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David Walters
4 years ago

Isn’t that a font?

Jack Hoe Neal
4 years ago

It was boring though.

Kurt Dedmon
Kurt Dedmon
4 years ago

It was a great show! Cancelled too early! But was definitely a Space soap opera that required watching from the beginning to understand. Not as easy to jump in randomly and grasp the story or action. Character build up took a good part of the first and second season before you could care at all for them. Sad that it was never finished!

4 years ago

It began well but rapidly went down hill. The other SG series showed humanity as worth saving. SGU showed them as too flawed to even hold their jobs, constant infighting and even murdering each other. This approached has killed off some excellent science fiction. Anyone recall “Colony”? After the killed off the younger son the parents and elder son were practically suicidal. All the strength went out of colony by having the “good guys” be destructive of each other, to hold secret agendas from each other and generally not be worth saving. SGU went the same way and then tried… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Enuf

Sad for you

Patricia Allshouse
Patricia Allshouse
4 years ago

I want more SG UNIVERSE, c’mon writers, bring it back!

4 years ago

they should stayed in that planet …not the ending we all know

4 years ago

I was never a fan of the show, it was too different to the other two iterations of Stargate that I loved so much. But in the distance of years, and being able to see the last 4 hours of the show together in a binge, I have to say that now I wish I had more. I want to know what happened to Eli, I want to know if the rest of the crew woke up, I finally started to really care about them. There is so much I now want to know because those last episodes were so… Read more »

Blue Star
Blue Star
4 years ago

I finally got done watching SGU in its entirety, over ten years after it aired. I watched it when it aired in 2009 but never got past the first few episodes. I love SG-1 and SGA and this was way too soapy for me. About 80% soap and 20% sci-fi. They could have have set it in Beverly Hills with snotty teenagers and wouldn’t have made a difference.
IMO, of the 40 episodes, the last 10 probably were SG worthy. I enjoyed watching the second have of second season but we all know the show was long doomed by then.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blue Star

Should’ve cut the “soap” parts to a bare minimum, but otherwise it was an interesting series. Back then I was too pissed off at the creators for canceling Atlantis and the promised annual movies not happening (we should thank MGM for that, I suppose).

3 years ago

There are things I love about SGU and there are things I absolutely detest about it (mainly in Season 1, S2 improved a lot). Still, as much as I love more wholesome SG-1 and Atlantis, SGU wasn’t half bad, and they should bring Stargate back in some form. “Travelers” proved that Brad Wright still got “it”, the special spark.