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Janice Prince
Janice Prince
5 years ago

My choice is that of Janet Fraiser. She was one of my most favorite characters and I could have seen her being involved in all the later episodes and maybe even in Atlantis. So very sad at her departure. And I really didn’t think her “funeral” scene was all that great. The gathering of the troops in the Gateroom was fine, but I think there could have been something bigger than that as a send off for her. Plus, I felt that Cassie should have been there in at least one scene.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Janice Prince

Couldn’t agree more Janice, for me Teryl stole every scene she was in, and her character should have been developed, and yes, wouldn’t it have been great to have had Janet appear alongside Carson Beckett?

madison Everhart
madison Everhart
5 years ago

Jack O’Neill but i understand His Child was more Important than stargate at the Time

Charles Baughman
Charles Baughman
5 years ago

I miss Stargate

Tommy Gourzis
Tommy Gourzis
5 years ago

When Beckett left I was upset. When Dr Weir left I was mad. I couldnt watch anymore.

5 years ago

Mine was Daniel Jackson, hands down. Yah he comes back, but that didn’t make the death any easier to take. I didn’t mind Jonas. But still when I watch that season, it feels like something is missing. Second would be Carson Beckett. He was the heart of Atlantis, and him leaving left a hole, that was never really filled.

S. Coleman
S. Coleman
5 years ago

I don’t know why SG: Atlantis was discontinued after only 5 years. Total discontinuity leaving the city overlooking San Francisco harbor. Also what did they do with the wraith “Todd”? Too many loose ends…

Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor
5 years ago

You forgot one other cast member that was killed off by the replicators. Thor was the Supreme commander of the Asgarddean fleet, but the replicators took out his race.

Jeffery Alan Dickeson
Jeffery Alan Dickeson
5 years ago

It will never be the same with Jack. That was the fundamental loss.

5 years ago

Janet Frazier.
I got teary eyed when they revealed her death in that episode.

Michael Garber
Michael Garber
5 years ago

What about Sharai(sp?)?

paula gittman
5 years ago

What are the five races talk bout on sg1 and did they show them all

Just Jamie
Just Jamie
5 years ago

The death of Jacob Carter/Selmac stung quite a bit. But so did a number of others NOT mentioned in this article: Egeria and the Tok’ra who sacrificed herself for her queen, Kanan, Martouf, Sha’re, the Reetou known only as “Mother,” Kianna (the Kalownan and her Goa’uld symbiote who sacrificed themselves to save the planet), Dr. Kieran (Jonas Quinn’s former professor), the death of John Sheppard in the “Vegas” episode of SGA… The list goes on and on.

Dana Farricker
Dana Farricker
5 years ago

Ken Taylor: Thor wasn’t a cast member.

5 years ago

Janet Fraiser hands down..

And Thor was a puppet voiced by Daniel Jackson

5 years ago

I missed Jack the most. I loved his humor and the way he and Daniel interacted in their disagreements just by the way they said each other’s name. I stopped watching the show after he left.

3 years ago
Reply to  Meggie


5 years ago

Don Davis. Loved his character. When he passed away felt as though I had actually lot lost a family member. Will never get enough of the reruns of SG-1

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Only the ones with RDA and DD

Fior komi
Fior komi
5 years ago

Oh Janet for sure. Men don’t cry, so I must have spilled sea water on my face that night. And yes, the funeral was not enough, but that was the point. She’s gone, gone, gone. Nothing’s gonna bring her back. Lol, except for Samantha Carter, with an impossible scheme to raid a parallel universe for a ZPM…

5 years ago

Finally, something I’ve written earlier than GateWorld.

Very similar list, though. :D

Kathleen Wills
Kathleen Wills
5 years ago

Janet Fraiser’s death left me bereft and bitter. No matter the platitudes, her death both was unrealistic and unhonored. What has plagued me from the beginning was that she was sent into the fray in the first place. The cardinal rule, as laid out in the preceding years, was broken for ratings both real, and fictional. As CMO, she was to be kept safe, to be ready for the wounded as they were returned home. She would be waiting. I have to wonder if the impetus for her being tossed into a war zone, was to appease the documentary’s filmmakers…fulfilling… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen Wills

“Beyond the loss of such a beloved character, what disappointed me the most, perhaps overshadowing the ultimate goal of her death, was the utter dismissal of Janet Fraiser. Other than an alternate’s appearance in The Ripple Effect, she was never mentioned again. Ever. She was never remembered fondly, mentioned as a loss deeply felt, or revered as the tenacious, stalwart healer she became. Her name wasn’t listed among regretted decisions, nor of opportunities lost. Did Cassie graduate, perhaps as valedictorian, and speak of her mother with pride? The true grief of Janet Fraiser’s death-that she was…forgotten.”


