having official answers to yesterday’s tweets, when Manifest rallied too for a… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  mockingjay

Come to think of it, I also have a bit of an impression, with that latest tweet of Brad, that it sounds a bit like a farewell-tweet too, like the last one leaving closes the door and turns off the light, or maybe I’m reading too much into it? “With amazing fans like all of you, I’m sure they will.” Again, BUT… “it’s probably going to be without me, and I just hope you get something for your effort this last year on social media”. But I’m still convinced Brad already knows more. Maybe not about what any new series… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by DrMcKay
1 year ago

I was there yesterday and he said it clearly and with resignation: “will probably never see the light of day.” I’m sure that Brad knows more than what he’s allowed to say. Amazon has already asked Bond producers to rethink of the character and the upcoming movies, and they’re comissiong a team to put up a Bond tv series too. It’s just logic to think that another Stargate is on the works. For the Moonlight premiere, Emmerich said something really interesting. He said he “understood” that neither him or anyone else can get a character that’s thirthy years old and make… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  mockingjay

Remember where exactly it was in the session yesterday where he said that, that it would probably never see the light of day?

1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

OK, got it, just heard it.

At exactly 26 minutes and 10 seconds in.“in my pilot script, that probably will never see the light of day”.

Alright, that kinda settles it for me, Brad’s script is out, damn :(

bronze adonis
bronze adonis
1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

_ welcome back and keep the wishes gushing, who knows some aliens, interplanetary kind, may have gotten an idea from this ‘dream’ of “earthers” . .. …

1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

Was hoping, running out of tv to watch, new stuff is mostly trash. Have rewatched ,streamed all my scify series over and over Lol

1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

How’s your whale like friend that’s not a mammal doing these days?

1 year ago
Reply to  mockingjay

I think you are forgetting how many of the Atlantis fans were openly hostile towards SGU when it first came out. Do you remember the website SGU#####?

1 year ago
Reply to  mockingjay

I dont believe what you said about bring in new people and fresh new perspective hollywood keeps doing the same thing and alienating there acual fan base I think it’s time to start making movies and tv shows for the fans that made the show what they where anybody can watch sg1 and the others on most streaming services sg1 is on netflix and is in the most watched category for a few years now that goes for everything in the past that’s what brings more people wanting a new show old fans and new see my point?don’t have to… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Joe
1 year ago

Okay, I like the idea of the Tau’ri making their own Stargate after all these years, but I still say, and I will continue to say, that MAKING THE STARGATE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE IS A MISTAKE! Also, I’m glad Mitchell wasn’t forgotten in the script. He’s an underrated character.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hawkcam

Yeah making it public is the worst idea that will start earth problems that nobody is interested in.

Stargate wanted
Stargate wanted
9 months ago
Reply to  Hawkcam

Making the gate public knowledge is a terrible idea. We all know how irl people would react to such knowledge. Makes no sense to have it as p.k. in a show. Do think Brad should be involved in some way even if it’s just to keep them on track and not get off course and ruin what Stargate is to us long time fans but also fresh for a newer generation. To me it’s his baby and should follow most of his plot except the public knowledge of the gate. That is a mistake.

1 year ago

Don’t know why you still expect something. The 25th anniversary is really nice, but a new series? The only thing which could happen is a woke reboot, whoever is behind the script, all would be terraformed to fit expectation of monetization trough cancel culture by redoing things with new standards… Also, we have rumors and chit-chat since what, before Origin failure about something from Wright, who was working for Travelers, cancelled, and now guys think something will happen for the franchise? There is more fan-fiction ongoing on the internet about Stargate than concrete announcement beyond tweets… A lot novels, a… Read more »

Ben mcfarlane
Ben mcfarlane
1 year ago

Would jump RIGHT on a new Amazon Stargate

1 year ago

You had a perfect good Stargate in Stargate Atlantis that you prematurely trashed just so you could focus on that garbage called SGU. I still haven’t forgiven you for that. A new SG world had better be just as much fun as it was with Sheppard and McKay… But I sincerely doubt you’ll even come close.

