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6 years ago

SGU is my favorite, well that’s not true, I love all SG shows, but I have no idea why we haven’t had at least 10 years of reruns to enjoy! They just quit on us, I’m not familiar with how they decide which shows get canceled, but I really thought they had a very good show going! Oh well, may they realize there mistake one day!

David Walters
6 years ago

Hi Sara, As someone who knows this show well, I’d like to leave some pointers that may help you better enjoy the show (while not ruining the discoveries, of course). Explaining the characters in the show can best be done by quoting the Dave Mason song: There ain’t no good guys, There ain’t no bad guys, There’s only you and me and we just disagree. This to me was one of the most brilliant aspects of the show. Every character was capable of doing something good, something bad. They’ll make you love them and then they’ll make you hate them,… Read more »

6 years ago

+1 for David’s comments. I had to log in to say how much I am enjoying your series Sara. It brings me back to when I first got to see SGU, having such a different series to enjoy, where they stick to the formula of going through the gate and exploring the unknown.

Although I miss the show’s newness and the writer’s imagination, your blog helps.

6 years ago

I recently started SGU for the first time as well, so your comments are quite fresh in my mind. I’ve only barely finished the first season. I love the different shows for different reasons. One thing I believe SGU to thrive on is the ambiguity of characters, the morally greyness. It’s a blast to watch because everyone’s opinions or takes on characters are different! For example, I prefer Rush over young, and Chloe x Scott over her and Eli. I 100% agree on not knowing any side characters names though! That’s my biggest issue I think. It took me ages… Read more »