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1 year ago

Yeah, great, thanks again Amazon and MGM, for nothing. Now this great piece of a game, which is actually a game the fans wanted, is gone for good. Instead we get a crappy RTS game which nobody wants, which looks like it came from 1995 and which hardly even looks like a Stargate game. If SGN would have gone commercial, I would have actually spent good money, even though my gaming days are far behind me, just to financially support them. Timekeepers on the other hand, no interest what so ever. Honestly, have we seen even one good decision in… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by DrMcKay
9 months ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

I said nearly the same thing on another forum somewhere 😂😂

1 year ago

That’s a bummer :(

1 year ago

By the way Amazon US is once again displaying the warning that Stargate is leaving in 14 days.

1 year ago
Reply to  Darren

False alarm as in a glitch or false alarm as in they decide to keep it at the last minute? Don’t think it’s a glitch since everyone on Stargate reddit is reporting it too. Someone there suggested Amazon might be pulling it to put it on the new MGM+ service they’re launching next year.

1 year ago

I’m a huge fan of Stargate, I’ve watched SG1 and Atlantis multiple times. I actually had no idea about this game, but would definitely have played the game if I’d known about it. I understand licensing issues, but it seems so unfair that so much time and hard work should just come to nothing. I hope Amazon sees sense and can come to an agreement.

1 year ago

I get that people are upset about the game but unfortunately it’s more complicated than people think. Unless something is licensed through the proper channels, Amazon/MGM can’t allow it to go through because then it sets a dangerous precedent of allowing other IP squatters to use and possibly profit off Stargate illegally. Even if MGM doesn’t mind or care, this is not something they can do and it’s definitely not what giant corporate behemoth Amazon will ever do with anything it owns. It’s neither good legal nor good business practice. I will say, however, that instead of shutting it down,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  shelly

Yeah, but have a good look at their official statement. I checked this on their discord too, where I’ve been following them for years. Apparently they realised themselves that they would need proper licensing and tried to contact MGM through different channels between 2018 and 2021, but were just ignored, they never got a response. Then suddenly in 2021, when that crappy Timekeepers game is announced, THEN suddenly they recognize SGN and slap them with a cease and desist, after ignoring their attempts at talking for years. Then suddenly they started having talks. Sorry, but from the side of MGM,… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by DrMcKay
1 year ago
Reply to  DrMcKay

MGM has been a mess the last few years pre-Amazon sale. Brad himself said he’s tried to contact people there and was told every time the people he tried to reach “no longer works at MGM.” It’s very likely whoever the game creators tried to reach may not even have gotten or seen those messages to license. It’s unfortunate but that’s what it is – distressed companies often lay off or close certain departments so things get lost in the shuffle.

1 year ago
Reply to  shelly

But still, Brad got an answer that the people he tried to reach are no longer working for MGM. So, he was not completely ignored… . I mean what kind of signal does this give to us, when some really inspired stargate fans are completely ignored by the owners of the franchise? I mean even the actors tried to reach out to MGM to help the team of stargate network. Seems like they have been ignored as well, so again, what kind of signal are they giving to us? The team tried to do the right thing by getting an… Read more »

John Steuber
1 year ago

No worries Ancient Rings is still in development. just took short pause and will be kicking things up.

1 year ago

I didn’t even know this existed until now , and now that I do, I am incredibly sad :( viva la Stargate Network.

Lord Stirling
Lord Stirling
1 year ago
Reply to  Akren

Same. Had no idea it was out there until it was too late…

1 year ago
Reply to  Akren

Yep. This is how I found out this existed. I would’ve loved this.

1 year ago

..and literally the day before my birthday; what a sucky birthday present :((

1 year ago

I owned the box sets on DVD and when times were tough and couldn’t afford the cable bill that month I never stressed. I would randomly grab a disc and watch it or start from 1. Got every ex girlfriend into it them as well. 5 years ago I lost my memory. I didn’t start regaining them until late October 2021. I struggled with life and other than work didn’t go out with friends like I used to. My girlfriend at the time told me it was my favorite show and that I made her a fan too. She was… Read more »

Lord Stirling
Lord Stirling
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonathon

Glad you’re regaining your memories. And that Stargate helped you through your experience. Stargate is a powerful thing!

Lord Stirling
Lord Stirling
1 year ago

Ughh… This is incredibly sad. It would have been amazing to walk around Atlantis…

Micah van Everdingen
Micah van Everdingen
1 year ago

Damn, this looks amazing.
I am so sad now that it won’t ever be coming out :(