Last edited 3 years ago by Tara
David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen Wills

Oh Wow Kathleen, your words are as touching as the death of Janet. I know its a long time ago, i am just watching Stargate here in the UK(again). We are in season three, so some way to go before that truly awful episode. What did her death add to the show? It didn’t add anything, all it achieved was to leave the fans devastated. What is it with this, “we need to shake things up”? What does that even mean? Also, what is it with the doctors in Stargate? Not content with killing Janet off in Stargate SG-1, they… Read more »

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Kathleen Wills

I couldn’t agree more, Janet’s death was pointless, there was no creative purpose behind it. They thought that season seven was going to be the last, but why does that mean a character has to die, lets face it, they were never going to kill off a main character. Jack Sam, Daniel and Teal’c survived the most outrageous death defying situations virtually every episode, plot armour comes in handy. What made Janet’s death all the more galling, is that most of the time she rarely got out of sickbay, let alone off world, but, when they want her dead, its… Read more »

5 years ago

The one with the most impact for me was Heroes (pt1 and 2)… the entire writing for that story was fantastic. The emotions that existed for the entire scenario, not only the death/reactions to the death, were laid together fantastically. Then there was the goodbye for Beckett in “Sunday” … it just… *sob*.. it was too much. Saying goodbye to a friend is hard, just as this episode’s ending beautifully portrayed. The rest were not bad, just felt …. a part of the story, and not as jarring (as though it was lead up to). Those 2 described above were… Read more »

Rebekka L.
Rebekka L.
3 years ago

Heroes was terribly executed and horribly written, so I couldn’t disagree more.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rebekka L.
Kilburn Hall
Kilburn Hall
5 years ago

SG-1 missed a terrific opportunity to incorporate Origins flashbacks with Ellie Gall as Catherine Langford and use it as a springboard for an Origins major motion picture. Hollywood,m when I was a kid considered a show a success if it was renewed for season two. Nowhere before has a series gone on for ten or eleven years.

If you like the Stargate series look forward to my new book SHEBA coming in 2020. IN THE DESERT, THE LINE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH; IS SHARP AND QUICK.

5 years ago

All of them Dammit!!!

5 years ago

The 5 races are: the Nox, the Furlings, the Asgard, the Ancients and us (the Taur’i)

Paul Simonson
Paul Simonson
5 years ago

They really should have kept Jonas. And when they added Ms Black, well, that was very strange.

Susan McKenney
Susan McKenney
5 years ago

Does the actor who played teyla ever appear at these conventions? Big not, why?

Darryl Ruiz
Darryl Ruiz
5 years ago

I guess Drs Weir and and Frasier killing off a character to shake thing up is stupid tho I liked Carter she.onld did a few episodes and Woolsey was a.lame replacement

Allen Meyer
Allen Meyer
4 years ago

Janet Frazier was a big loss.
However so was Torri Higginson.
Stargate could have done so much with her character(Dr. WEIR) but they missed a great Opportunity.

SG fan
SG fan
3 years ago

Reading this article I get the impression that it was Sci Fi channel that ruined the show and Atlantis later… They should have kept Jonas especially I liked the Jonas-Janet relationship was developing well… I guess they didn’t have the money for Corin and Michael so that hurts the most for me to have developed this character Jonas and then cut loose it makes you wonder how they will treat the other actors? Overall the Mitchell character was redundant in S9 they should have had Sam, Daniel, Teal’c, Jonas in S8-S9 with Mitchell as two-parter or recurring only. Then Vala… Read more »

thi cong noi that
3 years ago

The cardinal rule, as laid out in the preceding years, was broken for ratings both real, and fictional. As CMO, she was to be kept safe, to be ready for the wounded as they were returned home. She would be waiting. I have to wonder if the impetus for her being tossed into a war zone

3 years ago

They ruined Stargate by killing Janet. She was my favorite character. Jack was my second favorite. They should’ve developed on the Daniel/Janet relationship. Now Death Knell is my last episode in EVERY rewatch, still pissed at Cooper for ruining the show!

3 years ago

Just a lousy honorable mention when it was the start of the show going downhill? Heroes literally killed the show.

1 year ago
Reply to  Unfair


Krys Britton
Krys Britton
3 years ago

Janet for me. I still wish I had Stargate to watch every Friday night. The charecters all became family that I just had to catch up with every week. Meeting many of the cadt members at our conventions here in CO has been a joy. All of them are warm, lovley people.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Krys Britton

A myth has developed around this episode, that it was a classic, one of the finest, indeed the finest in the series history. The reality is that, it wasn’t a particularly good story, you might have imagined that, with the death of a beloved character, the episode might have been, all about Janet, or at the very least, she would be heavily involved, in fact, you barely notice her. Then, after this she is never mentioned again(apart from season nine’s Ripple Effect. Why couldn’t they just left our favourite characters alone and let us enjoy them?

1 year ago
Reply to  David Smith

Exactly. I gave up on tv shows because they had to ruin Stargate with Heroes. I struggle to enjoy anything anymore. I still rewatch Stargate up until before Heroes, but the plotholes for me is too much. I need conclusion! I never watch anything new anymore because I feel I’m not allowed to keep my favorite character, I’m tired of everything taking them away.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago

Without a shadow of doubt, Janet’s departure hit me the hardest. She was very underused during her run, in one episode during season six, Sam is electrocuted at the base, she is taken to the infirmary, but Janet was nowhere to be seen, was it her day off? Then, just as we where getting to know her a little better, discovering that she had a life away from the SGC, they killed her. To make it worse, her death was meaningless, she was just sent through the gate to be assassinated. Janet deserved so much better.

1 year ago

Why was my comment removed?