1 year ago

A human made gate so basicly they want to make human do their version of orlin gate which gives couple of question on how to want to stabilize it as the mini gate made by orlin was unstable and one use only and the image at the begining and the concept that they describe is realy realy similiar to orlin minigate

1 year ago
Reply to  Aron

They (the US Government or at least the IOA) still have the Orlin gate, even if it is “burned out” – they could very well have figured out how to reverse engineer it considering it was made entirely with earth-made parts.

1 year ago

I challenge anyone to fire up any of the episodes from SG1 and find anything available in the past 5 years that’s as good, the writing, characters, sets, character and story/plot development, humour, comic timing, all surpasses pretty much anything available today, Picard, discovery, strange new worlds all pale in those qualities, relying more on cgi “eye candy” to wow the audience, stargate gave us excellent characters and allowed those characters to play the stories and plots out, no agendas no forcing political policies on its audience, no forcing race or gender views, yet they did the entire run of… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Gareth

The Orville season 2 and New Horizons. It will surprise you how good it is for a newer show

1 year ago
Reply to  Ipt4000

Yeah. I wouldn’t say as good as the best of Stargate but still pretty darned good considering all the the current stuff.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gareth

I agree with what you said but star trek,tng,ds9 and voyager where the most diverse shows on tv without doing so to fill a quota lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joe
1 year ago

Not interested as long as he continues to insist that the gate be public knowledge. I’d rather a reboot than that (and I am NOT a fan of a reboot – but I would at least give one a chance as long as it largely adheres to the TV shows canon (at least the broad strokes – go’auld as snakes, asgard, nox, etc. all exist etc.) and not just the first movie) I do like the idea of us building our own gates – although I think we should do it by finding a broken down seedship somewhere in another… Read more »

1 year ago

Yeah I can see they might have made some advacnements, but a human-built Stargate might not be the best way to go. One of my ideas actually was that they found the template for a newer generation of Stargate in the Atlantis database and used molecular construction chambers to fabricate one. But a totally human one – that sounds WAY TOO SOON. Probably would be a deathtrap, not to mention not as reliable as the Ancient versions. Could see a LOT OF PROBLEMS with it.

Rajesh Mistry(India)
Rajesh Mistry(India)
1 year ago

What if Stargate Universe series stars from where it ends. I liked the most, the concept was entirely different from both SGC and SGA.

I request to begin with SGU with new season…

Last edited 1 year ago by Rajesh Mistry(India)
1 year ago

As a fan of Stargate, I was hoping for a mini series that brings all three series together, so we can see what happens when the Stargate goes public, we could see how the war with the Wraith comes to an end and how the team aboard Destiny, escape their confines to the ice boxes and find the answers they are looking for.

These are the questions I think we all want to see and not some new version that leaves us wanting closure to the team we know and love.

1 year ago

Since the merger announcement I’ve been saying that a Brad Wright led Stargate at Amazon led MGM would be highly unlikely. The new fangled, woke leaning studios and production teams do not, as a rule, hold high regard for source material or existing canon. Unfortunately, they want fresh young diverse faces (talent optional) both in front of and behind the camera. Wright doesn’t fit that bill on many fronts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Corvinus

Yep I cant get into anything new it’s all what you said and as others have said rewatching sg1 again then it will be atlantis then tng ds9 voyager etc I do then same thing every year I found a show called darkmatter which was pretty good it scratched an itch for something scifi same the expanse but that show went down tho.If you have something to recommend I watch let me know.

1 year ago

I hope they leave the trend of the current stink that hollywood keeps forcing down peoples throats, do what they did with SG1 seasons 1to8 and most of atlantis and everything will do fine!

Robert Y Speed
1 year ago

I thought a long time ago that they should have moved the gate to Yucca Flats.

7 months ago

Whats the hold up?, saw ever episode 3 times at least + last Ori movie and first movie. Never saw prequel. Lots of fans the show was one of hope. Sanctuary my other favorite was a series of acceptance – Both with the best leading lady ever for the gal and guy fans. If the SG1 could have all past SG1 members on some of the missions would be super cool like a company or platoon.

7 months ago

ya the new post is a different Joe