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Marton Szokor
3 months ago

Stargate fans were promised SG: Revolution and SG: Extinction. Seeing BW’s creative vision come to fruition in form of an SG-1, Atlantis and Universe sequel should be top priority. Put a cherry on top for the franchise cake, soft reboot Stargate afterwards.

3 months ago

I wish they would get on with it so there would be some continuity from the old show. I would be very disappointed if they don’t stick with the ‘canon’. New viewers can be brought up to date — it’s not rocket science.

3 months ago

If they made it now it would be super woke and have all check boxes checked, then die off because everyone hates it.

3 months ago

I believe that the original canon needs to be maintained for a successful reboot!
But by gleaning all of the available info concerning the happenings around a future project leaves me to believe that, (if made), it will be a totally new reboot without any legacy characters. Also, this reboot will be transformed into a woke version not worth watching. Possibly very Disney-esque in nature! We shall see.

1 month ago

Screw them. I will just watch the SG1 and Atlantis series once or twice a year until I die. They’ve screwed around too long already, and if they are too stupid to recognize the genius and value of the stargate franchise — they don’t deserve to profit from it.

15 days ago

I’m in for several StarGate projects… In order of most wanted:
1. Trilogy of films by the original Stargate creators (separate from show)
2. A Conclusion to SGU (within One season of 22 episodes)
3. StarGate Atlantis on Earth as the new Stargate Command with a conglomerate threat from the Pegasus Galaxy that collectively obliterated the Wraith. Zero Lucian Alliance, Zero Wraith except for the one on Atlantis, maybe a couple rogue goauld every dozen episodes making them more incognito

11 days ago

What about Tom cruise as sg-1 leader? He kinda looks like ben browder and we are used to see tom as pilot secret agent military police with that spike of rebel like O’neill. They can do the same they did with Richard D. Anderson after a couple seasons make Tom general with that comedy touch that is unique to him just like Anderson. You know some accidental stumble of Tom finding out about the stargate program while nosing around some dusty hangar full of wrecked alien space ships. I think it would be right up his alley. Maybe general Samantha… Read more »

11 days ago

hey here is a twist!! General O’neill with 2 ls as president o’neill !!! Doing whatever he wants ” within reason ;)” like samantha said when he became general. Maybe finally marrying Samantha!!! Hermioid can be the priest!! Just like episode 200 O’neill would super charge the sg command budget and thus modernize earth’s fleet of space ships. Please ask the former ori priors how to make ZPMs or find the replicator repository of knowledge. Ooh and keep the series pg13 i bet my kids would love to watch new episodes. My son loves sg1 window of opportunity chapter and… Read more »