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2 years ago

I have a question about the departure of another cast member not of SG-1 but Atlantis: Rainbow Sun Francks. I never understood if his exit was a decision made by the actor or determined by the production.

2 years ago
Reply to  Federico

I believe he was written out after Momoa joined. If I remember right, they wanted to mix things up and Ford was on the unlucky end of it. I really liked him on the show but didn’t like the storyline that led to his exit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kayani

I agree, having him and Ronon would have been really cool. I especially found distastful that they turned him into a villain and eventually killed him off.

2 years ago
Reply to  Federico

The Character was thin, the acting was mediocre at best. What can you do with a character that contributes absolutely nothing? Write them off.

Lord of Nightmares
Lord of Nightmares
2 years ago
Reply to  Federico

From what I can recall, it was Francks himself who wanted to move on, as he felt that the writers weren’t really doing anything with Aiden’s character, so he approached them with a pitch on how he could exit the show gracefully, and they were willing to accommodate him

Tammie Evans
Tammie Evans
2 years ago

I’m new to the world of Stargate. I’ve almost watched all of SGA (three episodes left!) and I’m only a handful of episodes into SG-1, but I know immediately that Jack’s departure will hit me the hardest, he’s such an integral part of the team. I can’t imagine how the team will look with any of them gone. So sad!

2 years ago
Reply to  Tammie Evans

Welcome to the awesome world of Stargate =) SG-1 is much better than Atlantis imo although I liked the entire world of Stargate with the exception of Origins …. that’s kind of eh. I have lost count of how many times I have watched SG-1 series.

2 years ago

Very interesting
Thanks for that

Joshua J. Slone
2 years ago

Back in the day I was catching up with things as season 8 was airing. Daniel was a favorite character, but I’d seen the show go on without him. I thought to myself that, with his overall importance to the story and basically having the closest relationship to each of the other main characters, the only person who was really irreplaceable was O’Neill. Boy was I surprised when I found out what was happening for the first season I’d be watching alongside everyone else!

2 years ago

what about Sgt. Walter Harriman

2 years ago

“…She has a short video chat with Cameron Mitchell soon after he arrives at Stargate Command, hoping to lead SG-1 (and not rebuild a team from scratch).”

Mitchells hope was to join SG-1 not leading the Team. He mention it itself in Landrys office. He still thought Carter was in Command and he was willing to be the second in line.

2 years ago

I watched each series as they aired, and I have to tell you that Janet Frasier’s death hit me the hardest. I still have to prepare myself mentally when I know that episode is coming up in a rewatch. The reason for this is that, firstly, Daniel Jackson’s return was completely forshadowed by “Ascension.” And, secondly, Jack O’Neill was there less and less, so it didn’t feel like a huge deal at the time. But Janet Frasier’ death was shocking, out of nowhere, and clearly final. What made it work was that that’s exactly how she would’ve acted, regardless of… Read more »

1 year ago

Teryl Rothery. I liked Dr. Frasier and felt that her death was tragic. I think there was more that they could have done with her character.