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1 year ago

The show was incredible. The uniqueness of each character and how they interacted with one another kept me coming back for more each week. I absolutely enjoyed the Stargate shows and hope that one day we can again.

1 year ago

Stargate Universe was not my cup of tea, i preferred SG1 and Stargate Atlantis.

1 year ago

How about a movie to wrap up Destiny and crate a spinoff? Huge fan of SG1 and Atlantis but you are correct, Universe had something special going. I still worry about Eli.

1 year ago

The series basically LOST and BSG (remake) combined which worked well. SGU had me hooked from from episode 1, but SG-1 was dreadfully “meh” the first and second season.

1 year ago

As first,[i realize now that i was mistaken] i didn’t like the jump back to “flashbacks or previous moments” on SGU.But then it all fell into place.I’ve always liked the”fish out of water” stories and characters.Loved how the characters grew,yet still kept their beliefs and characteristics that some could perceive as flaws.Would have liked a conclusion,but i prefer none at all to a rushed hokey one.

Adam David Collings
1 year ago

Well said. I loved the more grounded serious character focus of the show, and the science fiction mysteries, big and small, to be uncovered. In many ways, SGU felt like the most science fiction of all three shows.

1 year ago

Loved SGU – it was star gate for grown-ups. I loved the lack of cheesy “humour” and the grittiness of the setting. Miss it terribly, and would love to see it finished somehow.

1 year ago

Great article. All those points hit for me.

Novus Astria Porta
Novus Astria Porta
1 year ago

SGU was naturally the best and most aesthetically pleasing of the shows – it was after all made in the era when good CGI had become fairly cheap and easy to make, unlike SG1 and SGA. Beyond that, the show also had a complexity of story-telling that was better put together and more interesting than at least the first couple of seasons of SG1. I don’t think any of the shows are specifically a favorite of mine over the others – I love them all (except origins which I don’t consider canon at all) and I really seriously hope that… Read more »

1 year ago

SGU grew on me over time. I wasn’t initially onboard with it because I wasn’t sure about the new cast but by season 2 I was fully invested. I still think about the finale from time to time. I’ve been rewatching SG1 and I’m halfway through S9 now. Makes me realize my favourite episodes are the more space and sci-fi heavy ones, which SGU had in abundance. I can’t believe it’s been 12 years already. I was hopeful for a couple years after SGU ended that we would get a movie conclusion but that never happened. And then a couple… Read more »

Ascended Human
1 year ago

SGU deserved 5 seasons and a full story. That second season was the finest of ANY Stargate had produced and I know all three shows like the back of my hand.

SGU was, unfortunately, about 5 years ahead of its time, and I imagine it would have been a huge success on its own to a modern audience.

Keith Snyder
Keith Snyder
1 year ago

Just finished SGU 5/15/2023, binged the 2 seasons. While the series was interesting & entertaining…I was disappointed with how it ended without conclusions.I obviously knew there were only 2 seasons and with only a couple of episodes left…I wasn’t expecting an epic ending but I was hopeful.

1 year ago

I quickly grew to love SGU and the different direction they took. It was a shame that some of the fans felt the need to reject it so loudly. It might’ve made the difference if it had been a resounding ratings success – instead we’ve had an unfinished storyline and an unfinished drought.

1 year ago

Think sgu biggest thing is allowed bigger stories wish lots more on orgins of sgu somewhere in story telling I think sgu could give you story that goes back original ancients Galaxy builds forward aka why destiny built earth how predated Atlantis and did ship have connected story same or different ancients involved creation of both ships and seperate story origins of seed ships and much much more story of backwards time traveled desiney crew and civilizations and what did once they relocated in galaxy or did they fail second time and what about eli and tc possibly terrible endings… Read more »

Tony Koshansky
Tony Koshansky
1 year ago

The show changed my life, honestly. It opened my mind to the sheer wonder and mystery of the Universe in a way no other sci-fi ever did, not even Star Trek (which I also love). After it was cancelled, I found myself learning all about astronomy, and eventually I spent six years doing volunteer work for an astronomy podcast. I think it’s safe to say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t watched SGU. Destiny shall continue to fly on in my heart. And I also sincerely hope the soundtrack will be released one day.

1 year ago

All three series are excellent, I would like to continue filming SGU or some new series. Greetings from Serbia

1 year ago

We miss SGU. Loved it in 2010-2011, love it now 2023.

Wish Amazon would give us more episodes to this unique epic!

1 year ago

I just thought that the new show would end up being woke. Glad it didn’t happen, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the script if Brad decided to reveal it.

1 year ago

The visual style apart from the set and the CGI was completely based on Battlestar Galactica. The only thing I didn’t like about the show.

Larry Budow
Larry Budow
9 months ago

So I just watched SGU for the first time to the end this September 2023. I was in prison for many years. I did not check the date of SGU while I watched it. It seemed fresh and new to me in this September of 2023. I am so bummed it is over. I hope you will read this and rethink bringing it back. I hope it will be soon happen, you never know if you will be here for long. I would really be grateful if you brought it back. Thank you!